Search Results for Atomic energy. - Narrowed by: 1977 SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dAtomic$002benergy.$0026qf$003dPUBDATE$002509Publication$002bDate$0025091977$0025091977$0026pe$003dd$00253A$0026ps$003d300? 2025-01-20T07:17:07Z Fuel and fuel elements for fast reactors : proceedings of a symposium... held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Brussels, 2-6 July 1973. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:59863 2025-01-20T07:17:07Z 2025-01-20T07:17:07Z Author&#160;Symposium on Fuel and Fuel Elements for Fast Reactors (1973 : Brussels)&#160;International Atomic Energy Agency.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number&#160;TK 9360 S793 1973 V.2<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/>Availability&#160;Beytepe Library~2<br/> Medical radicioisotoe scintigraphy : Proceedins of a symposium held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Salzburg, 6-15 Agust 1968. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:50864 2025-01-20T07:17:07Z 2025-01-20T07:17:07Z Author&#160;Symposiuum on Medical Radioisotope Scintigraphy ( 1968 : Salzburg)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number&#160;WN 415 SYM 1969 V.1 1.K<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/>Availability&#160;Health Sciences Library~2<br/> Nuclear techniques and mineral resources 1977 held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, 7-10 March 1977. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:60953 2025-01-20T07:17:07Z 2025-01-20T07:17:07Z Author&#160;International Symposium on Nuclear Techniques in Exploration and Processing of Mineral Resources (1977 : Vienna).<br/>Preferred Shelf Number&#160;TN 269 I68 1977<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/>Availability&#160;Beytepe Library~1<br/> Nuclear power and its fuel cycle : proceeding of.. held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Salzburg, 2-3 May 1977. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:70738 2025-01-20T07:17:07Z 2025-01-20T07:17:07Z Author&#160;International Conference on Nuclear power and &#305;ts Fuel Cycle (1977 : Salzburg, Austria)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number&#160;TK 9006 I47 1977 V.1<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/>Availability&#160;Beytepe Library~8<br/> Engineering compendium on radiation shielding / repared by numerous specialists ; ed. by R. G. Jaeger (and others) ; sponsored by International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:59669 2025-01-20T07:17:07Z 2025-01-20T07:17:07Z Preferred Shelf Number&#160;TK 9210 E5 1968-75 V.1<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/>Availability&#160;Beytepe Library~3<br/> Directory of nuclear reactors. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:85882 2025-01-20T07:17:07Z 2025-01-20T07:17:07Z Author&#160;International Atomic Energy Agency.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number&#160;TK 9202 I57 V.101976<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/>Availability&#160;Beytepe Library~1<br/>