Search Results for Whelan, Julie, ed., ort.yaz.SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dWhelan$00252C$002bJulie$00252C$002bed.$00252C$002bort.yaz.$0026ps$003d300?2024-12-13T13:04:07ZCocaine scientific and social dimensionsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:945812024-12-13T13:04:07Z2024-12-13T13:04:07ZAuthor symposium on Cocaine, Scientific and Social Dimensions (20-22 July 1991 : London) R., Gregory, ed., ort.yaz. Whelan, Bock, ed., ort.yaz. Whelan, Julie, ed., ort.yaz.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QV 113 S989 1992<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Health Sciences Library~1<br/>Fetal antignes and cancerent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:959882024-12-13T13:04:07Z2024-12-13T13:04:07ZAuthor Symposium on Fetal Antigens and Cancer held at the Ciba Foundation (20-22 July 1982 : London) Evered, David, ed., ort.yaz. Whelan, Julie, ed., ort.yaz.<br/>Preferred Shelf Number QZ 200 SYM 1983 F<br/>Format: Books<br/>Availability Health Sciences Library~1<br/>