Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mechatronics and Automatic Control
Wang, Wego. editor.
1st ed. 2015.
Physical Description:
XL, 1207 p. 626 illus., 359 illus. in color. online resource.
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 334
Vol. I -- Development of a Multiple Stage Single-three Phase Power Converter -- An Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Guided by Lévy Flights Disturbance Strategy for Global Optimization -- Modeling and Simulation of the Emergency Diesel Generator Based-on MATLAB -- Improvement of the Positioning Accuracy in GNSS Positioning Based on Neural Network -- Fingerprint Indoor Localization Algorithm Based on Modified AdaBoost -- The Metal Oxide Arresters On-line Monitoring System Based on WIA-PA.-Two-stage Optimal Scheduling Model of Hydro-thermal Electricity Based on Generation Performance -- Optimization Model of Multi-type Generating Units based on Latin Hypercube Sampling Method and Mean Lower Semi-absolute Deviation Theory -- Wind Farm Reactive Power Compensation Capacity Configuration -- Direction of Arrival Estimation of Two Wide-band Sources with Four-element Planar Cross Array Based on Three Algorithms -- Fast Segmentation Algorithm Based on Texture -- Optimal Test Selection of Complex Electronic System Based on Improved Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm -- External Evaluation of Power Supply Service Based on Zadeh Fuzzy Process -- Fault Features Study of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators on the Stator Windings Turn-To-Turn Short Circuit -- Rotor Fault Slots Positioning of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators Based on Wavelet Decomposition -- An Improved Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm to Optimize the Parameters of PID -- Estimation of the State of Charge of the Battery Based on Driving Cycles Discriminant -- A 3D Coupled Field-Circuit Model for Analyzing the Internal Short-Circuit Faults of Power Transformer -- Based on the Power Factors of DFIG Wind Farm for Power Flow Optimization -- A Simple and Fast Edge Finding Algorithm for Generating RWG Function -- Internal AC Fault of Converter Station Based on Modular Multilevel Converter High Voltage Direct Current -- A Novel Method of On-line Measuring and Analyzing the Source Impedance -- Harmonic Analyzing Based onCubic Spline Interpolated Arithmetic Fourier Transform.-Test Points Selection Method Research Based on Genetic Algorithm and Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm -- Comparison of Form-finding Methods for Transmission Lines Based on ANSYS -- Power Flow Calculation for Weakly Meshed Distribution Network with Distributed Generations and Electric Vehicles -- Position Detection and Error Compensation for Tubular PMLSM with Hall-effect Sensors -- Security Monitoring Technology of Smart Grids -- Simulation Analyses and Realization of Lightning Current Monitoring System on Transmission Lines -- Analysis of Back Flashover Lightning Withstanding Level of 500kV Double-Circuit Transmission Lines -- Application of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition on Stator Inter-turn Short Circuit Fault in Doubly-fed Induction Generators -- Distribution System Reliability Assessment Based on the Improved Monte Carlo Method -- A Computing Tool for Composite Power System Reliability Evaluation Based on Monte Carlo Simulation and Parallel Processing -- Review of Voltage Sag Disturbance Recognition -- The Exterior Type Consistency Inspection System for Smart Meter -- Fault Diagnosis for Power Transformer Mainly Based on Power-on State Variables -- Automatic Generation of Power System Wiring Diagram Using XSL Based on SVG -- The Ice Edge Detection of Transmission Line Based On Structured Forest Algorithm -- Robust Control for Electrical Servo System Based on Sliding Mode Disturbance Observer -- Simulation Analysis of Impacts of Flow Characteristics on Power Oscillation -- Life Assessment and Optimized Maintenance System of Transformer Based on HST Model -- Design of Real-time Tracking System on High-Voltage Direct Current Converter Station Control and Protection System -- Transmission Line Parameters Coupling Algo-rithm Based on Synchronous Sampling Signals -- Analysis of Electromagnetic Interference Effects on Gas Pipelines Due to a Nearby Parallel UHV Transmission Line -- Online Monitoring System of the Grounding Status of Transmission Line Tower -- Novel Fault Isolation Method for Distributed Regional Longitudinal Protection in Smart Distribution Grid -- Grid Dispatching of Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Based on Thermodynamic System Model with Flow Dimension -- Targeted Comprehensive Strategy for Lightning Protection and Its Application in Anhui Power Grid -- Application of Leader Progression Model in Insulation Flashover Criterion for Lightning Performance Calculation -- The Risk Index System of Power Transformer Life Cycle Cost and Its Weight Determination -- Application of Differentiated Lightning Protection to Typical Transmission Lines in Mountainous Area -- The Effect of Hazheng Ultra High Voltage Di-rect Current Commutation Failure on Wind Power -- Chaotic Property Identification and Prediction of Performance Degradation Time Series for Hydropower Unit -- Vehicle Weigh-in-motion Systems Based on Particle Swarm Optimization -- Saturated Load Forecasting Based on Nonlinear System Dynamics -- An Maximum Power Point Tracking Method for Photovoltaic Systems -- Cosimulation Method for Asynchronous Motor Based on SaberRd_Simulink -- Selection Strategy of Form-finding Methods for Transmission Lines Based on ANSYS -- Research and Development of Prejudging Device for Open Circuit in Secondary Side of Current Transformer -- Motion State and Transient Analysis of Hybrid Power Coupling Mechanism Based on Matlab and Solidworks -- An Improved Unscented Kalman Filter Algorithm Based on QR Decomposition -- Comparison of UAV Target Tracking Techniques -- The Application of Fuzzy Pattern Recognition on Electromotor Malfunction Diagnosis -- Fuzzy Algorithm-Based Manufacturing Equipment Classification -- Multi-scale Fault Frequency Extraction Method Based on EEMD for Slewing Bearing Fault Diagnosis -- Robust Variance Control Algorithm for Dish Solar Generation Tracking System -- Low Speed Stability of Tracking Turntable for the Unmanned Air Vehicle Landing -- Vol.
II -- Analysis of The Magnetic Field Homogeneity of Two Different Geometric Configurations of The Helmholtz Coils by Simulation -- A Multi-channel High Precision Pulse Counting System Based on FPGA -- High-Precision Ultrasonic Flow Measurement Based on GP22 -- Vibration Test of Dynamic Target Based on Stereo Machine Vision -- Fiber-Optic Extrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometer Pressure Sensor Demodulation System with Three Quadrature Signals -- Capacity Improvement by Multi-User Virtual Multi-input and Multi-output System in a Measured Indoor Environment at 5 GHz -- Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based on Large Data -- Diagnosis Expert System Design of a Certain Ordnance Launch Circuit -- Selection of Test Points Based on Heuristic Graph Search -- The Routing Protocol Based on the Aggregation of Routing Table in Cognitive Ad Hoc Networks -- The Lateral Channel Active Disturbance Rejection Controller Design of Small Air-to-Ground Missile for Helicopter -- Fast Image Fog Removal Based on Gray Image Guided Filter -- Parallel Acquisition Architecture for DS_FH Hybrid Spread Spectrum Signal in TT&C -- Arcless Interruption Method of Alternating CurrentContactor -- A High Speed LVDS Driver Design in 0.35-μm CMOS Technology -- Monitoring CE'3 Rover Movement Using Same Beam Interferometry with China Deep Space Network -- The Design of Smart Car Based on A Kind of Dynamic Threshold Algorithm and Speed Control Algorithm -- Face Recognition Based on Cross Validation by Support Vector Machine -- The Management and Monitor System of Tunnel Construction Based on Internet of Things -- A Novel Method of Frequency Selective Surface Transmission Characteristics Test -- Control Strategy of Hybrid Active Filter Based on Output Voltage Correction -- Wireless Optogenetics: An Exploration of Portable Microdevices for Small Animal Photostimulation -- Multi-scale Relevance Vector Machine Fault Prediction based on Genetic Algorithm Optimization -- Analysis of 750kV High Resistance Operation -- Research and Design ofLossy Compression Algorithm in Embedded Real-time Database -- A Novel Planar Elliptical Dipole Antenna for Ultra-wideband Application -- Influence of the Snubber Circuit on the Commutation Process of High-power Five-level Converter -- Color Image Segmentation Using Multilevel Thresholding-Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization -- Automotive Light Control System Development based on Kinetis KEA -- A Modified Design of Active Magnetic Bearing Controller -- Multiple Channel Assignment and Recycling Algorithm for MR-MC Network Architecture -- Construction of One-Coincidence Frequency-Hopping Sequence Set with Optimal Performance -- A Social Network based Intelligent Collaborative Decision Model with Larger Group Consensus Requirements for Collaborative B2B E-commerce -- Toward the Association Rules of Meteorological Data Mining Based on Cloud Computing -- A Novel In-flight Alignment Algorithm for Airborne Strapdown INS with Assistant of Doppler Radar -- Compiling Missile Environmental Spectrum and Accelerated Corrosion Test Method -- Design of Low Power Humidity and Temperature Collector based on STM32 -- Design of Router for Network on Chip based on Network Coding -- Implementation Method for Class J Power Amplifiers -- Paerosols' Statistical Fractal Characteristics based on Its Shape Parameter in Optical Sensor -- Analysis of Circulating Currents in Modular Multilevel Converter-Static Synchronous Compensator -- Universal Control of Second-Order Non-holonomic Systems -- An Improved Concurrent Programming Architectural Model Based on Cloud Computing -- Passivity and Biological Control of Singular Mammal Body Complexity System -- Image Retrieval of Poisonous Mushrooms Based on Relevance Feedback and Clustering Algorithm -- An Anti-Collision Protocol of Adaptive Tree Slot without Tag Estimation -- Development of an Elevator Energy Consumption Monitoring Device -- A Hierarchical Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Regi.
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