Arama Sonuçları Congresses. - Daraltılmış: 2005SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dCongresses.$0026qf$003dPUBDATE$002509Yay$0025C4$0025B1n$002bY$0025C4$0025B1l$0025C4$0025B1$0025092005$0025092005$0026te$003dILS$0026ps$003d300$0026isd$003dtrue?dt=list2025-03-19T13:22:55ZAdhesion aspects of thin filmsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2853782025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Symposium on Adhesion Aspects of Thin Films. MST Conferences (Firm)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Polyimides and other high temperature polymers synthesis, characterization and applications.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2854202025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Symposium on Polyimides and other High Temperature Polymers.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Polymer surface modification relevance to adhesionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2900342025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Symposium on Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion. Mittal, K. L., 1945-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The Quality of foods and beverages chemistry and technologyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2504252025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Charalambous, George, 1922-1994. Inglett, G. E., 1928- American Chemical Society. Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Institute of Food Technologists. American Society of Flavor Chemists.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href="">Vol. 1</a>
ScienceDirect <a href="">Vol. 2</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Plant cold hardiness and freezing stress mechanisms and crop implicationsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2505152025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Li, P. H. (Paul H.), 1933- Sakai, A. (Akira), 1920- National Science Foundation (U.S.) Nihon Gakujutsu Shinkōkai. University of Minnesota. College of Agriculture.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Microsomes, drug oxidations, and chemical carcinogenesisent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2510502025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations (4th : 1979 : Ann Arbor, Mich.) Coon, Minor Jesser, 1921-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Recent advances in the science and technology of zeolites and related materials proceedings of the 14th International Zeolite Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 25-30th April 2004ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2519472025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Zeolite Conference (14th : 2004 : Cape Town, South Africa) Van Steen, E. (Eric) Callanan, L. H. (Linda H.) Claeys, C.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a>
ScienceDirect <a href=""></a>
ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Silicon molecular beam epitaxy proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Silicon Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Symposium A of the 1989 E-MRS Conference, Strasbourg, France, 30 May-2 June 1989ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2561052025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Symposium on Silicon Molecular Beam Epitaxy (3rd : 1989 : Strasbourg, France) Kasper, Erich. Parker, E. H. C. European Materials Research Society.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The theory and applications of reliability with emphasis on Bayesian and nonparametric methodsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2561152025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Conference on the Theory and Applications of Reliability with Emphasis on Bayesian and Nonparametric Methods (1975 : University of South Florida) Tsokos, Chris P. Shimi, I. N. United States. Air Force. Office of Scientific Research. University of South Florida.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Liquid scintillation counting recent applications and developmentent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2502822025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Conference on Liquid Scintillation Counting, Recent Applications and Development (1979 : University of California, San Francisco) Peng, Chin-Tzu, 1921- Horrocks, Donald L. Alpen, Edward L.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>I. Milli Arşiv Şurası : tebliğler-tartışmalar : 20-21 Nisan 1998, Ankaraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1241452025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Milli Arşiv Şurası (1. : 1998 : Ankara) Erişti, Rahim.<br/>Yer Numarası CD2260 .M55 1998<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>International Symposium on the Recent History of Van : Van, 2-5 April 1990ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:561772025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Symposium on the Recent History of Van (1990 : Van) Boynukara, Hasan, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası DR 741.V3 I58 1990<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Uluslararası Dördüncü Türk Kültürü Kongresi bildirileri : 4-7 Kasım 1997, Ankaraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:566632025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Uluslararası Türk Kültürü Kongresi (4. : 1997 : Ankara) Aktaş-Yasa, Azize, haz.<br/>Yer Numarası DS 26 U421 1997 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~3<br/>Anayasa mahkemesinin 30.kuruluş yıldönümü nedeniyle düzenlenen sempozyumda sunulan bildiriler, 25-26-27 Nisan 1992 Ankaraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:160602025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Özden, Yekta Güngör. Yıldız, Emine.<br/>Yer Numarası KKX2069 .A53 1986- V.21986<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Hukuk Kütüphanesi~8 Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Financial optimizationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:769272025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Zenios, Stavros Andrea, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası HG 174 F525 1993<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Aristotle, Kant, and the Stoics : rethinking happiness and dutyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:773872025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Engstrom, Stephen Philip, 1955- ed. Whiting, Jennifer, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası BJ 1481 A68 1996<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Advances in modal logicent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:780632025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Kracht, Marcus, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası BC 199.M6 A38 1998- V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>VI. Milletlerarası Türk Halk Kültürü kongresi : Yurt dışında çalışan Türkler ve kültürel değişim : Seksiyon bildirileri.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:848782025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Milletlerarası Türk Halk Kültürü Kongresi (6. : 2001)<br/>Yer Numarası GR 41.5 M55 2001<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>The globalization of higher educationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:852382025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Scott, Peter, 1946- ed. Society for Research into Higher Education. Conference (1998 : Lancaster University)<br/>Yer Numarası LB 2322.2 G56 1998<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Küreselleşme ve geleneksel kültür seksiyon bildirileri.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:859202025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Milletlerarası Türk Halk Kültürü Kongresi (6th : 18-22 Haziran 2001 : İçel)<br/>Yer Numarası GR 280 M555 2001<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>İstanbul ve Chicago Üniversiteleri karma projesi Güneydoğu Anadolu tarih öncesi araştırmaları = The Joint Istanbul-Chicago universities' prehistoric research in Southeastern Anatoliaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:930352025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar İstanbul ve Chicago Üniversiteleri Karma Projesi Güneydoğu Anadolu Tarih öncesi Araştırmaları (1st : 1980 : Istanbul, Turkey.) Braidwood, Robert J., 1907- Çambel, Halet.<br/>Yer Numarası DF 261.5 I25 1980<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Sport und Informatik : Bericht über den ... Workshop über Sport und Informatik.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1238292025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Workshop über Sport & Informatik.<br/>Yer Numarası GV81 .W672 1990<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Proceedings of a Conference on Bank Structure and Competition.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:838072025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Conference on Bank Structure and Competition. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Research Dept.<br/>Yer Numarası HG 2461 C65 1984<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>The Differences between the sexesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:850182025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Short, Roger Valentine, 1930- ed. Balaban, Evan, ed. International Conference on Comparative Physiology (11th : 1992 : Crans, Switzerland)<br/>Yer Numarası QP 81.5 D54 1994<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Environmental protection against radioactive pollutionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:870682025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Environmental Protection Against Radioactive Pollution (2002 : Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan) Birsen, N., ed. Kadyrzhanov, K. K., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası TD 196.R3 E587 2002<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Semiotics/ced by John Deely and Jonathan Evans..ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:970122025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Deely, John, ed. Evans, Jonathan, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası P 99 S3818 1987<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Aristote aujourd'hui : Etudes reunies... a l'occasion du 2300e anniversaire de la mort du philosopheent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:741012025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Sinaceur, M. Allal. Aubenque, Pierre.<br/>Yer Numarası B 485 A6 1988<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Perspectives in exercise science and sports medicine.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:793812025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Lamb, David R., ed. Murray, Robert, 1949- ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QP 301 P384 2001- V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Proceedings of the 19th annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures January 8-12, 1995, Cocoa Beach, FLent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2972752025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures (19th : 1995 : Cocoa Beach, Fla.) Pfendt, Glenn N. American Ceramic Society. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Proceedings of the 19th annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures January 8-12, 1995, Cocoa Beach, FLent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2972762025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures (19th : 1995 : Cocoa Beach, Fla.) Pfendt, Glenn N. American Ceramic Society. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Proceedings of the 20th annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures January 7-11, 1996, Cocoa Beach, FLent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2972802025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures (20th : 1996 : Cocoa Beach, Fla.) Greenhut, Victor. American Ceramic Society. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Proceedings of the 20th annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures January 7-11, 1996, Cocoa Beach, FLent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2972812025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures (20th : 1996 : Cocoa Beach, Fla.) Greenhut, Victor. American Ceramic Society. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Polyimides and other high temperature polymers synthesis, characterization and applications.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2862852025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Symposium on Polyimides and other High Temperature Polymers.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Polymer surface modification relevance to adhesionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2900352025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Symposium on Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion. Mittal, K. L., 1945-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Knowledge Systems and Translationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5342952025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Budin, Gerhard, contributor. Chesterman, Andrew, contributor. Dam, Helle V., contributor. Dam, Helle V., editor. Engberg, Jan, contributor.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>
Cover <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Event Arguments: Foundations and Applicationsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5352262025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Abraham, Werner, contributor. Alexiadou, Artemis, contributor. Bierwisch, Manfred, contributor. Caudal, Patrick, contributor. Eckardt, Regine, contributor.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>
Cover <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Dialogue Analysis IX: Dialogue in Literature and the Media, Part 1: Literature : Selected Papers from the 9th IADA Conference, Salzburg 2003ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5351632025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Abadi, Adina, contributor. Battiston, Régine, contributor. Betten, Anne, contributor. Betten, Anne, editor. Bruti, Silvia, contributor.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>
Cover <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Dialogue Analysis IX: Dialogue in Literature and the Media, Part 2: Media : Selected Papers from the 9th IADA Conference, Salzburg 2003ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5351642025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Aijmer, Karin, contributor. Atifi, Hassan, contributor. Becker, Annette, contributor. Berlin, Lawrence Ν., contributor. Betten, Anne, contributor.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>
Cover <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Uluslararası halkla ilişkiler sempozyumu : bildiri kitabı, 15-17 Nisan 2009, Lefkoşeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1353502025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Uluslararası Halkla İlişkiler Sempozyumu (2009: Lefkoşe) Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi.<br/>Yer Numarası HM1221 .U48 2010 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Notes on analog-digital coversion techniquesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2202952025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Susskind, Alfred K.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim IEEE Xplore <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>A history of corporate governance around the world : family business groups to professional managersent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2689722025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Morck, Randall. National Bureau of Economic Research.<br/>Yer Numarası HD2741 H568 2007<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>67th Porcelain Enamel Institute Technical Forum proceedings of the 67th Porcelain Enamel Institute Technical Forum, Nashville, Tennessee, USA (2005)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2959452025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Porcelain Enamel Institute. Technical Forum (67th : 2005 : Nashville, Tenn.) Kilczewski, Steve. Evele, Holger. Faust, William D. (William Darry) American Ceramic Society.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Underground mining new technologies, safety and sustainable development : International Mining Forum 2005ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2847492025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Mining Forum (2005) Sobczyk, Eugeniusz J. Kicki, Jerzy.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Poromechanics III Biot Centennial (1905-2005) : proceedings of the Third Biot Conference on Poromechanics, University of Oklahoma, Norman Oklahoma, USA, 24-27 May 2005ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2847522025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Biot Conference on Poromechanics (3rd : 2005 : Norman, Oklahoma) Abousleiman, Younane N. Cheng, A. H.-D. Ulm, F.-J. (Franz-Josef)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>GIS for coastal zone managementent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2847652025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar CoastGIS '01 Conference (2001 : Halifax, N.S.) Bartlett, Darius J., 1955- Smith, Jennifer L.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>GeoSensor networksent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2855402025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar GeoSensor Networks Workshop (1st : 2003 : Portland, Me.) Stefanidis, Anthony, 1964- Nittel, Silvia.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Unsaturated soils advances in testing, modelling and engineering applications : proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Unsaturated Soils, 23-25 June 2004, Anacapri, Italyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2855782025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Workshop on Unsaturated Soils (2nd : 2004 : Anacapri, Italy) Mancuso, C. (Claudio) Tarantino, A. (Alessandro)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, CICE 2004 proceedings of the Second International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, CICE 2004, 8-10 December 2004, Adelaide, Australiaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2855992025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (2nd : 2004 : Adelaide, S. Australia) Seracino, Rudolf, 1970-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Natural arsenic in groundwater occurrence, remediation and management : proceedings of the Pre-Congress Workshop "Natural Arsenic in Groundwater (BWO 06)," 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy, 18-19 August 2004ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2856122025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Chandrasekharam, D. Bhattacharya, Prosun. Bundschuh, Jochen. International Geological Congress (32nd : 2004 : Florence, Italy)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Underground space use analysis of the past and lessons for the future : proceedings of the 31st ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress, 7-12 May 2005, Istanbul, Turkeyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2856732025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar AITES-ITA World Tunnel Congress (31st : 2005 : Istanbul, Turkey) Erdem, Y¿cel. Solak, T¿lin.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Geotechnical engineering of damsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2856742025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Fell, Robin.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Frontiers in offshore geotechnics ISFOB 2005 : proceedings of the First International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics, University of Western Australia, Perth, 19-21 September 2005ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2856762025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (1st : 2005 : Perth, Australia) Gourvenec, Susan. Cassidy, Mark.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Estuarine indicatorsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2876822025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Bortone, Stephen A.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Groundwater intensive use selected papers, SINEX, Valencia, Spain, 10-14 December 2002ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2879202025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar SINEX (2002 : Valencia, Spain) Sahuquillo, A. (Andrš) Aliaga, R.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Maritime transportation and exploitation of ocean and coastal resources proceedings of the 11th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-30 September 2005ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2879262025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Soares, C. Guedes. Garbatov, Y. Fonseca, N. International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean. International Congress (11th : 2005 : Lisbon)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Control theory of partial differential equationsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2885312025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Conference on Control Theory for Partial Differential Equations (2003 : Georgetown University) Imanuvilov, Oleg.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Novel nanocrystalline alloys and magnetic nanomaterials an Oxford-Kobe materials textent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2895362025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Oxford-Kobe Materials Seminar (4th : 2001 : Kobe Institute) Cantor, B.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Stabilisation/solidification treatment and remediation advances in s/s for waste and contaminated land : proceedings of the International Conference on Stabilisation/Solidification Treatment and Remediation : University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 12-13 April 2005ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2898022025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Conference on Stabilisation/SolidificationTreatment and Remediation (2005 : University of Cambridge, England) Al-Tabbaa, Abir. Stegemann, Julia A.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Mast cells and basophils development, activation, and roles in allergic/autoimmune diseaseent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2958152025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Symposium on Mast Cells and Basophils: Development, Activation and Roles in Allergic/Autoimmune Disease (2004 : London, England) Chadwick, Derek. Goode, Jamie. Novartis Foundation.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="{36D1F72C-9F26-4623-BCD2-F6B008AB147C}&Format=50">Click for information</a>
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HathiTrust Digital Library, Limited view (search only) <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Water Resources and Environmental Problems in Karst : proceedings of the international conference and field seminars, Belgrade - Kotor, September 2005ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2476732025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Milanovic, Petar T. Stevanovic, Zoran. International Association of Hydrogeologists. Water Resources and Environmental Problems in Karst (2005 : Belgrade, Serbia and Kotor, Montenegro)<br/>Yer Numarası GB600.4.S4 W48 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Zeolites and ordered mesoporous materials progress and prospects : the 1st FEZA School on Zeolites, Prague, Czech Republic, August 20-21, 2005ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2519962025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar FEZA School on Zeolites (1st : 2005 : Prague, Czech Republic) Čejka, Jiří. Bekkum, Herman van.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Chemical ecology and phytochemistry of forest ecosystemsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2526392025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Romeo, John T. Phytochemical Society of North America. Meeting (44th : 2004 : Ottawa, Ont.)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Environmental ergonomics the ergonomics of human comfort, health, and performance in the thermal environmentent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2543902025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Tochihara, Yutaka. Ohnaka, Tadakatsu. International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics (10th : 2002 : Fukuoka, Japan)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Engineering turbulence modelling and experiments 6 proce[e]dings of the ERCOFTAC International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements - ETMM6 - Sardinia, Italy, 23-25 May, 2005ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2543942025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar ERCOFTAC International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (6th : 2005 : Villasimius, Sardinia) Rodi, Wolfgang. Mulas, M. European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Recent developments in applied electrostatics proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Applied Electrostatics, November 2-5, 2004, Shanghai, Chinaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2544072025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Conference on Applied Electrostatics (5th : 2004 : Shanghai, China) Keping, Sun. Gefei, Yu.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in steel structures proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, 13-15 June 2005, Shanghai, Chinaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2544132025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures (4th : 2005 : Shanghai, China) Shen, Z. Y. (Zu-yan) Li, G. Q. Chan, S. L.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Systems and human science, for safety, security, and dependability seleced papers of the 1st International Symposium SSR2003, Osaka, Japan, November 2003ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2546032025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Symposium on Systems and Human Science (1st : 2003 : Osaka University) Arai, Tatsuo. Yamamoto, Shigeru, 1964- Makino, Kazuhisa. Ōsaka Daigaku.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The south Aegean active volcanic arc present knowledge and future perspectivesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2552882025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar SAAVA 2003 Conference (2003 : Melos Island, Greece) Phytikas, Michaēl. Vougioukalakis, Georges E.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Onshore-offshore relationships on the North Atlantic Margin proceedings of the Norwegian Petroleum Society Conference, October 2002, Trondheim, Norwayent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2552962025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Norsk Petroleumsforening. Conference (2002 : Trondheim, Norway) Wandås, Bjørn T. G.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The ecology of Poole Harbourent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2553042025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Humphreys, J. (John) May, V. J., 1941-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Parallel computational fluid dynamics multidisciplinary applications : proceedings of the Parallel CFD 2004 Conference, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (May 24-27, 2004)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2537262025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Parallel CFD 2004 Conference (2004 : Las Palmas, Canary Islands) Winter, G. (Gabriel)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Multiscale coupling of sun-earth processesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2553982025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Conference on Sun-Earth Connection: Multiscale Coupling in Sun-Earth Processes (2004 : Kailua Kona, Hawaii) Lui, Anthony T. Y. Kamide, Y. (Yōsuke), 1943- Consolini, G. (Giuseppe)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The natural radiation environment VII Seventh International Symposium on the Natural Radiation Environment (NRE-VII), Rhodes, Greece, 20-24 May 2002ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2557582025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Symposium on the Natural Radiation Environment (7th : 2002 : Rhodes, Greece) McLaughlin, J. P. Simopoulos, Simos E. Steinhäusler, F. (Friedrich)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Methods and models in neurophysics Methodes et modeles en neurophysique : École d'Été de Physique des Houches, Session LXXX, 28 July-29 August 2003, Nato Advanced Study Institute, Ecole Thematique du CNRSent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2574252025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Ecole d'été de physique théorique (Les Houches, Haute-Savoie, France) (80th : 2003) Chow, C. C. (Carson C.)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Recent advances in multidisciplinary applied physics proceedings of the First International Meeting on Applied Physics (APHYS 2003) October 13-18th, 2003, Badajoz, Spainent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2574302025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Meeting on Applied Physics (1st : 2003 : Badajoz, Spain) Méndez-Vilas, A.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Frontiers in magnetospheric plasma physics celebrating 10 years of Geotail operation : proceedings of the 16th COSPAR Colloquium held at the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Kanagawa, Japan, July 24-26, 2002ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2574572025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar COSPAR Colloquium (16th : 2002 : Uchū Kagaku Kenkyūjo, Japan) Hoshino, M. (Masahiro) Omura, Y. Lanzerotti, Louis J. COSPAR.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Multiple aspects of DNA and RNA from biophysics to bioinformaticsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2574742025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Ecole d'été de physique théorique (Les Houches, Haute-Savoie, France) (82nd : 2004) Chatenay, Didier.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing instruments and applications II : 9-11 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USAent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2688162025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Larar, Allen M. Suzuki, M. (Makoto) Tong, Qingxi, 1935- Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers. United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.<br/>Yer Numarası G70.39 M8422 2004<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Amyloid and amyloidosisent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2760202025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Skinner, Martha, M.D. Grateau, Gilles. Kyle, Robert A., 1928- International Symposium on Amyloidosis (10th : 2004 : Tours, France)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Improvement of buildings' structural quality by new technologies proceedings of the Final Conference of COST Action C12, 20-22 January, 2005, Innsbruck, Austriaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2856512025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Schaur, Christian. European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (Organization). COST C12 (Project) European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (Organization). Urban Civil Engineering.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering-15 38th European Symposium of the Working Party on Computer Aided Process Engineering : ESCAPE-15, 29 May - 1 June 2005, Barcelona, Spainent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2518492025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering: 15th : 2005 : Barcelona, Spain) Puigjaner, L. Espuña, A.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Nanoporous materials IV proceedings of the 4th international symposium on nanoporous materials, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada June 7-10 2005ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2518502025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Sayari, A. (Abdelhamid) Jaroniec, M.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Oxide based materials new sources, novel phases, new applicationsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2518512025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Gamba, A. (Aldo) Colella, C. (Carmine) Coluccia, S. (Salvatore)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Molecular sieves from basic research to industrial applications : proceedings of the 3rd International Zeolite Symposium (3rd FEZA), Prague, Czech Republic, August 23-26, 2005ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2518612025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International FEZA Conference (3rd : 2005 : Prague, Czech Republic) Čejka, Jiří. Žilková, N. (Naděžda) Nachtigall, P. (Petr) Federation of European Zeolite Associations.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a>
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ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Greenhouse gas control technologiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2533302025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Novel materials processing by advanced electromagnetic energy sources (MAPEES'04) proceedings of the International Symposium on Novel Materials Processing by Advanced Electromagnetic Energy Sources : March 19-22, 2004, Osaka, Japanent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2563452025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Symposium on Novel Materials Processing by Advanced Electromagnetic Energy Sources (2004 : Osaka, Japan) Miyake, S. (Shoji)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Recent topics in nonlinear PDE. IIent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2568992025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Masuda, Kyuya. Mimura, Masayasu.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Why language matters for theory of mindent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2319002025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Astington, Janet W. Baird, Jodie A. (Jodie Alison), 1973-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Oxford scholarship online <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Human rights and development towards mutual reinforcementent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2332842025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Alston, Philip. Robinson, Mary, 1944- New York University. Center for Human Rights and Global Justice.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Oxford scholarship online <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Cognitive Developmental Change Theories, Models and Measurementent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2364382025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Demetriou, Andreas. Raftopoulos, Athanassios.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Access by subscription</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Recent Perspectives in Random Matrix Theory and Number Theoryent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2371692025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Mezzadri, F.. Snaith, N. C..<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Access by subscription</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Nearest-neighbor methods in learning and vision theory and practiceent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2199852025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Shakhnarovich, Gregory. Darrell, Trevor. Indyk, Piotr.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim IEEE Xplore <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The Roman family in the empire Rome, Italy, and beyondent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2317212025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar E. Togo Salmon Conference (4th : 2001 : McMaster University) George, Michele.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Oxford scholarship online <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Cultural contacts in building a universal civilisation : Islamic contributionsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1252202025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar İhsanoğlu, Ekmeleddin, 1943-<br/>Yer Numarası CB251 .C77 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Computer music modeling and retrieval : Second International Symposium, CMMR 2004, Esbjerg, Denmark, May 26-29, 2004 : revised papersent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1329112025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval Symposium (2nd : 2004 : Ebjerg, Denmark) Wiil, Uffe Kock.<br/>Yer Numarası ML1380 .C645 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Science and football V : the proceedings of the fifth World Congress of Science and Footballent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1331802025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar World Congress of Science and Football (5th) Reilly, Thomas. Cabri, Jan. Araujo, Duarte.<br/>Yer Numarası GV940 .W673 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Earth observation with CHAMP : results from three years in orbitent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1339622025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar CHAMP Science Meeting (3rd : 2003 : Potsdam, Germany) Reigber, Christoph, 1939-<br/>Yer Numarası QC879.4 .C43 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Gravity, geoid and space missions : GGSM 2004, IAG International Symposium, Porto, Portugal, August 30-September 3, 2004ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1341822025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar IAG International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid, and Space Missions (2004 : Porto, Portugal) Jekeli, Christopher, 1953- Bastos, Luisa. Fernandes, Joana, Prof.<br/>Yer Numarası QB330 .I24 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Science and football II : proceedings of the Second World Congress of Science and Football Eindhoven, Netherlands, 22-25 May, 1991ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1375582025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar World Congress of Science and Football (2nd : 1991 : Netherland) Reilly, Thomas. Clarys, J. Stibbe, A.<br/>Yer Numarası GV940 .W673 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Life cycle tribology proceedings of the 31st Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology held at Trinity and All Saints College, Horsforth, Leeds, UK, 7th-10th September 2004ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1468632025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology (31st : 2004 : University of Leeds) Dowson, D.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Complex analysisent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1037932025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Karunakaran, V.<br/>Yer Numarası QA 331 .K1897 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Continuing professional development-- preparing for new roles in libraries : a voyage of discovery : Sixth World Conference on Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning for the Library and Information Professionsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1039402025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar World Conference on Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning for the Library and Information Professions (6th : Oslo, Norway : 2005) Genoni, Paul, ed. Walton, Graham, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası Z 668.5 .W67 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Türkiye Sosyalist İktisat Kongresi : 2005 bildirilerient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1040732025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Türkiye Sosyalist İktisat Kongresi. (1st : 2005 : İstanbul, Turkey) Özalp, Erkin, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası HX 376.7.A6 T87 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>XXIV. Türkiye Muhasebe Eğitimi Sempozyumu : Muhasebe ortamındaki güncel gelişmeler ve muhasebe eğitimine etkileri , 27-30 Nisan 2005 Fethiye-Muğla.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1040972025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Türkiye Muhasebe Eğitimi Sempozyumu (24th: 2005 Muğla) XXIV. Türkiye Muhasebe Eğitimi Sempozyumu.<br/>Yer Numarası HF 5616.T9 T875 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>International Workshop on Applications of Wavelets to Real World Problems, 17-18 July 2005, İstanbul,Turkeyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1041102025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Workshop on Applications of Wavelets to Real World Problems :( 2005 : İstanbul, Turkey) Sıddıqi, A. Hasan, ed. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi.<br/>Yer Numarası QA 403.3 I58 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Developments in infant observation : the Tavistock modelent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1041962025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Reid, Susan, ed. Tavistock Clinic.<br/>Yer Numarası WS 105 D4929 1997<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Sağlık Bilimleri Kütüphanesi~1<br/>III. sermaye piyasaları arenası vadeli işlem ve opsiyon borsası : risk yönetimi, 3 Şubat 2005.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1042302025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Sermaye Piyasaları Arenası (3. : İzmir : 2005)<br/>Yer Numarası HG 4523 .S4 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Türkiye'de sosyal hizmet uygulamaları ihtiyaçlar ve sorunlar : konferans ve bildirilerent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1043842025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Sosyal Hizmet Sempozyumu (2004 : Alanya) Çoban, Arzu İçağasıoğlu. Arslanoğlu, Halit Koray. Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Sosyal Hizmetler Bölümü.<br/>Yer Numarası HV376.7 S67 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Tika I. Uluslararası Türkoloji sempozyumuent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1043952025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Uluslararası Türkoloji sempozyumu (1: 31 mayıs-04 haziran 2004: Kırım-Ukrayna). Aydoğan, İsmail, haz. Yüksel, Zuhal, haz. T.C. Başbakanlık Tika Türk İşbirliği ve Kalkınma İdaresi Başkanlığı. Kırım Devlet Mühendislik ve Pedagoji Üniversitesi.<br/>Yer Numarası PL 21 .T55 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>e-learning for management and marketing in librariesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1051302025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar IFLA Satellite Meeting (2003 : Geneva, Switzerland) McAdam, Daisy, ed. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.<br/>Yer Numarası Z 718.8 E112 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Poverty, international migration, and asylument://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1059082025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Borjas, George J, ed. Crisp, Jeff, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası JV 6217 .P68 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Prehistorians round the pond : reflections on Aegean prehistory as a disciplineent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1059172025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Cherry, John F., ed. Margomenou, Despina, ed. Talalay, Lauren E., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası DF 220 .P74 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Research and the quality of science educationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1059342025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Boersma, Kerst, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası Q 181.A1 R42 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>TSRŞB-TAIEX ile düzenlenen Avrupa Birliği Sigorta Mevzuatı ve Uygulamaları semineri, 23-24 Haziran 2005ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1073242025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Oksay, Suna, ed. Avrupa Birliği Sigorta Mevzuatı ve Uygulamaları Semineri (2005 : İstanbul)<br/>Yer Numarası HG8593.A35 A9 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>4.Ulusal beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmenliği sempozyumu : 10-11 Haziran 2005, AS Kültür Merkezient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1073382025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Ulusal Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmenliği Sempozyumu, (4 : 2005 : Bursa) Gültekin, Okan, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası GV204.T9 B43 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>1. Proje yönetimi sempozyumu, 19 Kasım 2005, TOBB ETÜ, Ankara : bildiriler kitabı.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1078742025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Proje Yönetimi Sempozyumu (1st: 2005: Ankara)<br/>Yer Numarası HD69.P75 P765 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Web and wireless geographical information systems 5th international workshop, W2GIS 2005, Lausanne, Switzerland, December 15-16, 2005 : proceedingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1134092025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Li, Ki-Joune. Vangenot, Christelle.<br/>Yer Numarası G70.212 W24 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Media and the make-believe worlds of children : when Harry Potter meets Pokâemon in Disneylandent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1143172025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Götz, Maya.<br/>Yer Numarası HQ784.M3 M418 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Biological anthropology and ethics : from repatriation to genetic identityent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1147672025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Turner, Trudy R., 1950-<br/>Yer Numarası GN 62 B615 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Sağlık Bilimleri Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Hrvatska historiografija XX. stoljeca : izmeu znanstvenih paradigmi i ideoloskih zahtjevaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1215842025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Znanstveni skup Hrvatska historiografija XX. stoljeca: izmeu znanstvenih paradigmi i ideoloeskih zahtjeva (2002 : Zagreb, Croatia) Lipovcan, Srecko. Dobrovsak, Ljiljana. Institut druéstvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar.<br/>Yer Numarası DR1531 .Z63 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Stanovnistvo Hrvatske : dosadasnji razvoj i perspektiveent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1215912025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Zivic, Drazen, 1968- Pokos, Nenad, 1965- Misetic, Anka, 1964-<br/>Yer Numarası HB3628.8.A3 S73 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Plasma polymers and related materialsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:992932025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Workshop on Plasma Polymers and Related Materials ( 2004 : Antalya, Turkey) Mutlu, Mehmet, ed. European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (Organization). COST Action 527.<br/>Yer Numarası QD 380 I58 2004<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Sağlık Bilimleri Kütüphanesi~1<br/>12. Ulusal Kil Sempozyumu : 05-09 Eylül 2005/Van, bildirilerent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:994272025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Ulusal Kil Sempozyumu (12. : 2005 : Van) Yakupoğlu, Türker, ed. Açlan, Mustafa, ed. Köse, Onur, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QE 389.625 U48 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>ICBME'2005 : First international conferences on business, management and economicsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1000912025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Conferences on Business, Management and Economics (1st : 2005 : İzmir,Turkey). Aktan, Coşkun Can, ed. Yaşar Üniversitesi.<br/>Yer Numarası HD 73 I57 2005 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~4<br/>Power transmission and motion control (PTMC 2005) :ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1058692025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Bath Workshop on Power Transmission and Motion Control (2005 : University of Bath) Johnston, D. N. (D. Nigel), ed. Burrows, C. R. (Clifford Robert), ed. Edge, K. A. (Kevin A.), ed.<br/>Yer Numarası TJ 1045 .B38 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Species invasions : insights into ecology, evolution, and biogeographyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1059732025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Sax, Dov F., ed. Stachowicz, John J., ed. Gaines, Steven D. (Steven Dean), 1955-, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QH 353 .S29 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>On the convergence of bio-, information-, environmental-, energy-, space- and nano-technologiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1061562025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Women's Conference on BIEN-Technology. Chung, Kwang Hwa, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası TA 404 .M422 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>The virtual customer : a new paradigm for improving customer relations in libraries and information servicesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1061622025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar IFLA Satellite Meeting (2004 : Säao Paulo, Brasil) Ferreira, Sueli Mara Soares Pinto, ed. Savard, Rejean, 1950-, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası Z 716.3 I385 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Application of computers and operations research in the mineral industry : proceedings of the 32nd ...ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1099122025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Proceeding of the 32nd International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry ( 2004 : Tucson)<br/>Yer Numarası TN5 .A83 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~3<br/>Complex inorganic solids : structural, stability, and magnetic properties of alloysent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1102602025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Alloy Conference (3rd : 2002 : Estoril Sol, Portugal) Turchi, Patrice E. A.<br/>Yer Numarası TA483 .I59 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Gels, genes, grafts, and giants : festschrift on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Allan S. Hoffmanent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1124462025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Hoffman, Allan S. Cooper, Stuart L.<br/>Yer Numarası R857.P6 G45 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Orta Karadeniz kültürüent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1226952025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Orta Karadeniz Kültürü Sempozyumu (2005 : Ordu) Yediyıldız, Bahaeddin, 1945- Kaynar, Hakan. Küçük, Serhat.<br/>Yer Numarası DS51.B575 O78 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Next generation geospatial information : from digital image analysis to spatio temporal databasesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1278642025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Agouris, P. (Peggy). Croitoru, Arie.<br/>Yer Numarası G70.212 .N49 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>ITAFE'05 : International Congress on Information Technology in Agriculture Food and Environment, October 12 -14, 2005 Çukurova University, Adana, Turkeyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:993192025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Congress on Information Technology in Agriculture Food and Environment (2005 : Adana, Turkey) Cebeci, Zeynel, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası S 494.5.I47 I58 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Adhesive technology for restorative dentistryent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1020612025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar European Symposium of Adhesive Dentistry (3rd : 2001 : Berlin, Germany) Roulet, Jean-François, ed. Vanherle, Guidoe, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası WU 300 E89 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Sağlık Bilimleri Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Geostatistics Banff 2004ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1036662025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Geostatistics Congress (7th : 2004 : Banff, Alta.) Leuangthong, Oy, ed. 1974- Deutsch, Clayton V., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QE 33.2.S82 I58 2004 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>34th International Engineering Education Symposium IGIP : proceedings design of education in the 3rd Millenium :frontiers in engineering education 34th September 12-15 2005, Yeditepe University, İstanbulent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1038902025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Engineering Education Symposium IGIP (34th : 2005 : İstanbul, Turkey) Öztürk, Ayşe, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası T 62 .I5 2005 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Mekan, kültür, iktidar : küreselleşen kentlerde yeni kimliklerent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1040442025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Öncü, Ayşe, der. Weyland, Petra, 1954-, der. Şimşek, Leyla, çev. Uygun, Nilgün, çev.<br/>Yer Numarası HT 330 .S6319 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>3rd International Symposium Communication in the Millennium, May 11-13, 2005.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1041232025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Communication in the Millennium (3rd : 2005 : Austin, Texas)<br/>Yer Numarası P 87.2 C596 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>I. Ulusal Sigorta Sempozyumu Avrupa Birliği'ne uyum sürecinde Türk sigorta sektörü : bildiri kitabı,ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1041322025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Ulusal Sigorta Sempozyumu, (2005 : İstanbul) Türkiye Sigorta ve Reasürans Şirketleri Birliği.<br/>Yer Numarası HG 8694.93.A35 U48 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>15. ulusal ısı bilimi ve tekniği kongresi : bildirilerent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1042702025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Yavuz, Tahir, ed. Uysal, Bekir Zühtü, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası TJ 260 .I84 2005 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Governments, competition and utility regulationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1055542025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Robinson, Colin, 1932-, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası HD 2763 .B38 2003<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Integration of AI and OR techniques in constraint programming for combinatorial optimization problems : second international conference, CPAIOR 2005, Prague, Czech Republic, May 30 - June 1, 2005 : proceedingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1055752025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimisation Problems (2nd : 2005 : Prague, Czech Republic) Bartak, Roman, ed. Milano, Michela, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası Q 340 .I575 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Amyloid and amyloidosisent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1089892025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Skinner, Martha, M.D. Grateau, Gilles. Kyle, Robert A., 1928- International Symposium on Amyloidosis (10th : 2004 : Tours, France)<br/>Yer Numarası WD 205.5.A6 I61 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Sağlık Bilimleri Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Scaling up success : lessons learned from technology-based educational improvementent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1092182025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Dede, Christopher, ed. Honan, James P., ed. Peters, Laurence C., 1952-, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası LB1027 .S2893 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Nature's principlesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1106092025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Faye, Jan.<br/>Yer Numarası BD581 .B35 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Mental health : facing the challenges, building solutions : report from the WHO European Ministerial Conference.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:593782025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar WHO European Ministerial Conference on Mental Health (2005 : Helsinki, Finland) World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe.<br/>Yer Numarası WM 105 W628 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Sağlık Bilimleri Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Bryozoan studies 2004 proceedings of the Thirteenth International Bryozoology Association Conference, Concepción, Chile, 11-16 January 2004ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2903062025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Moyano G., Hugo I. Cancino, Juan M. Wyse Jackson, Patrick. International Bryozoology Association. Conference (13th : 2004 : Concepción (Chile))<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Stem cells nuclear reprogramming and therapeutic applications.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2958582025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Symposium on Stem Cells: Nuclear Programming and Therapeutic Applications (2004 : Novartis Foundation) Bock, Gregory. Goode, Jamie. Novartis Foundation.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Nuclear organization in development and diseaseent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2958842025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Novartis Foundation Symposium on Nuclear Organization in Development and Disease (2004 : Novartis Foundation) Chadwick, Derek. Goode, Jamie. Novartis Foundation.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Ebook Library <a href=""></a>
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MyiLibrary, Table of contents <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>65th Conference on Glass Problems a collection of papers presented at the 65th Conference on Glass Problems : The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (October 19-20, 2004)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2959372025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Conference on Glass Problems (65th : 2004 : Ohio State University) Drummond, Charles H. (Charles Henry) Ohio State University. Department of Materials Science and Engineering. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Materials Science and Engineering. American Ceramic Society.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in ceramic coatings and ceramic-metal systems a collection of papers presented at the 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 23-28, 2005, Cocoa Beach, Floridaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2959392025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (29th : 2005 : Cocoa Beach, Fla.) Zhu, Dongming. Plucknett, Kevin. Kriven, Waltraud M. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in solid oxide fuel cells a collection of papers presented at the 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 23-28, 2005, Cocoa Beach, Floridaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2959402025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (29th : 2005 : Cocoa Beach, Fla.) Bansal, Narottam P. Zhu, Dongming. Kriven, Waltraud M. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in electronic ceramic materials a collection of papers presented at the 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 23-28, 2005, Cocoa Beach, Floridaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2959412025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (29th : 2005 : Cocoa Beach, Fla.) Yao, Sheng, 1962- Zhu, Dongming. Kriven, Waltraud M. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in bioceramics and biocomposites a collection of papers presented at the 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 23-28, 2005, Cocoa Beach, Floridaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2959422025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (29th : 2005 : Cocoa Beach, Fla.) Mizuno, Mineo. Zhu, Dongming. Kriven, Waltraud M. American Ceramic Society.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in ceramic armor a collection of papers presented at the 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 23-28, 2005, Cocoa Beach, Floridaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2959432025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (29th : 2005 : Cocoa Beach, Fla.) Swab, Jeffrey J. Zhu, Dongming. Kriven, Waltraud M. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Developments in advanced ceramics and composites a collection of papers presented at the 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 23-28, 2005, Cocoa Beach, Floridaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2959442025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (29th : 2005 : Cocoa Beach, Fla.) Brito, Manuel E. Zhu, Dongming. Kriven, Waltraud M. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Characterization & control of interfaces for high quality advanced materials proceedings of the International Conference on the Characterization and Control of Interfaces for High Quality Advanced Materials (ICCCI 2003), Kurashiki, Japan, 2003ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3018812025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar International Conference on the Characterization and Control of Interfaces for High Quality Advanced Materials (2003 : Kurashiki-shi, Japan) Ewsuk, Kevin.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim HathiTrust Digital Library, Limited view (search only) <a href=""></a>
Wiley InterScience <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Characterization and modeling to control sintered ceramic microstructures and properties proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society : Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (2004)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3018902025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar DiAntonio, C. B. American Ceramic Society. Meeting (106th : 2004 : Indianapolis, Ind.) Wiley InterScience (Online service) Characterization and Modeling to Control Sintered Ceramic Microstructure and Properties Symposium (2004 : Indianapolis, Ind.)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a>
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ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>High-temperature superconductor materials, devices, and applications proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society : Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (2004)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3018932025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Paranthaman, M. P. (Mariappan Parans) American Ceramic Society. Meeting (106th : 2004 : Indianapolis, Ind.) Wiley InterScience (Online service) High-Temperature Superconductor Materials, Devices and Applications (2004 : Indianapolis, Ind.)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Developments in solid oxide fuel cells and lithium ion batteries proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society : Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (2004)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3018942025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Manithiram, Arumugam. American Ceramic Society. Meeting (106th : 2004 : Indianapolis, Ind.) Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advanced dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric thin films proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society : Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (2004)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3018952025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Tuttle, Bruce A. American Ceramic Society. Meeting (106th : 2004 : Indianapolis, Ind.) Wiley InterScience (Online service) Advanced Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Thin Films Symposium (2004 : Indianapolis, Ind.)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in photonic materials and devices proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society : Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (2004)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3018962025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Bhandarkar, Suhas. American Ceramic Society. Meeting (106th : 2004 : Indianapolis, Ind.) Wiley InterScience (Online service) Symposium on Photonics Materials and Devices (2004 : Indianapolis, Ind.)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Innovative processing and synthesis of ceramics, glasses, and composites VIII proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society : Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (2004)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3018972025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Bansal, Narottam P. Singh, Jitendra Prasad, 1946- Schneider, Hartmut. American Ceramic Society. Meeting (106th : 2004 : Indianapolis, Ind.) Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a>
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ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in ceramic matrix composites X proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society : Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (2004)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3019062025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Singh, Jitendra Prasad, 1946- Bansal, Narottam P. Kriven, Waltraud M. American Ceramic Society. Meeting (106th : 2004 : Indianapolis, Ind.) Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a>
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ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Bioceramics materials and applications V : proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (2004)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3019072025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Sundar, Veeraraghavan. Rusin, Richard P. Rutiser, Claire A. American Ceramic Society. Meeting (106th : 2004 : Indianapolis, Ind.) Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a>
ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Synthesis, properties, and crystal chemistry of perovskite-based materials : proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society : Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (2004)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3019092025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Wong-Ng, W. (Winnie) American Ceramic Society. Meeting (106th : 2004 : Indianapolis, Ind.) Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Polar oxides properties, characterization, and imagingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3021362025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Waser, Rainer. Böttger, U. (Ulrich) Tiedke, S. (Stephan)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Find on the Web</a>
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<a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Solid state transformation and heat treatmentent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3021452025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar European Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes (8th : 2003 : Lausanne, Switzerland) Hazotte, Alain. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Access restricted to McGill users</a>
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John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Nanoscale calibration standards and methods dimensional and related measurements in the micro- and nanometer rangeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3021862025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Wilkening, Günter. Koenders, Ludger. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Contributor biographical information <a href=""></a>
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D. Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society of Chemical Industry (Great Britain) Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Food colloids interactions, microstructure and processingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3129712025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Dickinson, Eric.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE(312971.1)<br/>Elektronik Erişim Knovel <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Geostatistics for environmental applications : proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applicationsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3577352025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Renard, Philippe, Dr. Demougeot-Renard, Helene. Froidevaux, Roland.<br/>Yer Numarası QE33.2.S82 G435 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Shakespeare reproduced : the text in history and ideologyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3636062025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Howard, Jean E. (Jean Elizabeth), 1948- O'Connor, Marion F. International Shakespeare Association. Congress (3rd : 1986 : Berlin, Germany)<br/>Yer Numarası PR3017 S57 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>SLT '05 Stuttgarter Lasertage '05 : Standortbestimmung der Lasertechnologie in der industriellen Materialbearbeitung : 28.- 30. 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Conference (13th : 2004 : Vierzehnheiligen, Germany)<br/>Yer Numarası PR120.M55 S73 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Uluslararası Felsefe Konferansı 29 Nisan-1 Mayıs 2004ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4905202025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Uluslararası Felsefe Konferansı (2004 : Kocaeli) Kocaeli Üniversitesi.<br/>Yer Numarası B20 U48 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Jenseits des Poststrukturalismus? : eine Sondierungent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5051162025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYer Numarası PN94.2 J46 2005<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Novel food processing technologiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2847042025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Barbosa-Cǹovas, Gustavo V. Tapia, Mara̕ S. Cano, M. Pilar.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Application of computers and operations research in the mineral industry proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry (APCOM) 2005), Tucson, USA, 30 March-1 April 2005ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2870052025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Dessureault, Sean D., 1974- International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industries.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. 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MyiLibrary, Table of contents <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Melt chemistry, relaxation, and solidification kinetics of glasses proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society : Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (2004)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3019022025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar Li, Hong. American Ceramic Society. Meeting (106th : 2004 : Indianapolis, Ind.) Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Developments in dielectric materials and electronic devices proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society : Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (2004)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3019052025-03-19T13:22:55Z2025-03-19T13:22:55ZYazar American Ceramic Society. Meeting (106th : 2004 : Indianapolis, Ind.) Nair, K. M.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim HathiTrust Digital Library, Limited view (search only) <a href=""></a>
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