Transcending Signs : Essays in Existential Semiotics
Ahonen, Pertti, contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (XXII, 1058 p.)
Semiotics, Communication and Cognition [SCC] , 35
Frontmatter -- Preface to the anthology Transcending Signs -- Contents -- Figure list -- Finnish Baroque of existential semiotics: Eero Tarasti's musical synthesis of the voluptuous dance of signs -- Above and beneath of existential semiotics? -- Exact sciences and the semiotics of existence -- Voice as transcendence and otherness -- The Transcendental and the Transcendent -- The metaphysical system of existential semiotics -- Being, resistance and post-truth -- From semiotic pragmatism to existential semiotics -- Structural, yet existential -- Prolegomena on the semiotics of silence (from Jankélévitch to Tarasti) -- Myth, music and postmodernity -- XX century philosophical paradigms of Japan and the West: A view from Greimassian perspective -- Thought and consciousness in language as prerequisites for the existential-identity perception of the human self -- Umwelt, Lebenswelt, Dasein & monde vécu - (de)constructing the semiotic cosmology of human existentiality -- Aesthetics and human praxis. Notes on the existential semiotics of Eero Tarasti -- Eero Tarasti, existential semiotics, music, and mind. On the existential and cognitive notions of situation -- Cosmologies of life after Peirce, Heidegger and Darwin -- Existential semiotics, semiosis and emotions -- The Plane of Dasein. Existential Semiotics and the problem of the medium -- Existential universals. Biosemiosis and existential semiosis -- Memories of the body and pre-signity in music: Points of contact between Existential Semiotics and Globality of Languages -- The existential question between musical and linguistic signification -- Growth and entropy in semiosis: Signs coming full circle -- Creativity in existential semiotics and psychoanalysis -- Ethnomethodological, symbolic interactionist, semiotic and existential micro-foundations of research on institutions -- "Disturbing quiet people" - on the hyper-bureaucratization and corporatization of universities -- The modes of being inside (or outside) the value fragment: The application of Tarasti's theory of subject, transcendence and modalities of self to the consumer research -- Existential semiotics and sociology of music -- Destruction of cultural heritages: The case of Jerusalem in the Light of Jeremiah's prophecies -- From identity to transcendence: A semiotic approach to the survival of the Carolingian cycle in the Brazilian cultural heritage -- Saudade: A semiotic study of the cultural episteme of Brazilian existence -- Semiolinguistic look on mythology, cultural history and meanings of places in Azerbaijan -- Ludo Ergo Sum: Play, existentialism and the ludification of culture -- Uncertain signifiers: 'An Affective Phantasy' in Jacopo Pontormo's Joseph in Egypt -- Existential being of an artist -- An essay on the Persian calligraphy in the light of the theory of existential semiotics by Eero Tarasti -- Transcending violence: Artistic interpretations of the myths of Kullervo from the Kalevala to Tero Saarinen -- Existential soundtracks: Analysing semiotic meanings in minimalist and post-minimal music -- Existential choices of existential signs. Love stories, structuralism, and existential semiotics -- Exploration on the construction of existential semiotic theory of film criticism -- The transcendent arithmetic of Jesus: An exercise in semiotic reading -- Descriptions of death in the Book of Job -- Memory in Eero Tarasti's novel Europe/ Perhaps -- Varieties of masculine subjectivity in the Finnish modern literature according to Eero Tarasti's Zemic-model -- H.P. Lovecraft's subjectivity: an existential semiotic perspective -- Structure and meaning in music. A dialogue with Greimas -- Existential semiotics and musical hermeneutics: On musical sense advention -- Lohengrin by Wagner. Existential narrative-analysis of the Prelude to act I -- The emergence of individual subjects in Western music -- Existential semiotics and correla(c)tivity of (non-conventional) music (Personal retrospection) -- When a few Me-Tones meet: Beethoven à la russe -- In the quest of compositional matrices for music themes concerning landscape: Exploring senses as a means for creative processes. Villa-Lobos and his existential signs -- Musical arrangement and literary translation as signs: Preserving and renewing cultural heritages -- Gustav Mahler's Wunderhorn orchestral songs: A topical analysis and a semiotic square -- Beyond the signs: Art and an artist's life in Hector Berlioz's Opus 14 -- The singing body in a zemic approach: The case of Miguel Garrido -- Notes on contributors -- Person index -- Subject index
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