Search Results for Conference proceedings. - Narrowed by: 1994SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dConference$002bproceedings.$0026qf$003dPUBDATE$002509Publication$002bDate$0025091994$0025091994$0026te$003dILS$0026ps$003d300?dt=list2025-01-02T18:16:49ZSagamore Army Materials Conference Proceedings.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:484872025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZPreferred Shelf Number UF 526.3 S3<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Silicon molecular beam epitaxy proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Silicon Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Symposium A of the 1989 E-MRS Conference, Strasbourg, France, 30 May-2 June 1989ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2561052025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor International Symposium on Silicon Molecular Beam Epitaxy (3rd : 1989 : Strasbourg, France) Kasper, Erich. Parker, E. H. C. European Materials Research Society.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number ONLINE<br/>Electronic Access ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Electronic Resources<br/>Availability Online Library~1<br/>The Clean and Efficient use of Coal and Lignite : its role in energy, environment and life :conference proceedings : Hong Kong, 30th Nov.- 3rd Dec.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:636632025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor IEA International Conference on the Clean and Efficient Use of Coal and Lignite (2nd 1993 g Kong).<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TP 325 C58 1994<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Developments in operations research : proceedings of the Third Annual Israel Conference on Operations Researchent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:474482025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor Conference on Operations Research (3rd : 1969 : Tel-Aviv)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number T 57.6 CO6 1971<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Proceedings of a Conference on Bank Structure and Competition.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:838072025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor Conference on Bank Structure and Competition. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Research Dept.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number HG 2461 C65 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>The corporate approach to library management : proceedings of a one-day conference for chief librarians from local authority and educational institutions, 22 June 1973ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:488402025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor Thomas, P. A., ed. Ward, Valerie A., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number Z 678 C75 1974<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Logic programming proceedings of the eleventh International Conference on Logic Programmingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2202292025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor Van Hentenryck, Pascal.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number ONLINE<br/>Electronic Access IEEE Xplore <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Electronic Resources<br/>Availability Online Library~1<br/>Water and peace in the Middle East proceedings of the First Israeli-Palestinian International Academic Conference on Water, Zürich, Switzerland, 10-13 December 1992ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2558782025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor Israeli-Palestinian International Academic Conference on Water (1st : 1992 : Zurich, Switzerland) Shuval, Hillel I., 1926- Isaac, J. (Jad)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number ONLINE<br/>Electronic Access ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Electronic Resources<br/>Availability Online Library~1<br/>Proceedings of the 3rd World Conference on Detergents global perspectivesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2888522025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor World Conference on Detergents (3rd : 1993 : Montreux, Switzerland) Cahn, Arno.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number ONLINE<br/>Electronic Access <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Electronic Resources<br/>Availability Online Library~1<br/>Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference on Composites and Advanced Ceramic Materials January 9-14, 1994, Cocoa Beach, FLent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2972702025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor Conference on Composites and Advanced Ceramic Materials (18th : 1994 : Cocoa Beach, Fla.) Logan, Kathryn V. American Ceramic Society.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number ONLINE<br/>Electronic Access John Wiley <a href=""></a>
John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Electronic Resources<br/>Availability Online Library~1<br/>Proceedings of the World Conference on Lauric Oils sources, processing, and applicationsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2898142025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor World Conference on Lauric Oils (1994 : Manila, Philippines) Applewhite, Thomas H.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number ONLINE<br/>Electronic Access <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Electronic Resources<br/>Availability Online Library~1<br/>Zeolites and related microporous materials state of the art 1994 : proceedings of the 10th International Zeolite Conference, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, July 17-22, 1994. Part Aent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2521482025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor International Zeolite Conference (10th : 1994 : Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany) Weitkamp, J. (Jens)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number ONLINE<br/>Electronic Access ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Electronic Resources<br/>Availability Online Library~1<br/>Hot isostatic pressing '93 proceedings of the International Conference on Hot Isostatic Pressing--HIP '93, Antwerp, Belgium, 21-23 April, 1993ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2561342025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor International Conference on Hot Isostatic Pressing (1993 : Antwerp, Belgium) Delaey, L. Tas, H.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number ONLINE<br/>Electronic Access ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Electronic Resources<br/>Availability Online Library~1<br/>Advanced materials '93 III, A, Computations, glassy materials, microgravity and non-destructive testing : proceedings of the Symposia ... of the 3rd IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials, Sunshine City, Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan, August 31-September 4, 1993ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2562192025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials (3rd : 1993 : Tokyo, Japan) Masumoto, T.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number ONLINE<br/>Electronic Access ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Electronic Resources<br/>Availability Online Library~1<br/>Advanced materials '93 I, A, Ceramics, powders, corrosion and advanced processing : proceedings of the Symposia ... of the 3rd IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials, Sunshine City, Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan, August 31-September 4, 1993ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2562212025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials (3rd : 1993 : Tokyo, Japan) Mizutani, N.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number ONLINE<br/>Electronic Access ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Electronic Resources<br/>Availability Online Library~1<br/>Developmental instability, its origins and evolutionary implications : proceedings of the International Conference on Developmental Instabilbity, It's Origins and Evolutionary Implications, Tempe, Arizona, 14-15 June 1993ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:863092025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor International Conference on Developmental Instability, Its Origins and Evolutionary Implications (1993 : Tempe, Ariz.) Markow, Therese Ann, ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QH 453 I58 1993<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Rejection and tolerance : proceedings of the 25th Conference on Transplantation and Clinical Immunology, 24-26 May 1993ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:812772025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor Conference on Transplantation and Clinical Immunology (25th : 1993 : Lyon, France) Touraine, Jean Louis, ed. Fondation Marcel Merieux.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number WO 680 C748 1994<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Health Sciences Library~1<br/>Water chemistry of nuclear reactor systems 5 ; proceedings of the international conference organized by the British Nuclear Energy Society and Co-sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry... held in Bournemouth on 23-27 Oct. 1989.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:599302025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZPreferred Shelf Number TK 9203.W37 W37 1989-90 V.1<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~2<br/>Powder metallurgy for high performance applications : proceedingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:622742025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor Sagamore Army Materials Research Conference (18 th 1971 : Raquette lake, N. Y.). Burke, John J., ed. Weiss, Volker, ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TN 695 S3 1972<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>The Science, technology and application of titanium : proceedingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:622832025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor International Conference on Titanium (1968 : London). Jaffee, R. I., ed. Promisel, N. E., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TN 799.T5 I57 1970<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Blast furnace technology, Science and practice : proceedingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:717812025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor Furnas (C.C) Memonal Conference on Ironmaking Technology (1 st 1970 : Buffalo). Szekely, Julian, ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TN 713 F87 1972<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Computer methods and advances in geomechanics : proceedings of the 8th International..., Morgantown, west Virginia, USA, 22-28 May 1994ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:11272025-01-02T18:16:49Z2025-01-02T18:16:49ZAuthor International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics 8th (1994 : Morgantown). Siriwardane, H. J., ed. Zaman, M. M., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TN 292 I8 1994 V.1<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~4<br/>