Cover image for Wörterbücher / Dictionaries / Dictionnaires : Ein internationales Handbuch zur Lexikographie / An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography / Encyclopédie internationale de lexicographie.  Supplementary Volume,  Dictionaries. An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography ; Supplementary Volume: Recent Developments with Focus on Electronic and Computational Lexicography
Wörterbücher / Dictionaries / Dictionnaires : Ein internationales Handbuch zur Lexikographie / An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography / Encyclopédie internationale de lexicographie. Supplementary Volume, Dictionaries. An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography ; Supplementary Volume: Recent Developments with Focus on Electronic and Computational Lexicography
Abel, Andrea, contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (1579 p.)
Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft / Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science [HSK] , 5/4
Frontmatter -- Preface -- Table of Contents -- I. Dictionaries in modern society: Current status and perspectives -- 1. Lexicography through the ages: From the early beginnings to the electronic age -- 2. The impact of computational lexicography -- II. New developments in lexicographic theory I: Textual structures -- 3. Textual structures in printed dictionaries: An overview -- 4. Macrostructures in printed dictionaries -- 5. Access structures in printed dictionaries -- 6. Microstructures in printed dictionaries -- 7. Mediostructures in printed dictionaries -- 8. Textual architectures in printed dictionaries -- 9. Addressing and addressing structures in printed dictionaries -- 10. Types of dictionary articles in printed dictionaries -- III. New developments in lexicographic theory II: Dictionary types and functions -- 11. Textual structures in electronic dictionaries compared with printed dictionaries: A short general survey -- 12. Mixed dictionary genres -- 13. Dictionary of language contact -- 14. New developments in learners' dictionaries I: English and French -- 15. New developments in learner's dictionaries II: German -- 16. New developments in learner's dictionaries III: Bilingual learner's dictionaries -- 17. New developments in lexicography for special purposes I: An overview of linguistic dictionaries -- 18. New developments in lexicography for special purposes II: An overview of dictionaries of lexicography -- 19. Lexicographic functions -- IV. New developments in lexicographic theory III: Selected dictionary subjects -- 20. The treatment of culture-bound items in dictionaries -- 21. The treatment of sensitive items in dictionaries -- 22. The treatment of meaning in dictionaries and prototype theory -- 23. The concept of semiotaxis -- 24. New tendencies in the treatment of collocations -- 25. New developments in the selection of examples -- V. New developments in lexicographic theory IV: Research in dictionary production and use -- 26. The lexicographical process (with special focus on online dictionaries) -- 27. Theory of dictionary management -- 28. Empirical research into dictionary use since 1990 -- 29. Methods in research of dictionary use -- 30. The concept of simultaneous feedback -- 31. User research in the field of electronic dictionaries: Methods, first results, proposals -- VI. New Developments in lexicographic and metalexicographic organisation -- 32. Lexicographic training: An overview -- 33. Establishing lexicography units -- 34. Lexicographic associations -- 35. Evaluation of dictionaries -- 36. Aids in metalexicographic research -- VII. New developments in the lexicography of individual languages since 1990 I: The ancient languages of the Near East and the classical languages -- 37. The ancient languages of the Near East -- 38. The ancient languages of Greek and Latin -- VIII. New developments in the lexicography of individual languages since 1990 II: The Romance languages -- 39. Iberoromance I: Historical and etymological lexicography -- 40. Iberoromance II: Synchronic lexicography -- 41. Gallo-Romance I: Historical and etymological lexicography -- 42. Gallo-Romance II: Synchronic lexicography -- 43. Italian -- 44. Romanian -- IX. New developments in the lexicography of individual languages since 1990 III: The Germanic languages -- 45. Scandinavian languages -- 46. English and American I: Historical and etymological lexicography -- 47. English and American II -- 48. German I: Historical and etymological lexicography -- 49. German II: Synchronic lexicography -- 50. New developments in Dutch lexicography from 1990 onwards -- 51. Aspects of Afrikaans lexicography -- X. New developments in the lexicography of individual languages since 1990 IV: The Slavic languages -- 52. East Slavic languages -- 53. South Slavic languages -- 54. West Slavic languages -- XI. Lexicography of selected Asian languages -- 55. Arabic lexicography -- 56. Chinese lexicography -- 57. Japanese lexicography -- 58. Korean lexicography -- XII. Lexicography of selected African languages -- 59. Lexicography of the Nguni languages -- 60. Lexicography of the Sotho languages -- 61. Lexicography of Shona -- 62. Lexicography of the languages of Central Africa -- 63. Lexicography of Fang -- 64. Lexicography of the languages of Western Africa -- XIII. The history of computational lexicography -- 65. The early history of computational lexicography: The 1950s and 1960s -- 66. Computational lexicography and corpus linguistics until ca 1970/1980 -- XIV. Typology of electronic dictionaries I: Electronic dictionaries for human use -- 67. Design criteria and 'added value' of electronic dictionaries for human users -- 68. Monolingual and bilingual electronic dictionaries on the Internet -- 69. Dictionary portals -- 70. Electronic pedagogical dictionaries -- 71. Context-sensitive look-up in electronic dictionaries -- 72. Large-scale documentary dictionaries on the Internet -- 73. Electronic encyclopedias -- 74. Combined products: Dictionary and corpus -- XV. Typology of electronic dictionaries II: Electronic dictionaries for machine use -- 75. Electronic dictionaries for speech recognition, for its applications and for speech synthesis -- 76. Electronic dictionaries for text processing and correction systems -- 77. Electronic language resources for information retrieval, information extraction and text mining -- 78. Electronic dictionaries for computer-assisted language learning -- 79. Electronic dictionaries for question answering and natural language database access -- 80. Electronic dictionaries for Natural Language Generation (NLG) -- 81. Electronic dictionaries for machine translation and machine-aided translation -- 82. Generic dictionaries for multiple uses in NLP -- XVI. Models for the representation of dictionaries: The form aspect -- 83. Representing human and machine dictionaries in markup languages (SGML, XML) -- 84. Representing computational dictionaries in relational databases -- 85. Representing computational dictionaries in feature structure-based representation formalisms and typed feature logic -- 86. Representing computational dictionaries in AI-oriented knowledge representation formalisms -- 87. Representing (computational) dictionaries in hypertextual form -- 88. Representing computational dictionaries in dedicated formalisms: DATR and Word Manager -- 89. Standardization of the formal representation of lexical information for NLP -- XVII. Models for the representation of linguistic data in electronic dictionaries: The content aspect -- 90. Coding word formation morphology in computational dictionaries -- 91. Coding syntactic properties of words in computational dictionaries -- 92. Coding semantic properties of words in computational dictionaries -- 93. WordNet: Principles, developments and applications -- 94. The FrameNet approach to relating syntax and semantics -- 95. Metadata description for lexicons -- XVIII. Computer-based dictionary making I: Acquisition of lexical data from corpora % corpus design -- 96. Criteria for the design of corpora for monolingual lexicography -- 97. The utilization of bilingual corpora for the creation of bilingual dictionaries -- 98. Large corpora designed for lexicographic work -- 99. The World Wide Web as a resource for lexicography -- XIX. Computer-based Dictionary making II: Acquisition of lexical data from corpora and machine readable dictionaries ¿ tools and procedures -- 100. Corpus pre-processing for lexicography -- 101. Tools to support the design of a macrostructure -- 102. Corpus Query Tools for lexicography -- 103. Tools and procedures for the acquisition of morphological and syntactic information from corpora -- 104. Tools for the acquisition of lexical combinatorics -- 105. Tools for lexicographic use of parallel and comparable corpora -- 106. Reversal of bilingual dictionaries -- 107. Workbenches for corpus-based lexicography -- XX. Computational terminography -- 108. Models for the representation of terminological data on the computer: Terminological databases -- 109. Large terminological databases -- 110. Acquisition of terminological data from text: Approaches -- Index of Subjects -- Index of Names
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