Search Results for DENETİM KURAMI -- KONGRELER.SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dDENET$0025C4$0025B0M$002bKURAMI$002b--$002bKONGRELER.$0026ic$003dtrue$0026ps$003d300?2025-03-15T04:39:46ZMathematical systems theory in biology, communications, computation, and financeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:938022025-03-15T04:39:46Z2025-03-15T04:39:46ZAuthor International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (15th : 2002 : University of Notre Dame) Rosenthal, Joachim, 1961- ed. Gilliam, David S., 1946- ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QA 402 I583 2002<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Stochastic systems and optimization : proceedings of the 6th IRIP WG 7.1 Working Conference, Warsaw, Poland, September 12-16, 1988ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:389212025-03-15T04:39:46Z2025-03-15T04:39:46ZAuthor IFIP WG 7.1 Working Conrerence (6th : 1988 : Waesaw, Poland) Zabczyk, J. W., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QA 402.3 I4539 1988<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Components and instrumental for distrubuted control systems : proceedings of the IFAC Symposium Paris, France, 9-11 December 1982ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:584332025-03-15T04:39:46Z2025-03-15T04:39:46ZAuthor Binder, Z., ed. Perret, R., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TJ 212.2 C65 1983<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Advances in filtering and optimal stochastic control : proceedings of the IFIP-WG 7/1 working conference, Cocoyoc, Mexico, February 1-6, 1982ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:388972025-03-15T04:39:46Z2025-03-15T04:39:46ZAuthor Fleming, W. H., ed. by Gorostize, L. G., ed. by<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QA 402.3 A36 1982<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Control of distributed paramenter systems, 1982 : proceedings of the 3rd IFAC Symposium, Toulorse, France, 29 June-2 Jıly 1982ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:584352025-03-15T04:39:46Z2025-03-15T04:39:46ZAuthor Babary, J. P., ed. LeLetty, L., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TJ 212.2 C66 1982 C<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Control theory of systems governed by partial differantial equationsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:389122025-03-15T04:39:46Z2025-03-15T04:39:46ZAuthor Conference on Control Theory of Systems Governed by Partial Differantial Equations, Naval Surface Weapons Center : 1976). Aziz, A. K., ed. Wingate, J. W., ed. Balas, M. J., ort. yaz.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QA 402.3 C576 1977<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>