Comparative Perspectives on Language Acquisition : A Tribute to Clive Perdue
Aleksandrova, Tatiana, contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (664 p.)
Second Language Acquisition
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Contributors -- Introduction: New Comparative Perspectives in the Study of Language Acquisition - Clive Perdue's Legacy -- Part 1: Second Language Acquisition: From Initial to Final Stages -- 1. A Way to Look at Second Language Acquisition -- 2. L2 Input and the L2 Initial State: The Writings of Clive Perdue -- 3. Finiteness and the Acquisition of Negation -- 4. The Different Role of Additive and Negative Particles in the Development of Finiteness in Early Adult L2 German and L2 Dutch -- 5. Lexical Categories in the Target Language and the Lexical Categorisation of Learners: The Word Class of Adverbs -- 6. Is it Necessary for Chinese Mandarin Speakers to Mark Time? Refl ections About the Use of Temporal Adverbs with Respect to Verbal Morphology -- 7. The Development of Reference to Time and Space in French L3: Evidence from Narratives -- 8. Verbal Morphology in Advanced Varieties of English L2: Aspect or Discourse Hypothesis? -- 9. High-Level Profi ciency in Second Language Use: Morphosyntax and Discourse -- 10. Ultimate Attainment and the Critical Period Hypothesis: Some Thorny Issues -- 11. Language Origins, Learner Varieties and Creating Language Anew: How Acquisitional Studies Can Contribute to Language Evolution Research -- 12. Multiple Perspectives on the Emergence and Development of Human Language: B. Comrie, C. Perdue and D. Slobin -- Part 2: L1 and L2 Acquisition: Learner Type Perspective -- 13. Child Language Study and Adult Language Acquisition: Twenty Years Later -- 14. The Derivation of Mixed DPs: Mixing of Functional Categories in Bilingual Children and in Second Language Learners -- 15. L1 or L2 Acquisition? Finiteness in Child Second Language Learners (cL2), Compared to Adult L2 Learners (aL2) and Young Bilingual Children (2L1) -- 16. Young L2 and L1 Learners: More Alike than Different -- 17. The Older the Better, or More is More: Language Acquisition in Childhood -- 18. Additive Scope Particles and Anaphoric Linkage in Narrative and Descriptive Texts: A Developmental Study in French L1 and L2 -- 19. Discourse Cohesion in Narrative Texts: The Role of Additive Means in Italian L1 and L2 -- 20. The Role of Conceptual Development in the Acquisition of the Spatial Domain by L1 and L2 Learners of French, English and Polish -- 21. The Grammaticalisation of Nominals in French L1 and L2: A Comparative Study of Child and Adult Acquisition -- Part 3: Typological Variation and Language Acquisition -- 22. Typology Meets Second Language Acquisition -- 23. Linguistic Relativity: Another Turn of the Screw -- 24. Paths in L2 Acquisition: The Expression of Temporality in Spatially Oriented Narration -- 25. A Cross-Linguistic Study of Narratives with Special Attention to the Progressive: A Contrast between English, Spanish and Catalan -- 26. Reference to Entities in Fictional Narratives of Russian/French Quasi-Bilinguals -- 27. The Cohesive Function of Word Order in L1 and L2 Italian: How VS Structures Mark Local and Global Coherence in the Discourse of Native Speakers and of Learners -- 28. Macrostructural Principles and the Development of Narrative Competence in L1 German: The Role of Grammar (8-14-Year-Olds) -- 29. Online Sentence Processing in Children and Adults: General and Specifi c Constraints. A Crosslinguistic Study in Four Languages -- 30. A Personal Tribute
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