Search Results for NÜKLEER YAKITLAR.SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dN$0025C3$00259CKLEER$002bYAKITLAR.$0026te$003dILS$0026ps$003d300$0026isd$003dtrue?2025-01-09T11:59:58ZFabrication of Water Reactor Fuel ElementProceeding of an ...ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:596042025-01-09T11:59:58Z2025-01-09T11:59:58ZAuthor International Symposium on Water Reactor Fuel Element Fabrication with Special Emphasis on the Effect of Fabrication Technology on Fuel Performance : (1978 : Prague)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 9207 I57 1979<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~2<br/>Fuel and fuel elements for fast reactors : proceedings of a symposium... held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Brussels, 2-6 July 1973.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:598632025-01-09T11:59:58Z2025-01-09T11:59:58ZAuthor Symposium on Fuel and Fuel Elements for Fast Reactors (1973 : Brussels) International Atomic Energy Agency.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 9360 S793 1973 V.2<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~2<br/>1. Ulusal Nükleer Yakıt Teknolojisi Sempozyumu : 3-5 Eylül 1997 CNAEM, İstanbul : bildiriler kitabı.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:738312025-01-09T11:59:58Z2025-01-09T11:59:58ZAuthor Ulusal Nükleer Yakıt Teknolojisi Sempozyumu (1997 : CNAEM, İstanbul) Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumu. Birinci Ulusal Nükleer Yakıt Teknolojisi Sempozyumu (1997 : CNAEM, İstanbul)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 9360 U48 1997 V.1<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~2<br/>Nuclear criticality safety : theory and practiceent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:591992025-01-09T11:59:58Z2025-01-09T11:59:58ZAuthor Knief, Ronald Allen, 1944-<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 9153 K56 1991<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>The nuclear fuel cycle ; analysis and managementent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:696952025-01-09T11:59:58Z2025-01-09T11:59:58ZAuthor Cochran, Robert G., 1919- Elliot, David M., ed. Weaver, Lynn E., ed.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 9360 C53 1990<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Nuclear fuel cycle optimization ; methods and modelling techniquesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:598652025-01-09T11:59:58Z2025-01-09T11:59:58ZAuthor Silvennoinen, P.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 9360 S39 1982<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>American national standard method for calculating the fractional release of volatile fission products from oxide fuelent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:606392025-01-09T11:59:58Z2025-01-09T11:59:58ZAuthor American Nuclear Society. American National Standards Institute.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 9360 A35 1982<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Occupational radiation eposure in nuclear fuel cycle facilities : proceeding of a sysmposium...ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:696942025-01-09T11:59:58Z2025-01-09T11:59:58ZAuthor Symposium on Occupational Radiation Exposure in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities (1979 : Los Angeles)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number RC 965.A8 S94 1980<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Thorium and gas cooled reactors ; a seminar for the 65th birthday of Dr Peter Fortescue, held at General Atomic Company San Diego, Calif, USA, 17 June 1978ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:599412025-01-09T11:59:58Z2025-01-09T11:59:58ZPreferred Shelf Number TK9203.G3 T399 1978<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Engineering for nuclear fuel reprocessingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:696232025-01-09T11:59:58Z2025-01-09T11:59:58ZAuthor Long, Justin T.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 9360 L65 1978<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Reactivity coefficients in large fast power reactorsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24992025-01-09T11:59:58Z2025-01-09T11:59:58ZAuthor Hummel, Harry H. D., Okrent, ort. yaz.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 9360 H84 1978<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Thermodynamics of nuclear materials 1974 : proceedings of..., held by the International Atomic Energy Agency at Vienna, 21-25 October 1974.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:592082025-01-09T11:59:58Z2025-01-09T11:59:58ZAuthor Symposium on the Thermodynamics of Nuclear Materials (4th : 1974 : Vienna)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 9185.A1 S9 1974 V.1<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~2<br/>Behaviour and chemical state of irradiation ceramic fuels ; proceedings.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:598682025-01-09T11:59:58Z2025-01-09T11:59:58ZAuthor Panel on the Behaviour and Chemical State of Irradiated Ceramic Fuels (1972 : Vienna)<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 9360 P34 1974<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Plutonium as a reactör fuel : proceedingsof a symposium... held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Brussels, 13-17 March 1967.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:598052025-01-09T11:59:58Z2025-01-09T11:59:58ZAuthor Symposium on the use of Plutonium as a Reactör Fuel.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 9360 S92 1967<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>Chemical processing of reactor fuelsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:444972025-01-09T11:59:58Z2025-01-09T11:59:58ZAuthor Flagg, John Ferard, 1914-<br/>Preferred Shelf Number TK 9360 F55 1961<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Beytepe Library~1<br/>