Arama Sonu&ccedil;lar&#305; Atomic energy. - Daralt&#305;lm&#305;&#351;: 1975 SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dAtomic$002benergy.$0026qf$003dPUBDATE$002509Yay$0025C4$0025B1n$002bY$0025C4$0025B1l$0025C4$0025B1$0025091975$0025091975$0026ps$003d300?dt=list 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z Fuel and fuel elements for fast reactors : proceedings of a symposium... held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Brussels, 2-6 July 1973. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:59863 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z Yazar&#160;Symposium on Fuel and Fuel Elements for Fast Reactors (1973 : Brussels)&#160;International Atomic Energy Agency.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;TK 9360 S793 1973 V.2<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/>Durum&#160;Beytepe K&uuml;t&uuml;phanesi~2<br/> Medical radicioisotoe scintigraphy : Proceedins of a symposium held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Salzburg, 6-15 Agust 1968. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:50864 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z Yazar&#160;Symposiuum on Medical Radioisotope Scintigraphy ( 1968 : Salzburg)<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;WN 415 SYM 1969 V.1 1.K<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/>Durum&#160;Sa&#287;l&#305;k Bilimleri K&uuml;t&uuml;phanesi~2<br/> Gas-cooled reactors with enphasis on advanced systems ; proceedings of a symposium... jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and held in J&uuml;lich, 13-17 Oct. 1975. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:59942 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z Yazar&#160;Symposium on Gas-Cooled Reactors with Emphasis on Advanced Systems, (1975 : J&uuml;ich)<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;TK 9203. G3 S93 1975 V.1<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/>Durum&#160;Beytepe K&uuml;t&uuml;phanesi~2<br/> The Oklo phenomenon : proceedings...Organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Co-operation with the French Atomic Energy Commission and the Government of the Republic of Gabon and held in Libreville, Gabon, from 23 to 27 June 1975. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:69188 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z Yazar&#160;Symposium on the Oklo Phenomenon-Gabon (1975)<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;TN 490.U7 S68 1975<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/>Durum&#160;Beytepe K&uuml;t&uuml;phanesi~1<br/> Impacts of nuclear releases into the aquatic environment : proceedings of an international symposium... held by the International Atomic Energy Agency at Otaniemi, Finland, 30 June-4 July 1975. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:37269 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z Yazar&#160;International symposium on Radiological Impacts of Releases from Nuclear Facilities into Aquatic Environments (1975 : Otaniemi, Finland)<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;QH 543.5.A1 I57 1975<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/>Durum&#160;Beytepe K&uuml;t&uuml;phanesi~1<br/> Thermodynamics of nuclear materials 1974 : proceedings of..., held by the International Atomic Energy Agency at Vienna, 21-25 October 1974. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:59208 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z Yazar&#160;Symposium on the Thermodynamics of Nuclear Materials (4th : 1974 : Vienna)<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;TK 9185.A1 S9 1974 V.1<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/>Durum&#160;Beytepe K&uuml;t&uuml;phanesi~2<br/> Engineering compendium on radiation shielding / repared by numerous specialists ; ed. by R. G. Jaeger (and others) ; sponsored by International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:59669 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;TK 9210 E5 1968-75 V.1<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/>Durum&#160;Beytepe K&uuml;t&uuml;phanesi~3<br/> Directory of nuclear reactors. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:85882 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z 2025-03-18T16:58:19Z Yazar&#160;International Atomic Energy Agency.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;TK 9202 I57 V.101976<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/>Durum&#160;Beytepe K&uuml;t&uuml;phanesi~1<br/>