Power for the world the emergence of electricity from the sun
Palz, W. (Wolfgang), 1937-
Publication Information:
Singapore : Pan Stanford Pub., 2011.
Physical Description:
xxx, 575 p. : ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.).
ch. 1, pt. 1. The rising sun in a developing world -- ch. 1, pt. 2. Solar power for the world -- ch. 1, pt. 3. PV today and forever -- ch. 2. My solar age started with Tchernobyl / Franz Alt -- ch. 3. More electricity for less Co[subscript 2] / Yves Bamberger -- ch. 4. Solar power in practice / Stefan Behling -- ch. 5. The story of developing solar glass facades / Joachim Benemann -- ch. 6. Bringing the oil industry into the picture / Karl Wolfgang Be̲r -- ch. 7. Factory for sale : or the long and stony way to cheap solar energy : the story of the thin-film CdTe solar cells : first solar and others : a semi-autobiography / Dieter Bonnet -- ch. 8. Photovoltaics in the World Bank Group portfolio / Anil Cabraal -- ch. 9. Solar bicycles, Mercedes, handcuffs : plus energy buildings / Gallus Cadonau -- ch. 10. Photovoltaic power systems for lifting women out of poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa / Dominique Campana -- ch. 11. Solar cell development work at COMSAT Laboratories (1967-1975) / Denis J. Curtin -- ch. 12. SolarBank / Michael T. Eckhart -- ch. 13. Will this work? Is it realistic? : thoughts and acts of a political practitioner with a solar vision / Hans-Josef Fell -- ch. 14. The IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference / Americo F. (Moe) Forestieri -- ch. 15. Review of China's solar PV industry in 2009 / Gao Hu -- ch. 16. Lighting the world : yesterday, today and tomorrow / Biswajit Ghosh --
ch. 17. The role of research institutes for the promotion of PV : the case of Fraunhofer ISE (Institute of Solar Energy Systems) / Adolf Goetzberger -- ch. 18. Abandoning nuclear in favor of renewable energies / Giuliano Grassi -- ch. 19. Nonconventional sensitized mesoscopic (Grt̃zel) solar cells / Michael Grt̃zel -- ch. 20. The PV World Conference in Vienna / Wolfgang Hein -- ch. 21. PV in Japan : yesterday, today and tomorrow / Osamui Ikki and Izumi Kaizuka -- ch. 22. PV in Europe, from 1974 to 2009 : a personal experience / Helmut Kiess -- ch. 23. PV in Berlin : how it all began : the story of solon, Q-Cells, PV in Brazil / Stefan Krauter -- ch. 24. Three steps to a solar system : 1-40% and 100% / Harry Lehmann -- ch. 25. France did not want to look for the sun ... / Alain Lib̌ard and Yves-Bruno Civel -- ch. 26. On the international call for photovoltaics of 2008 / Daniel Lincot -- ch. 27. High efficiency photovoltaics for a sustainable world / Antonio Luque -- ch. 28. Promoting PV in developing countries / Bernard McNelis -- ch. 29. A world in blue / Bernd Melchior -- ch. 30. The history of renewable energies in the Canary Islands, especially in Tenerife / Ricardo Melchior and Manuel Cendagorta -- ch. 31. Why was Switzerland front-runner for PV in the 90s but lost the leadership after 2000? / Thomas Nordmann -- ch. 32. A world network for solar R&D : ISES / Monica Oliphant -- ch. 33. Early work on photovoltaic devices at the Bell Telephone Laboratories / Morton B. Prince -- ch. 34. Leaders of the early days of the Chinese solar industry / Qin Haiyan -- ch. 35. Illiterate rural grandmothers solar-electrifying their own villages / Bunker Roy -- ch. 36. The kick-off PV programme in Germany : the one thousand PV roofs programme / Walter Sandtner -- ch. 37. History of technologies, development for solar silicon cost reduction / Frederick Schmid -- ch. 38. The story of sunpower / Richard M. Swanson -- ch. 39. Terrestrial photovoltaic industry : the beginning / Peter F. Varadi -- ch. 40. Solar power in Geneva, Switzerland / Philippe Verburgh -- ch. 41. Early PV markets and solar solutions in South Asia / Neville Williams.
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