Anglicisms in German : Borrowing, Lexical Productivity, and Written Codeswitching
Onysko, Alexander, author.
Reprint 2014
Physical Description:
1 online resource (376 p.)
Linguistik - Impulse & Tendenzen , 23
i-iv -- Preface -- Contents -- Symbols and Abbreviations -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- 1. English as a source of language influence in German -- PART I: Integrating Theories and Terminology: Borrowing, Codeswitching, Lexical Productivity, and Interference as Types of Anglicisms in German -- Overview - What is an anglicism? -- 2. Loan meaning and loan formation -- 3. Borrowing, codeswitching, and anglicism: different approaches to definition -- 4. Pseudo anglicisms and hybrid anglicisms -- 5. Diachronic aspects of anglicisms in German: assimilation and etymology -- 6. Modelling transmission from SL to RL -- PART II: Corpus, Methods, and Frequency of Anglicisms -- Overview - Questions of research -- 7. Corpus and methods -- 8. The quantitative impact of anglicisms -- PART III: Types and Integration of Anglicisms: Structural Patterns, Word Formational Productivity, and Codeswitching -- Overview - Convergence and divergence of anglicisms -- 9. Salient morphological features of nominal anglicisms: gender, plural, and genitive case -- 10. Lexical productivity and inflectional integration of anglicisms -- 11. Codeswitching and phrasal anglicisms -- 12. Conclusion - The impact of anglicisms and its implications for the future of German -- 13. Appendices -- 14. References -- Subject index -- Anglicism Index