Blending and the Study of Narrative : Approaches and Applications
COOK, AMY, contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (365 p.)
Narratologia : Contributions to Narrative Theory , 34
Frontmatter -- Acknowledgements -- Table of Contents -- Blending and the Study of Narrative: An Introduction -- Narrative Time, Sequence, and Memory: A Blending Analysis -- Attention, Blending, and Suspense in Classic and Experimental Film -- Constructing Literary Character and Perspective: An Approach from Psychology and Blending Theory -- Fleshing Out the Blend: The Representation of Counterfactuals in Alternate History in Print, Film, and Television Narratives -- Blending in a baciyelmo: Don Quixote's Genre Blending and the Invention of the Novel -- The Conceptual Integration Network of Metalepsis -- The Conceptual Integration of Intermediality: Literary and Cinematic Camera-Eye Narratives -- Metaphors, Narrative Frames, and Cognitive Distance in Charles Chesnutt's "Dave's Neckliss" -- Conceptual Blending in The Waves: "A Mind Thinking" -- Blending and Jazz Narratives: Conceptual Integration of Music and Verbal Meaning in Eudora Welty's "Powerhouse" -- "Allways our rush returning renewed": Time, Narrative, and Conceptual Blending in Danielewski's Only Revolutions -- The Conceptual Blending of Time and Space: Milan Kundera's Slowness -- The Narrative of Nothing: The Mathematical Blends of Narrator and Hero in Shakespeare's Henry V