Search Results for Kongreler. - Narrowed by: 1984SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dKongreler.$0026qf$003dPUBDATE$002509Publication$002bDate$0025091984$0025091984$0026pe$003dd$00253A$0026ps$003d300?2025-03-15T07:29:35ZUranium deposits in Latin America : Geology and exploration ;proceedings of a regional advisory group meeting. Org. by the IAEA. Held in Lima, Peru, from 4 to 8 December 1978.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:401032025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZPreferred Shelf Number TN 799.U7 U7 1978<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>The corporate approach to library management : proceedings of a one-day conference for chief librarians from local authority and educational institutions, 22 June 1973ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:488402025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Thomas, P. A., ed. Ward, Valerie A., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number Z 678 C75 1974<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Confronting social issues : applications of social psychologyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:673912025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZPreferred Shelf Number HM 251 C685 1982- V.1<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~2<br/>Personnel development in libraries : proceedings of the thirteenth annual symposium sponsored by the alumni and the faculty of the Rutgers University Graduate School of Library Serviceent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:279062025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Maloney, R. Kay, ed. Rutgers University. Graduate School of Library Service.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number Z 682 P396 1977<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Semiotics/ced by John Deely and Jonathan Evans..ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:970122025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Deely, John, ed. Evans, Jonathan, ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number P 99 S3818 1987<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Developments in food proteinsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:605762025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Hudson, J. F., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TX 553.P7 D48 1982- V.1<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~4<br/>Field Description of Coal : a symposium Org. by ASTM Committee d-5 on Coal and Coke, American Society for Testing and Materials, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 22-23 Sept. 1976ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:623502025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Symposium on Field Description of Coal (1976 : Ottawa, Ont.). Dutcher, R. R., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TN 799.9 S95 1976<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Proceedings of a Conference on Bank Structure and Competition.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:838072025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Conference on Bank Structure and Competition. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Research Dept.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number HG 2461 C65 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Anxiety : current trends in theory and researchent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19292025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Spielberger, Charles D., ed. barratt, Ernest S., contr.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number BF 575 A6 A58 1972- V.1<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~2<br/>Fermentation advancesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:58952025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor International Fermentation Symposium (3rd 1968 : Rutgers Univ). MAYALANMA<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TP 501 I5 1968<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Scientific basis for nuclear waste managementent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:688932025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Symposium on Science Underlying Radioactive Waste Management, Boston, Nov. 28-Dec. 1, 1978-<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TD 898 S896 1978 V.1<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~2<br/>Production of Yellow Cake and Uranium Fluorides : proceedings of an Orgby I. A. E. A. held in Paris, 5-8 June 1979.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:691842025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Advisory Group Meeting on Production of Yellow Cake and Uranium Fluorides (1979 : Paris).<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TN 490.U7 A95 1979<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Uranium 81 : proceedings of a meeting org. by the Applied Minerology and Geochemistry Groups of the Mineralogical Society on Uranium Minerology and the Geochemistry of Natural Radioelements in Crystalline Rocks, London, 16-17 Jun. 1981ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:611782025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Simpson, P. R., ed. Brown, G. C., ed. Plant, J. A., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TN 490.U7 U7 1979 P<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Combination processes in food irradiation : proceedings of an..ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:639942025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor International Symposium on Combination Processes in Food Irradation (1980 Colombo, Srilanka).<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TP 371.8 I567 1980<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Isotope hydrology 1983 : proceedings of an inter...Held in Vienna, 12-16 Sept. 1983ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:724722025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology in Water Resources Development (6th : 1983 : Vienna) International Atomic Energy Agency. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number GB 656.2.R34 I8 1983<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Religious and lay symbolism in the Altaic world and other papers : proceedings of the 27th meeting of the June 12th to 17th, 1984ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:47232025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Permanent International Altistic Conference (27th : 1984 : Walberberg) Sagaster, K., ed. Eimer, H., collab.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number DS 17 P4 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Young athletes : biological, psychological, and educational perspectivesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:710842025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Child and Sport Conference (1984 : Urbino, Italy) Malina, R. M., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number RC 1218 C45 C475<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Europe and its others : Proceedings of the Essex Conference on the Sociology of Literature, July 1984ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:776542025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Essex Conference on the Sociology of Literature (1984 : University of Essex) Barker, Francis, 1952- Essex Sociology of Literature Conference (1984 : University of Essex)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number PN 56.C63 E87 1984 V.1 (SET)<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~2<br/>Methods in ring theoryent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1039662025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor NATO Advanced Study Institute on Methods in Ring Theory (1983 : Antwerp, Belgium) Oystaeyen, F. van, 1947-, ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QA 247 N37 1983<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>VI. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı : 16-20 Nisan 1984 İzmirent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5238962025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Kazı sonuçları toplantısı (VI.: 1984: İzmir) T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı Eski Eserler ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number DR431 K29 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Molecular electronic structure calculations-methods and applications.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:396272025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZPreferred Shelf Number QD 461 M613 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Catalytic materials : Relationship between structure and reactivityent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:406402025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Whyte, T. E., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QD 505 C387 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Particles and gravity : proceedings of the John Hopkins Workshop on Current Problems in Particle Theory 8 : Baltimore, 1984 (June 20-22)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:413172025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor John Hopkins Workshop on Current Problems in Particle Theory (8th : 1984 : Baltimore, Md.) Domokos, G., ed. Kovesi-Domokos S., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QC 793 J56 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Türkiye 4. gıda kongresient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:483502025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Türkiye Gıda Kongresi ; (IV. : 1984 : 17-19 Nisan)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TX 345 T847 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Radiation in plasmasent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:583062025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor College on Plasma Physics (1983 : International Centre for Theoretical Physics). McNamara, B., ed. by<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QC 718.5.R3 C65 1983 V.1<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Polymers in electronicsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:587422025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Davidson, T., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 7871.15.P6 P3 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Operational safety of nuclear power plants : proceedings of an..ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:589532025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor International Symposium on Operational Safety of Nuclear Power Plants Marseilles (1983 : France)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 9152 I526 1983 V.1<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~2<br/>Genetic and environmental factors during the growth periodent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:590432025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor NATO Advanced Study Institutee on Genetic and Environmental Factors during the Growth Period (1982 : Brusseels, Belgium) Susanne, C., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number RJ 131 N325 1982<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Radioactive waste management : proceedings of an... held by International Atomic Energy in Seattle, 16-20 May 1983.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:594702025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor International Conference on radioactive Waste Management (1983 : Seattle, U. S. A.)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TD 898 R3347 1983 V.1<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~5<br/>Stability in underground mining : 2nd Int... held in Aug. 6-8, 1984, Lexington, Kentuckyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:607362025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor International Conference on Stability in Underground Mining (1984 : Lexington, Kentucky). Szwilski, A. B., ed. Brawner, C. O., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TN 5 I8 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Politics and tyranny : lessons in the pursuit of freedoment://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:83052025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Friedman, Milton, 1912-<br/>Preferred Shelf Number HB 98.3 F75 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Measure theory oberwolfach 1983 : proceedings of the conference, held at Oberwolfach, June 26-July 2, 1983ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:363442025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Kölzow, D., ed. Muharam-Stone, D., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QA 312 M463 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Electron microscopy, 1984 : proceedings of the 8th European Congress on electron microscopy, Budapest, Hungary, August 13-18, 1984ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:367292025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor European Congress on Electron Microscopy (8th : 1984 : Budapest). Csanady, A., ed. Rohlich, P., ed. Szabo, D., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QH 212.E4 E97 1984 V.1-3<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~3<br/>Genetic manipulation : impact on man and societyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:371092025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Arber, E., ed. Padron, A, ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QH 442 G459 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~2<br/>Protocal specification, testing and verification IV : proceedings of the.. Org. by Columbia University, Skytop Lodge, Pennsylvania, U. S. A., June 11-14, 1984ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:373722025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor IFIP WG 6.1 International Workshop on Protocal Specification, Testing and Verification (4th : 1984 : Skytop Lodge Pa.,) Yemini, Y., ed. Strom, R. R., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 5105.5 I342 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Molecular liquids : Dynamics and interactionsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:399012025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Barnes, Austin J., ed. Orville-Tomas W. J., 1921- ed. Yarwood, J., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QC 138 M65 1983<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>II. Vakıf Haftası : 3-9 Aralık 1984, Ankara.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:820502025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Vakıf Haftası (2. : 1984 : Ankara)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number NA 109.T9 V34 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Historical syntaxent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:975572025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Fisiak, Jacek., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number P 291 I45 1981<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Households : comparative and historical studies of the domestic groupent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:698352025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Wilk, R. R., ed. Arnould, E. J., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number HQ 7 H68 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Nuclear power plant outage experience : proceedings of an International Symposium on Nuclear Power Plant Outage Experienceent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:839402025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor International Symposium on Nuclear Power Plant Outage Experience (1984 : Karlsruhe, Germany) International Atomic Energy Agency.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 9006 I67 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>NATO, Savunma ve Eğitim Yönleri Sempozyumu, 5-6 Ocak 1984ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:872122025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor NATO, Savunma ve Eğitim Yönleri Sempozyumu (1984 : Ankara, Turkey). Kavcar, Cahit.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number UA 646.3 N67 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Nuclear structure and heavy-ion dynamics = Struttura nucleare e dinamica degli ioni pesanti : held in Varenna on Lake Como Villa Monastero, 27 July-6August 1982ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425342025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor International School Physics "Enrico Fermi" (1982 : Varenna, Italy) Moretto, L., ed. Ricci, R. A., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QC 793.3.S8 I577 1982<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Muons and pions in materials research : lectures delivered at the Spring School on Muon Spin Research, Aussois, France, May 1983 / sponsored by the Centre national de la recherche scientifique...ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425412025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Spring School on Muon Spin Research (1983 : Aussois, France). Chappert, J., ed. Grynszpan, R. I., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QC 793.5.M428 S67 1983<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Proceedings of 11th International Conference on neutrino Physics and astrophysics at Nordkirchen, near Dortmund, June 11-16, 1984ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425422025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (11th : 1984 : Nordkirchen, Germany). Kleinknecht, K., ed. Paschos, E. A., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QC 793.5.N422 I57 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Condensed matter research using neutrons : today and tomorrow ; held March 26-29, 1984ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:437412025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor NATO Advenced Research Workshop on Condensed Matter Research Using Neutrons (1984 : Abingdon, Oxfordshire) Lovesey, S. W., ed. Sherm, R., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QC 173.4.C65 N37 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Workshop on Radiative Corrections in SU(2)L x U(1) : Miramare, Trieste, Italy, 6-8 June 1983ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:447092025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Workshop on Radiative Corrections in SU(2)L x U(1) (1983 : Trieste, Italy). Lynn, B. W., ed. Wheater, J. F., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QC 174.17.S9 W67 1983<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Food acquisition and processing in primatesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:451102025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Chivers, D. J., ed. Wood, B. A., ed. Bilsborough, A., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QL 737.P9 F64 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Applications of physics to medicine and biology G. lberi memorialent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:455082025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Proceedings of the International Conference on Applications of Physics to Medicine and Biology (II. : 7-11 Nov. 1983 : Trieste, Italy) Bajzer, Z., ed. Franco, C., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number R 895.A2 P94 1983<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>The Nature of technological knowledge. Are Models of Scientific change relevantent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:564382025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Laudan, R., ed. by<br/>Preferred Shelf Number T 14 N37 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Coming full circle : farmers participation in the development of technologyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:586252025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Matlon, Peter, ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number S 494.5.I5 C65 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Real time digital controf applications : proceedings of the IFAC /IFIP Symposium Guadalajara, Mexico, 17-19 January 1983ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:595372025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Alonso-Concheiro, A., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TJ 217 R4 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Adhesive joints : proceedings of the... held in Kansas City, Missouri, 12-17 September, 1982ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:707462025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor International Symposium on Adhesive Joints : Formation, Characteristics and Testing ( 1982 : Kansas City, Mo). Mittal, K. L. , ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TA 492.A3 I58 1982<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi Mimarlik Fakültesi Mimarlik Bölümü Mekan Düzenleme Ana Bilim Dalı Konferansları (1976-77 ders yılı)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:640282025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZPreferred Shelf Number NK 1702 M651 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Proceedings of the second International conferenceent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:727392025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor International Kimberlite Conference (2d: Santa Fe, N. M. : 1977). Boyd, F. R., ort. yaz.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QE 462.K5 I59 1977 V.1<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific physics conference, Singapore 1983ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:746482025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Asia-Pacific Physics Conference (1st : 1983 : Singapore) Arima, A., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QC 1 A78 1983 V.1<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~3<br/>Fusion technology 1984 ; proceedings of the thirteenth symposium conference Centre of Villa Penti, Varese-Italy 24-28 Sept.1984. Commission of the Eurepean Communities, Joint Research Centre, Ispra Establishment.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:8642025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Symposium on Fusion Technology, 13th, (1984 : Ispra)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 9204 S89 1984 V.1<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~2<br/>Analytic technigues for energy planning : proceedings of the first symposiument://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:102692025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Lev, B., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number HD 9502.A2 A56 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Ermeni terörizmi kaynakları uyuşturucu trafiği ile ilgisi tarihin saptırılmasıent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:141292025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Uluslararası Terörizm Sempozyumu, Ankara, 17-18 Nisan 1984.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number HV 6431 U8 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Computational group theory : proceedins of the London Mathematical Society Symposium on computational group theoryent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:327302025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Atkinson, M. D., ed. by<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QA 171 C739 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>NMR and macromolecules : equence, dynamic and domain structureent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:358772025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Randall, J. C., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QD 380 N57 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Light and the flowering processent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:412802025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Vince-Prue, D., ed. Thomas, B., ed. Cockshull, K. E., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QK 830 L54 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~2<br/>Genetic control of environmental pollutantsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:442052025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor Hollaender, A., ed. Omenn, G. S., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TP 248.6 G45 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>The impact of oil revenues on Arab Gulf developmentent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:791132025-03-15T07:29:35Z2025-03-15T07:29:35ZAuthor El Azhary, M. S., ed. University of Exeter. Centre for Arab Gulf Studies. Petroleum Information Committee of the Arab Gulf States.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number HN 662.A8 I7 1984<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>