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Publication Date: 2014
Material Type: E-Book
Library: Online Library
Subject: Electronic books.
Shelf Location: Electronic Library
Author: Project Muse.
Author: Project Muse, distributor.
Mawere, Munyaradzi, author.
Ayeah, Colin Diyen, author.
Azonga, Tikum Mbah, author.
Bennema, Cornelis, 1964- author.
Dabholkar, Pratibha A., author.
Doh, Emmanuel Fru, author.
Frawley, Oona, editor.
French, Henry F., editor of compilation.
Lofgren, Alisha, cover designer.
Lott, David B., editor of compilation.
Metzger, Melanie, editor.
Ndi, Anthony, author.
Abala, Imali J., 1962- author.
Adam, Robert (Research Associate), editor.
Africa Institute of South Africa, issuing body.
Africa Institute of South Africa, publisher.
Akinola, Anthony A., author
Akpor, Oghenerobor Benjamin, author of introduction, editor of compilation, author.
Alexander, Kathryn B., author.
Alissoutin, Rosnert Ludovic, editor.
Allen, Roger, translator.
Anderson, E. N., 1941- author.
Ankumah, Adaku T., 1956-, editor, author.
Anthony, Mely Caballero, author.
Arbo, Matthew B., author.
Argazali-Thomas, Shintia, author.
Argent, Geoffrey Alan, translator, writer of added commentary.
Asian Studies Association of Australia, issuing body.
Asian Studies Association of Australia.
Atanga, George Che, 1956- author.
Atanga, Lilian Lem, editor.
Awad, Najib George, author.
Aziato, Lydia, editor.
Bain, Katherine, author.
Baldwin, Sandy, editor.
Barnard, Timothy P., 1963- editor.
Barnett, Christopher B., author.
Barreto, Eric D., 1980- editor of compilation.
Bateman, Terence, author.
Bautch, Kelley Coblentz, editor of compilation.
Bawa, Ahmed, writer of foreword.
Beach, Bradley, editor of compilation.
Beaton, Rhodora E., author.
Becker, Robin, 1951- author.
Beinhauer, Heide, editor.
Berg, Inhee C., author.
Berton, Jean, editor.
Bettinson, Gary, author.
Biermann, Joel D., author.
Bilgere, George, 1951- author.
Boer, Roland, 1961- author.
Bohler-Müller, Narnia, editor of compilation.
Bold, Valentina, editor.
Bond, Virginia, editor of compilation, writer of introduction.
Boothman, Derek, editor, translator.
Borg, Ruben, editor.
Bowring, Philip, author.
Bracken, Joseph A., author.
Bradford, Adam C., author.
Brown, Ian, 1945 February 28- editor.
Brown, Ruth Nicole, author.
Brudvig, Ingrid, author.
Bruno, Michael J. S., author.
Bryan, Charles S., author.
Bryant, William Cullen, 1794-1878, author.
Burke, Sean D., author.
Burns, Molly, author.
Burrow, Rufus, 1951- author.
Calthorpe, David, writer of added text.
Caplan, Patricia, author.
Carlson, Donald H., author.
Carpenter, Andrew, editor.
Carter, Guy Christopher, editor of compilation, author.
Casey, Moira E., editor.
Ce, Chinenye, editor.
Chalamet, Christophe, editor.
Charlesworth, James H., editor.
Chatterji, Roma, editor.
Chen, Yangbin, 1972- editor of compilation, writer of introduction, author.
Christie, Binnie, illustrator.
Christie, Peter, author.
Clapp, Priscilla, author.
Clark, Meghan J., author.
Clark, Robert C., 1954- photographer.
Cleghorn, Monique, book designer.
Cliggett, Lisa, 1965- editor of compilation, writer of introduction.
Coleman, Martin A., editor.
Collins, Lucy, 1967- editor.
Collins, Steven D., editor.
Conley, Aaron D., author.
Connolly, John R., editor.
Cooley, Dennis R., 1965- eauthor.
Cooper, Adam G., author.
Correll, Mark R., uathor.
Coyle, Suzanne M., author.
Crisp, Oliver, author.
Custance, Gloria, translator.
D'Offizi, Mario, author.
Dalpino, Catharin E., author.
David, Joshua (Joshua Bradley), author.
Davies, Stephen N. G., author.
Day, Colin, editor.
DeCou, Jessica, author.
DeLuca, Laura, 1963- editor.
Denmark, Abraham, author.
Devasahayam, Theresa W., editor.
Dewoo, Moshumee Teena, author.
Dewoo, Nerisha Yanee, 1991- author.
Dhaliwal, Sukhwant, editor.
Dickos, Andrew, author.
Drury, John L., author.
Edobor-Igbinovia, Blessing, author.
Eichoff, Hella, editor.
Eisenhower, John S. D., 1922-2013, author.
Ellis, Marc H.
Ellman, Barat, author.
Endres, John C., 1946- editor of compilation.
Epps, Garrett, author.
Espinasse, Philippe, author.
Esterhuysen, Pieter, editor.
Ewald, Jonas, author.
Fagan, Paul, editor.
Fernandez, Mario (Historian), writer of foreword.
Field, Andrew David, writer of introductory matter, translator, editor.
Finn, Daniel K., 1947- author.
Fishkin, Benjamin Hart, editor, author.
Fletcher, John, editor.
Fonkem, Michael Sam-Nuvala, author.
Fonkem, Michael Sam-Nuvala, editor.
Foss, Michael W., 1948- author.
Fossungu, Peter Ateh-Afac, author.
Frick, Peter, editor.
Frost, Sarah, editor.
Fähndrich, Hartmut, compiler.
Gado, Frank, editor, writer of added commentary.
Gairiseb, Alexander, editor.
Garcia, J. Malcolm, 1957- author.
Garett, Richard, editor.
Gibbon, Trish, editor.
Givens, Tommy, author.
Goodman, Eleanor, translator.
Goto, Yumi, author.
Gouinlock, James, writer of introduction.
Gramsci, Antonio, author.
Grassmann, Heide, editor.
Gray, Eve Horwitz, author.
Green, Clifford J., editor of compilation, author.
Groves, Susan, author.
Gunner, Göran, editor.
Habets, Myk, author.
Haeri, Shahla.
Hall, Douglas John, 1928- author.
Hamby, Barbara, 1952- author.
Hanan, Patrick, translator.
Hancock, Rebecca S., author.
Hanna, Ralph.
Hansen, Ryan Leif, author.
Harkins, Angela Kim, 1973- editor of compilation.
Hatchett, Louis, author.
Hay, Paula L., author.
Hayes, Peter, 1946- editor.
Heat Moon, William Least, author.
Helman, Anat, author.
Henze, Matthias, author.
Herman, Tory, cover designer.
Hess, Earl J., author.
Hickman, Jane, editor.
Hieb, Nathan D., author.
High, Holly, author.
Hinz, Manfred O., 1936- editor.
Hirji, Karim F., author.
Hirschmann, Jo., author.
Hodgson, Jay, 1976- author.
Holocaust Educational Foundation (United States), sponsoring body.
Hortal Muñoz, Jose Eloy, editor.
Hountondji, Paulin J., author of introduction, editor of compilation.
Hubbard, John, bookjacket designer.
Huber, Werner, 1952- editor.
Hughes, Brian W., editor.
Hügel, Hanne, editor.
Igbinovia, Patrick Edobor, author.
Igbinovia, Patrick Edobor, editor.
Ikonya, Philo, author.
Inyang, Ekpe, author.
Irukwu, J. O., author.
Jacobsen, David Schnasa.
Jenkins, Richard, 1952- author.
Ji, Yun, 1724-1805, author.
Johnson, James Turner, author.
Johnson, Junius, author.
Joseph, Simon J., author.
Jost, Stina Busman, author.
Kaiser, Christopher B., author.
Kalusa, Walima Tuesday, 1964- author.
Kamboureli, Smaro, editor.
Kaschock, Kirsten, author.
Keasley, Alphonse, editor.
Kee, Kevin B. (Kevin Bradley), 1969- editor.
Kell, Catherine, author.
Kenny, Colum, 1951- author.
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Ndebele (Zimbabwe)
Theology, Doctrinal.
Barth, Karl, 1886-1968.
Catholic Church -- Doctrines.
Philosophical theology.
Christian ethics.
Religion -- Philosophy.
Bible. Old Testament -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Jesus Christ -- Person and offices.
Religion and science.
Africa -- Civilization.
Aphorisms and apothegms.
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 1905-1988.
Bible -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible. Epistles of Paul -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Cameroon -- Politics and government -- 1960-1982.
Cameroon -- Politics and government -- 1982-
Christianity and other religions -- Judaism.
Church history -- Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600.
Collective memory -- Ireland.
Diplomats -- Great Britain -- Biography.
Globalization -- Economic aspects.
Ireland -- Civilization.
Ireland -- Historiography.
Ireland -- Social conditions.
Ireland -- Study and teaching (Higher)
Jesus Christ -- History of doctrines -- Early church, ca. 30-600.
Judaism -- History.
Judaism -- Relations -- Christianity.
Liberation theology.
Memory -- Social aspects -- Ireland.
Nature -- Religious aspects -- Christianity.
Nigeria -- Politics and government.
Pastoral care.
Paul, the Apostle, Saint.
Political theology.
Sociology, Biblical.
South Africa -- Social conditions.
Theology of the cross.
Torrance, Thomas F. (Thomas Forsyth), 1913-2007.
-- Sources.
Abraham (Biblical patriarch)
Abraham (Biblical patriarch) -- Comparative studies.
Acting in opera.
Adam (Biblical figure)
Adult child sexual abuse victims -- South Africa -- Biography.
Advertising executives -- United States -- Biography.
Africa -- Economic conditions -- 1960-
Africa -- Ethnic relations.
Africa -- Geography.
Africa -- Poetry.
Africa -- Politices and government -- 1960-
Africa -- Politics and government.
Africa -- Population -- Statistics.
Africa -- Social conditions.
Africa, Central -- Religious life and customs.
African American churches.
African American civil rights workers.
African American teenage girls.
African American young women.
African American youth.
African Americans -- Religion.
African Union.
African cooperation.
African literature -- 20th century -- History and criticism.
African literature -- History and criticism.
Aging -- Southeast Asia.
Agricultural systems -- Cameroon.
Agriculture -- Cameroon.
Agriculture and state -- United States -- History.
Alienation (Social psychology)
Alienation (Social psychology) in literature.
American Sign Language -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Washington (D.C.)
American poetry -- 19th century -- History and criticism.
Angels -- Biblical teaching.
Angels -- Christianity.
Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033-1109.
Anthropological ethics.
Anthropology -- Philosophy.