Cover image for Netter's illustrated human pathology
Netter's illustrated human pathology
Netter's illustrated human pathology
Buja, L. Maximilian, author.
Second edition.
Publication Information:
Philadelphia, PA : Saunders/Elsevier, [2014]
Physical Description:
xxvi, 528 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
General Note:
Includes index.
1. General reaction patterns : -- Introduction.

2. Cardiovascular system : -- Introduction -- Congenital malformations -- Atherosclerosis -- Coronary heart disease -- Hypertensive cardiovascular disease -- Heart failure -- Diseases of the aorta -- Immunologic diseases -- Other inflammatory diseases of the heart -- Cardiomyopathies and metabolic diseases -- Valvular heart disease -- Tumors of the heart -- Diseases of the pericardium -- Trauma.

3. Respiratory system : -- Introduction -- Obstructive lung diseases -- Restrictive lung diseases -- Vascular lung diseases -- Pulmonary infectious diseases -- Tumors in the lungs and the pleura.

4. Gastrointestinal system : -- Introduction -- Diseases of the esophagus -- Diseases of the stomach -- Diseases of the small and large intestines -- Bowel obstruction -- Tumors of the small and large intestines.

5. Liver, gallbladder, and pancreas : -- Introduction -- Inflammatory diseases of the liver -- Toxic and immunologic disorders of the liver -- Metabolic diseases involving the liver -- Primary tumors of the liver -- Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis -- Tumors of the gallbladder and the bile ducts -- Acute and chronic pancreatitis -- Cystic fibrosis -- Carcinoma of the pancreas.

6. Kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder : -- Introduction -- Primary diseases of the kidney -- The kidney and systemic diseases -- Diseases of the urinary system.

7. Diseases of the male reproductive system : -- Introduction -- Development of the genital tracts -- Diseases of the penis and the urethra -- Diseases of the prostate gland and the seminal tract -- Diseases of the scrotum and the testis.

8. Diseases of the female reproductive system : -- Introduction -- Diseases of the vulva -- Diseases of the vagina -- Diseases of the uterus -- Diseases of the fallopian tubes -- Diseases of the ovary -- Pregnancy and its diseases -- Pathology of the mammary gland.

9. Integumentary system (skin) : -- Introduction -- Acute dermatitis -- Chronic dermatitis -- Vesicular and bullous dermatoses -- Infectious diseases -- Hyperplasia and benign tumors -- Malignant tumors.

10. Hematopoietic and lymphatic tissues : -- Introduction -- Red blood cell disorders -- White blood cell disorders (Nonlymphatic) -- Nonneoplastic lymphatic disorders -- Neoplastic lymphatic disorders.

11. Bones, joints, and soft tissues : -- Introduction -- Diseases of calcium metabolism -- Infectious diseases -- Noninfectious arthritic diseases -- Paget disease -- Tumors of the skeletal system -- Soft tissue disorders.

12. Endocrine system : -- Introduction -- Hypothalamus -- Pituitary gland -- Thyroid gland -- Parathyroid glands -- Adrenal cortex -- Adrenal medulla -- Endocrine pancreas.

13. Nervous system : -- Introduction -- Neurologic disorders of infancy and childhood -- Pathologic basis of common problems in neurology -- Cerebrovascular disease -- Central nervous system trauma -- Brain tumors -- Degenerative disorders of the central nervous system -- Infectious diseases -- Demyelinating disorders of the central nervous system -- Disorders of the spinal cord, nerve root, and plexus -- Disorders of the motor neuron, peripheral nerve, neuromuscular junctioon, and skeletal muscles.
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Book 7.2/15/31129 QZ 17 B932 2014
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