Search Results for Kongreler. - Narrowed by: 1977SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dKongreler.$0026qf$003dPUBDATE$002509Publication$002bDate$0025091977$0025091977$0026pe$003dd$00253A$0026ps$003d300?2025-03-15T07:29:24ZThe corporate approach to library management : proceedings of a one-day conference for chief librarians from local authority and educational institutions, 22 June 1973ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:488402025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Thomas, P. A., ed. Ward, Valerie A., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number Z 678 C75 1974<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Personnel development in libraries : proceedings of the thirteenth annual symposium sponsored by the alumni and the faculty of the Rutgers University Graduate School of Library Serviceent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:279062025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Maloney, R. Kay, ed. Rutgers University. Graduate School of Library Service.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number Z 682 P396 1977<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Proceedings of a Conference on Bank Structure and Competition.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:838072025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Conference on Bank Structure and Competition. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Research Dept.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number HG 2461 C65 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Anxiety : current trends in theory and researchent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19292025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Spielberger, Charles D., ed. barratt, Ernest S., contr.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number BF 575 A6 A58 1972- V.1<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~2<br/>Fermentation advancesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:58952025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor International Fermentation Symposium (3rd 1968 : Rutgers Univ). MAYALANMA<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TP 501 I5 1968<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Hypersaline brines and evaporitic environmentsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:62452025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Bat Sheva Seminar on Saline Lakes and Natural Brines (1977 : Weizmann Institue of Science) Nissenbaum, A., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number GB 1601.2 B37 1977<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Yönetim sosyolojisi : Yönetim Sosyolojisi Kollokyumu Sunulan Bildiriler - Tartışmalar 14 - 15 Ekim 1976ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1175262025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Bozkurt, Ömer.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number HD58.7 Y664 1977<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>CENTO Second Conference of University Rectors Onent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:311692025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor CENTO Conference of University Rectors on the Role of University Research in Socio Economic Development in the Cento Region (2nd : 1976 : İstanbul and Ankara) Kışlalı, A. Sevinç, ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number LC 67.A78 C46 1976<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Control theory of systems governed by partial differantial equationsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:389122025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Conference on Control Theory of Systems Governed by Partial Differantial Equations, Naval Surface Weapons Center : 1976). Aziz, A. K., ed. Wingate, J. W., ed. Balas, M. J., ort. yaz.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QA 402.3 C576 1977<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Birinci Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi, 1977 bildirilerient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:300522025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Isı Kongresi (I. : 22 Nisan 1977 : Ankara) Göğüş, Yalçın A., der.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QC 311 I35 1977<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Contemporary topics in polymer scienceent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:358742025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Pearce, E. M., ed. Schaefgen, J. R., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QD 380 C64 1977 V.2<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~2<br/>Developmental theory and its application in guidance programs :systematic efforts to promote personal growthent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:855982025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Miller, G. Dean, ed. Minnesota Personnel and Guidance Association Mid-Winter Conference (1977 : Minneapolis)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number LB 1027.5 D492 1977<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Liquid fuels from coalent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:636692025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Ellington, Rex T. E., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TP 343 L678 1977<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Kooperatiflerin ekonomik ve sosyal kalkınmadaki rolü.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:95192025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Türk Kooperatifçilik Kongresi, VIII Ankara, 20-23 Aralık 1976.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number HD 3120 T847 1977<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Chemometrics : theory and application. A symposium sponsored by the division of Computers in Chemistry at the 172 nd meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, Calif., Sept. 2, 1976ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:427952025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Kowalski, B. R., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QD 39.3.E46 C48 1977<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Molecular spectroscopy : proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Molecular Spectroscopyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:439022025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy (6th : 30 March-2April,1976 : Univ. of Durham).<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QC 454.M6 C66 1977<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Health and medical physics = Fisica medica e sanitaria : Varenna on Lake Como, Villa Monastero, 28th July-9th August, 1975ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:455062025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor International School of Physics "EnricoFermi" (1975 : Varenna, Italy) Baarli, J., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number R 895.A2 I53 1975<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Artificial organs : proceedings of a seminar on the clinical applications of membrame axygenators and sorbent-based systems in kidney and liver failure and drug overdose, held at the Univ. of Strathclyde, Glasgow in August, 1976ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:459122025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Kenedi, R. M., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number RC 846 A77 1976<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>2000 yılına doğru sanatlar sempozyumu = The Symposium of arts towards the year of 2000 ; 24-28 Ekim 1977ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:691332025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Çubuk, M., haz. Karabey, H., haz.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number NX 50 I5 1977<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~3<br/>Evoked brain poyential and behaviorent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:691982025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Conference on Evoked Brain Potentials and Behavior, (1977 : Downstate Medical Center State University of New York) Begleiter, Henri, ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QP 360 C66 1977<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Onuncu Dünya Enerji Konferansına Türk delegasyon tarafndan takdim olunan raporlar= The Reports submitted to the tenth World Energy Conference (19-23 September 1977, İstanbul, Turkey)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:694852025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Dünya Enerji Konferansı, (10. : İstanbul : 19-23 Eylül, 1977) Çetinçelik, Muammer, haz.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TJ 163.15 D922 1977 K1<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Değişen Toplum ve Ceza Hukuku Karşısında Türk Ceza Kanununun 50 Yılı ve Geleceği Sempozyumu : (22-26 Mart 1976).ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1162322025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Değişen Toplum ve Ceza Hukuku Karşısında Türk Ceza Kanununun 50 Yılı ve Geleceği Sempozyumu (1976 : Istanbul)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number KKX3790 .D44 1977<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Law Library~2<br/>Chemical signals in vertebratesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:446122025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Symposium on Chemical Signals in Vertebrates (1976 : Saratoga Springs, N. Y.) Schwarze, D. Müller, ed. Mozell, M. M., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QP 455 S95 1977<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Geobotanyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:468032025-03-15T07:29:24Z2025-03-15T07:29:24ZAuthor Geobotany Conference, Bowling Green State Univ., 1976.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QE 935 G46 1977 A<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>