Search Results for Conference proceedings. - Narrowed by: French SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dConference$002bproceedings.$0026qf$003dLANGUAGE$002509Language$002509FRE$002509French$0026te$003dILS$0026ps$003d300?dt=list 2025-01-02T18:22:38Z The Clean and Efficient use of Coal and Lignite : its role in energy, environment and life :conference proceedings : Hong Kong, 30th Nov.- 3rd Dec. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:63663 2025-01-02T18:22:38Z 2025-01-02T18:22:38Z Author&#160;IEA International Conference on the Clean and Efficient Use of Coal and Lignite (2nd 1993 g Kong).<br/>Preferred Shelf Number&#160;TP 325 C58 1994<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/>Availability&#160;Beytepe Library~1<br/> Singularities &amp; dynamical systems proceedings of the International Conference on Singularities and Dynamical Systems, Heraklion, Greece, 30 August-6 September 1983 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:257052 2025-01-02T18:22:38Z 2025-01-02T18:22:38Z Author&#160;International Conference on Singularities and Dynamical Systems (1983 : H&#275;rakleion, Crete)&#160;Pnevmatikos, Spyros N., 1950-<br/>Preferred Shelf Number&#160;ONLINE<br/>Electronic Access&#160;ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Electronic Resources<br/>Availability&#160;Online Library~1<br/> Orders--description and roles in set theory, lattices, ordered groups, topology, theory of models and relations, combinatorics, effectiveness, social sciences : proceedings of the Conference on Ordered Sets and Their Applications, Ch&acirc;teau de la Tourette, l'Arbresle, July 5-11, 1982 = Ordres--description et r&ocirc;les : en th&eacute;orie des ensembles, des treillis, des groupes ordonn&eacute;s en topologie, th&eacute;orie des mod&egrave;les et des relations, combinatoire, effectivit&eacute;, sciences sociales : actes de la Conf&eacute;rence sur les ensembles ordonn&eacute;s et leur applications, Ch&acirc;teau de la tourette, l'Arbresle, juillet 5-11, 1982 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:257050 2025-01-02T18:22:38Z 2025-01-02T18:22:38Z Author&#160;Conference on Ordered Sets and Their Applications (4th : 1982 : L'Arbresle, France)&#160;Pouzet, M.&#160;Richard, Denis, 1942-<br/>Preferred Shelf Number&#160;ONLINE<br/>Electronic Access&#160;ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Electronic Resources<br/>Availability&#160;Online Library~1<br/> Radiation effects in semiconductors : proceedings ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:58195 2025-01-02T18:22:38Z 2025-01-02T18:22:38Z Author&#160;Santa Fe Conference on Radiation Effects in Semiconductors (1967).&#160;Vook, Frederick L., ed. by<br/>Preferred Shelf Number&#160;QC 612.S4 S25 1968<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/>Availability&#160;Beytepe Library~1<br/>