Arama Sonuçları Congresses. - Daraltılmış: 2012SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dCongresses.$0026qf$003dPUBDATE$002509Yay$0025C4$0025B1n$002bY$0025C4$0025B1l$0025C4$0025B1$0025092012$0025092012$0026te$003dILS$0026ps$003d300$0026isd$003dtrue?2025-01-13T12:36:20ZUluslararası Kafkasya kongresi, 26-27 Nisan 2012 : bildiriler kitabı = International Caucasia Congresses, April 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1516432025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Uluslararası Kafkasya Kongresi (2012 : Kocaeli) Çomak, Hasret. Ercan, Hasret. Ercan, Bilge.<br/>Yer Numarası DK511.C2 U47 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Aristote aujourd'hui : Etudes reunies... a l'occasion du 2300e anniversaire de la mort du philosopheent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:741012025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Sinaceur, M. Allal. Aubenque, Pierre.<br/>Yer Numarası B 485 A6 1988<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Financial optimizationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:769272025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Zenios, Stavros Andrea, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası HG 174 F525 1993<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>VI. Milletlerarası Türk Halk Kültürü kongresi : Yurt dışında çalışan Türkler ve kültürel değişim : Seksiyon bildirileri.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:848782025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Milletlerarası Türk Halk Kültürü Kongresi (6. : 2001)<br/>Yer Numarası GR 41.5 M55 2001<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>The globalization of higher educationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:852382025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Scott, Peter, 1946- ed. Society for Research into Higher Education. Conference (1998 : Lancaster University)<br/>Yer Numarası LB 2322.2 G56 1998<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Semiotics/ced by John Deely and Jonathan Evans..ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:970122025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Deely, John, ed. Evans, Jonathan, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası P 99 S3818 1987<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Sport und Informatik : Bericht über den ... Workshop über Sport und Informatik.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1238292025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Workshop über Sport & Informatik.<br/>Yer Numarası GV81 .W672 1990<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Uluslararası Dördüncü Türk Kültürü Kongresi bildirileri : 4-7 Kasım 1997, Ankaraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:566632025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Uluslararası Türk Kültürü Kongresi (4. : 1997 : Ankara) Aktaş-Yasa, Azize, haz.<br/>Yer Numarası DS 26 U421 1997 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~3<br/>International Symposium on the Recent History of Van : Van, 2-5 April 1990ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:561772025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Symposium on the Recent History of Van (1990 : Van) Boynukara, Hasan, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası DR 741.V3 I58 1990<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Aristotle, Kant, and the Stoics : rethinking happiness and dutyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:773872025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Engstrom, Stephen Philip, 1955- ed. Whiting, Jennifer, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası BJ 1481 A68 1996<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Advances in modal logicent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:780632025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Kracht, Marcus, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası BC 199.M6 A38 1998- V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Perspectives in exercise science and sports medicine.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:793812025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Lamb, David R., ed. Murray, Robert, 1949- ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QP 301 P384 2001- V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Proceedings of a Conference on Bank Structure and Competition.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:838072025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Conference on Bank Structure and Competition. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Research Dept.<br/>Yer Numarası HG 2461 C65 1984<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>The Differences between the sexesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:850182025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Short, Roger Valentine, 1930- ed. Balaban, Evan, ed. International Conference on Comparative Physiology (11th : 1992 : Crans, Switzerland)<br/>Yer Numarası QP 81.5 D54 1994<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Environmental protection against radioactive pollutionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:870682025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Environmental Protection Against Radioactive Pollution (2002 : Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan) Birsen, N., ed. Kadyrzhanov, K. K., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası TD 196.R3 E587 2002<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Nevin Önberk Yeni Türk Edebiyatı Araştırmaları Sempozyumu bildirileri : 12 Mart 2007.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1227382025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Nevin Önberk Yeni Türk Edebiyatı Araştırmaları Sempozyumu (2007 : Hacettepe Üniversitesi)<br/>Yer Numarası PL204.5.O53 N49 2007 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>I. Milli Arşiv Şurası : tebliğler-tartışmalar : 20-21 Nisan 1998, Ankaraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1241452025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Milli Arşiv Şurası (1. : 1998 : Ankara) Erişti, Rahim.<br/>Yer Numarası CD2260 .M55 1998<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Anayasa mahkemesinin 30.kuruluş yıldönümü nedeniyle düzenlenen sempozyumda sunulan bildiriler, 25-26-27 Nisan 1992 Ankaraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:160602025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Özden, Yekta Güngör. Yıldız, Emine.<br/>Yer Numarası KKX2069 .A53 1986- V.21986<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Hukuk Kütüphanesi~8 Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Liquid scintillation counting recent applications and developmentent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2502822025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Liquid Scintillation Counting, Recent Applications and Development (1979 : University of California, San Francisco) Peng, Chin-Tzu, 1921- Horrocks, Donald L. Alpen, Edward L.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The theory and applications of reliability with emphasis on Bayesian and nonparametric methodsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2561152025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Conference on the Theory and Applications of Reliability with Emphasis on Bayesian and Nonparametric Methods (1975 : University of South Florida) Tsokos, Chris P. Shimi, I. N. United States. Air Force. Office of Scientific Research. University of South Florida.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The Quality of foods and beverages chemistry and technologyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2504252025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Charalambous, George, 1922-1994. Inglett, G. E., 1928- American Chemical Society. Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Institute of Food Technologists. American Society of Flavor Chemists.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href="">Vol. 1</a>
ScienceDirect <a href="">Vol. 2</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Plant cold hardiness and freezing stress mechanisms and crop implicationsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2505152025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Li, P. H. (Paul H.), 1933- Sakai, A. (Akira), 1920- National Science Foundation (U.S.) Nihon Gakujutsu Shinkōkai. University of Minnesota. College of Agriculture.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Recent advances in the science and technology of zeolites and related materials proceedings of the 14th International Zeolite Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 25-30th April 2004ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2519472025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Zeolite Conference (14th : 2004 : Cape Town, South Africa) Van Steen, E. (Eric) Callanan, L. H. (Linda H.) Claeys, C.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a>
ScienceDirect <a href=""></a>
ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Microsomes, drug oxidations, and chemical carcinogenesisent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2510502025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations (4th : 1979 : Ann Arbor, Mich.) Coon, Minor Jesser, 1921-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Silicon molecular beam epitaxy proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Silicon Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Symposium A of the 1989 E-MRS Conference, Strasbourg, France, 30 May-2 June 1989ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2561052025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Symposium on Silicon Molecular Beam Epitaxy (3rd : 1989 : Strasbourg, France) Kasper, Erich. Parker, E. H. C. European Materials Research Society.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Polyimides and other high temperature polymers synthesis, characterization and applications.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2854202025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Symposium on Polyimides and other High Temperature Polymers.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Contemporary ergonomics and human factorsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2865042025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. Conference.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Contemporary ergonomics and human factorsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2874112025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. Conference.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Contemporary ergonomics and human factorsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2883412025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. Conference.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Proceedings of the 20th annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures January 7-11, 1996, Cocoa Beach, FLent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2972802025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures (20th : 1996 : Cocoa Beach, Fla.) Greenhut, Victor. American Ceramic Society. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Proceedings of the 20th annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures January 7-11, 1996, Cocoa Beach, FLent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2972812025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures (20th : 1996 : Cocoa Beach, Fla.) Greenhut, Victor. American Ceramic Society. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Invited lectures presented at the XXIXth International Congress of Psychology (Berlin 2008)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2636172025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Congress of Psychology (29th : 2008 : Berlin) Schwarzer, Ralf. Frensch, Peter A.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Click here to view</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The idea of communisment://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2687692025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Douzinas, Costas, 1951- Žižek, Slavoj.<br/>Yer Numarası HX13.A3 I34 2010<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Adhesion aspects of thin filmsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2853782025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Symposium on Adhesion Aspects of Thin Films. MST Conferences (Firm)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Invited lectures presented at the XXIXth International Congress of Psychology (Berlin 2008)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2664322025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Congress of Psychology (29th : 2008 : Berlin) Schwarzer, Ralf. Frensch, Peter A.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Click here to view</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Polyimides and other high temperature polymers synthesis, characterization and applications.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2862852025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Symposium on Polyimides and other High Temperature Polymers.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Proceedings of the 19th annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures January 8-12, 1995, Cocoa Beach, FLent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2972752025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures (19th : 1995 : Cocoa Beach, Fla.) Pfendt, Glenn N. American Ceramic Society. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Proceedings of the 19th annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures January 8-12, 1995, Cocoa Beach, FLent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2972762025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures (19th : 1995 : Cocoa Beach, Fla.) Pfendt, Glenn N. American Ceramic Society. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Küreselleşme ve geleneksel kültür seksiyon bildirileri.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:859202025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Milletlerarası Türk Halk Kültürü Kongresi (6th : 18-22 Haziran 2001 : İçel)<br/>Yer Numarası GR 280 M555 2001<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>İstanbul ve Chicago Üniversiteleri karma projesi Güneydoğu Anadolu tarih öncesi araştırmaları = The Joint Istanbul-Chicago universities' prehistoric research in Southeastern Anatoliaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:930352025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar İstanbul ve Chicago Üniversiteleri Karma Projesi Güneydoğu Anadolu Tarih öncesi Araştırmaları (1st : 1980 : Istanbul, Turkey.) Braidwood, Robert J., 1907- Çambel, Halet.<br/>Yer Numarası DF 261.5 I25 1980<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Contemporary ergonomics and human factorsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2891342025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. Conference.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Polymer surface modification relevance to adhesionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2900342025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Symposium on Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion. Mittal, K. L., 1945-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Polymer surface modification relevance to adhesionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2900352025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Symposium on Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion. Mittal, K. L., 1945-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Des mecanismes pour assurer la validite de l'interpretation de la mesure en educationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2778432025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering : geotechnics of hard soils, weak rocks = Comptes Rendus du 15ème Congrès Européen de Mécanique des Sols & de Géotechnique : la géotechnique des sols indurés, roches tendresent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3562022025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (15th : 2011 : Athina) Anagnostopoulos, Andreas. Pachakis, Michael. Tsatsanifos, Christos.<br/>Yer Numarası TA710.A1 E89 2011 PART 4<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Balkan savaşları paneli, 03-04 Mayıs 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1405112025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Balkan savaşları paneli( 2011: İstanbul) Şayin, Cevat.<br/>Yer Numarası DR46.A42 B3 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>E-bilim ve bilgi yönetimi : bildiriler : 3. Uluslararası Değişen Dünyada Bilgi Yönetimi Sempozyumu, 19-21 Eylül 2012, Ankara, Türkiye = E-science and information management : proceedings : 3rd Intertnational Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World, September 19-21, 2012, Ankara, Turkeyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1447812025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Uluslararası Değişen Dünyada Bilgi Yönetimi Sempozyumu (3 : 2012 : Ankara). Kurbanoğlu, Serap. Al, Umut. Erdoğan, Phyllis Lepon. Tonta, Yaşar.<br/>Yer Numarası Z672.5 U19 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>TOK 2012 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı : bildiriler kitabı 11-13 Ekim 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1450682025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı ( 2012 : Niğde, Türkiye). Barut, Murat. Yeşil, Engin.<br/>Yer Numarası TJ212.2 O86 2012 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Proceedings of the 3rd International Gas Processing Symposium Qatar, March 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1473192025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Aroussi, Abdelwahab. Benyahia, Farid.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Uluslararası Orta Doğu Kongresi: bildiriler kitabı, 1-2 Kasım2011= International Middle East Congress: proceedings, 1-2 Novemberent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1516182025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Uluslararası Orta Doğu Kongresi (2011: Kacaeli, Turkey) Çomak, Hasret. Özveri, Derya. Aladağ Görentaş, Itır.<br/>Yer Numarası DS63 U478 2012 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Uluslararası Veysel Kareni ve manevi kültür mirasımız sempozyumu = International symposium on Uways Al-Qarani and our moral cultural herigate : 20-21 Mayıs/May 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1441142025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Uluslararası Veysel Kareni ve Manevi Kültür Mirasımız Sempozyumu (2011: Bitlis, Turkey)<br/>Yer Numarası BP80.U88 U48 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Kuzey Anadolu'da Beylikler dönemi sempozyumu, 3-8 Ekim 2011, Kastamonu, Sinop, Çankırı : bildiriler: Çobanoğulları, Candaroğulları, Pervaneoğullarıent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1450672025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Kuzey Anadolu'da Beylikler Dönemi Sempozyumu (2011 : Çankırı, Turkey) Çetin, Halil.<br/>Yer Numarası DR481 K89 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Uluslararası Katılımlı XV. Ortaçağ ve Türk Dönemi Kazıları ve Sanat Tarihi Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, Anadolu Üniversitesi-Eskişehir 19-21 Ekim 2011 : Proceedings of the XVth Symposium of Medieval and Turkish Era excavations and Art History Researches with International Participation, Anadolu University-Eskişehir, 19-21 Ekim October-2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1450692025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Uluslararası Katılımlı XV. Ortaçağ ve Türk Dönemi Kazıları ve Sanat Tarihi Araştırmaları Sempozyumu ( 2011 : Eskişehir, Turkey)<br/>Yer Numarası DR431 U483 2011 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Yeni Dünya Düzeninde Sanat : Hacettepe Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi 10. Ulusal Sanat Sempozyumu, 7-8 Haziran 2012 - Ankara :bildiriler kitabı.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1450702025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Hacettepe Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Ulusal Sanat Sempozyumu (10. : 2012 : Ankara)<br/>Yer Numarası N7161 Y465 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~3<br/>Toplantı yönetimi : (kongre, konferans, seminer ve fuar organizasyonları)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1499642025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Çakıcı, A. Celil.<br/>Yer Numarası HF5734.5 C35 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Sosyal Bilimler Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Obligations in Roman law past, present, and futureent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2403512025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar McGinn, Thomas A. J. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Engaging East Asian integration states, markets and the movement of peopleent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2406382025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Okamoto, Jirō, 1963- Shiraishi, Takashi, 1950- Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Ajia Keizai Kenkyūjo (Japan) Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Papers of the fortieth Algonquian conference = actes du congres des Algonquinistesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2407082025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Valentine, Randy, 1951- Hele, Karl S. (Karl Scott), 1970- Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Myanmar's transition openings, obstacles, and opportunitiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2411712025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Cheesman, Nick. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Reconnecting to work policies to mitigate long-term unemployment and its consequencesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2419852025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Appelbaum, Lauren D. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Anne Frank unbound media, imagination, memoryent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2419902025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Shandler, Jeffrey. Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Portuguese and Luso-Asian legacies in Southeast Asia, 1511-2011.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2424692025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Lewis Nordan humor, heartbreak, and hopeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2424792025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Baker, Barbara A., 1961- Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The most fundamental right contrasting perspectives on the Voting Rights Actent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2424992025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar McCool, Daniel, 1950- editor of compilation. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The future of Indian and federal reserved water rights the Winters Centennialent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2425882025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Royster, Judith V. Cosens, Barbara, 1955- Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Jewish masculinities German Jews, gender, and historyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2427512025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Lerner, Paul Frederick. Gillerman, Sharon, 1960- Baader, Benjamin Maria. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Revelation and the politics of apocalyptic interpretationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2428902025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Alkier, Stefan. Hays, Richard B. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The Clinton presidency and the constitutional systement://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2429742025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Perotti, Rosanna. Project Muse. Presidential Conference (11th : 2005 : Hofstra University)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Urban and regional policy and its effects Volume 4, Building resilient regionsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2429882025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Wolman, Harold. Wial, Howard. Pindus, Nancy. Weir, Margaret, 1952- Urban Institute.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The normative thought of Charles S. Peirceent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2429992025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Skowroński, Krzysztof Piotr. De Waal, Cornelis. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>From the Pleistocene to the Holocene human organization and cultural transformations in prehistoric North Americaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2431332025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Vierra, Bradley J. Bousman, C. Britt. Society for American Archaeology. Meeting (70th : 2005 : Salt Lake City, Utah) Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Global movements, local concerns medicine and health in Southeast Asiaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2432332025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Cook, Harold John. Monnais-Rousselot, Laurence. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The social construction of technological systems new directions in the sociology and history of technologyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2435422025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Pinch, T. J. (Trevor J.) Hughes, Thomas Parke. Bijker, Wiebe E. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Hamann and the traditionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2452902025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Anderson, Lisa Marie. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Cosmology, ecology, and the energy of Godent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2453072025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Crockett, Clayton, 1969- Bowman, Donna. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Faith, resistance, and the future Daniel Berrigan's challenge to Catholic social thoughtent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2453082025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Brown, Anna J. Marsh, James L. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The dynamics of social capital and civic engagement in Asiaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2589562025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Daniere, Amrita. Luong, Hy V.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Click here to view</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>2. Uluslararası Hacettepe Üniversitesi MACSABAL odun pişirimi sempozyumu 07-16 Ekim 2012 = 2nd International Hacettepe University MACSABAL wood firing symposium 07-16 October 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1549412025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Uluslararası Hacettepe Üniversitesi MACSABAL Odun Pişirimi Sempozyumu (2: 2012: Ankara) Dizdar Terwiel, Candan. Doğulu, Canay.<br/>Yer Numarası NK3703 U487 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~3<br/>Bilim düşünce ve sanatta Cizre : :(Uluslararası Bilim Düşünce ve Sanatta Cizre Sempozyumu bildirileri)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1546562025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Uluslararası Bilim Düşünce ve Sanatta Cizre Sempozyumu (2012: Cizre, Turkey) Doru, M. Nesim.<br/>Yer Numarası DS51.C58 U58 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Uluslararası Yükseköğretim Kongresi : yeni yönelişler ve sorunlar (UYK-2011) bildiri kitabı, 27-29 Mayıs 2011, İstanbul = International Higher Education Congress : new trends and ıssues proceedings book, 27-29 May 2011. Istanbulent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1546602025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Uluslararası Yükseköğretim Kongresi, (2011 : İstanbul, Türkiye) Durmuş, Günay. Öztemel, Ercan. Akkın, Salih Murat. Belen, Bolay Hayrunnisa.<br/>Yer Numarası LB2301 U487 2012 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~3<br/>Eğitim odağında Artvin sempozyumu bildirileri , Artvinent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1546652025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Eğitim Odağında Artvin Sempozyumu, (2012 : Artvin, Türkiye) Demirel, Fatih. Efe, Hüseyin. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi.<br/>Yer Numarası LA949.A73 E35 2012 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>From war to eternal peace on the 100th anniversary of the Balkan Wars : good neighbourhood relations in the Balkansent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1548442025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Neighbourhood Congrees (4-7 October 2012) Kınacıoğlu, Müge. Atmaca, Ayşe Ömür. Önsoy, Murat.<br/>Yer Numarası DR46.A42 F76 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Uluslar arası Dulkadir Beyliği sempozyumu, 29 Nisan-1 Mayıs 2011 Kahramanmaraşent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1548722025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Uluslar arası Dulkadir Beyliği Sempozyumu (2011: Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye) Kabakçı, Cevdet ed. Yakar, Serdar ed.<br/>Yer Numarası DR481.D882 U478 2012 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~6<br/>2nd International engineering education conference : new trends and expectations : proceeding book : October 31 - November 3, 2012, Lara, Antalya, Turkeyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1548942025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Engineering Education Conference (2nd : 2012 : Antalya, Turkey) Yaman, Şeniz Özalp.<br/>Yer Numarası T62 I52 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Poverty and global recession in Southeast Asiaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2473782025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Barichello, Richard R. Ananta, Aris. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Portuguese and Luso-Asian legacies in Southeast Asia, 1511-2011.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2473792025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The Arabs & Africaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2596172025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Haseeb, K. Muntadá al-Fikr al-ʻArabī (Amman, Jordan) Markaz Dirāsāt al-Waḥdah al-ʻArabīyah (Beirut, Lebanon)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Click here to view</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Race, class and educationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2607732025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Westhill Sociology of Education Conference (5th : 1982 : Westhill College, Birmingham, England) Barton, Len. Walker, Stephen, 1944-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Click here to view</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Properties, powers and structures issues in the metaphysics of realisment://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2608322025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Bird, Alexander, 1964- Ellis, B. D. (Brian David), 1929- Sankey, Howard.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Click here to view</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>War and peace in Jewish tradition from the biblical world to the present : the third Annual Conference of the Israel Heritage Department, the Ariel University Center of Samaria, Ariel, Israelent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2611642025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Levin, Yigal. Shapira, Amnon. Annual Conference of the Israel Heritage Department (3rd : Ariel, Israel)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Click here to view</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Kuhn's The structure of scientific revolutions revisitedent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2615412025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Kindi, Vasso, 1957- Arabatzis, Theodore, 1965-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Click here to view</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Edward Said's translocations essays in secular criticisment://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2615552025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Edward Said Symposium: Locations, Readings, Legacies (2008 : Berlin, Germany) Döring, Tobias. Stein, Mark, 1966-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Click here to view</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>eHealth applications promising strategies for behavior changeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2618412025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Noar, Seth M. Harrington, Nancy Grant. Kentucky Conference on Health Communication (2010 : Lexington, Ky.)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Click here to view</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Vulnerable children and the law : international evidence for improving child welfare, child protection and children's rightsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2693112025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Sheehan, Rosemary. Rhoades, Helen. Stanley, Nicky, 1955-<br/>Yer Numarası K639.A6 V85 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Hukuk Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Shifting the ground of Canadian literary studiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2767312025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>La patrimonialisation de l'urbainent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2767442025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Irenaeus life, scripture, legacyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2770102025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Foster, Paul, 1966- Parvis, Sara. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Les universites nouvelles enjeux et perspectivesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2770332025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Environmental Discourses in Public and International Lawent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2374662025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Jessup, Brad. Rubenstein, Kim.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Access by subscription</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The Archaeology of Power and Politics in Eurasia Regimes and Revolutionsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2379912025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Hartley, Charles W.. Yazicioğlu, G. Bike. Smith, Adam T..<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Access by subscription</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The Role of International Law in Rebuilding Societies after Conflict Great Expectationsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2382732025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Bowden, Brett. Charlesworth, Hilary. Farrall, Jeremy.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Access by subscription</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Global Justice and International Economic Law Opportunities and Prospectsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2384732025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Carmody, Chi. Garcia, Frank J.. Linarelli, John.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Access by subscription</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Reassessing reform a historical investigation into church renewalent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2393612025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Flanagin, David Zachariah. Bellitto, Christopher M. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>L'electrification des transports au Quebec du mythe à la realite-- à quelle vitesse?ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2394522025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Perron, Andree-Anne. Delorme, Pierre, 1950- Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Medias sociaux enjeux pour la communicationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2394742025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Millette, Melanie, 1980- Proulx, Serge. Heaton, Lorna, 1958- Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>What do artists know?ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2420432025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Elkins, James, 1955- editor of compilation. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Science and religion Christian and Muslim perspectives : a record of the eighth Building Bridges Seminar convened by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, 16-18 June 2009ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2423432025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Marshall, David, Rev. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The Axial Age and Its Consequencesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2303532025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Joas, Hans, 1948- Krimsky, Sheldon.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The Future of Australian Federalism Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectivesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2352692025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Appleby, Gabrielle. Aroney, Nicholas. John, Thomas.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Access by subscription</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Consumer Credit, Debt and Investment in Europeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2363402025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Devenney, James. Kenny, Mel.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Access by subscription</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Dissenting Voices in American Society The Role of Judges, Lawyers, and Citizensent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2368802025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Sarat, Austin.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Access by subscription</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Transnational Legal Ordering and State Changeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2390772025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Shaffer, Gregory C..<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Access by subscription</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Enhancing democratic systems the media in Mauritius : a dialogue sessionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2392692025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Kasenally, Roukaya. Chan-Meetoo, Christina. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Achieving the ASEAN economic community 2015 challenges for member countries & businessent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2392872025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Basu Das, Sanchita. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>ASEAN-U.S. relations what are the talking pointsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2393322025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Pavin Chachavalpongpun. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ASEAN Studies Centre. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The end and the beginning the revolutions of 1989 and the resurgence of historyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2393392025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Iacob, Bogdan. Tismaneanu, Vladimir. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Sport and Christianity a sign of the times in the light of faithent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2393722025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Lixey, Kevin, 1968- Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Constitution for a disunited nation on Hungary's 2011 fundamental lawent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2394202025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Tóth, Gábor Attila, 1970- editor of compilation. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The environment philosophy, science, and ethicsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2394402025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Slater, Matthew H., 1977- O'Rourke, Michael, 1963- Kabasenche, William P., 1972- Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>L'imaginaire geographique perspectives, pratiques et devenirsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2395522025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Desnoilles, Richard. Bedard, Mario, 1960- Augustin, Jean-Pierre. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Inventing the modern Yiddish stage essays in drama, performance, and show businessent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2432772025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Henry, Barbara J., 1965- Berkowitz, Joel, 1965- Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The Toyah phase of central Texas late prehistoric economic and social processesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2432282025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Boyd, Douglas K. (Douglas Kevin) Kenmotsu, Nancy Adele. Society for American Archaeology. Meeting (72nd : 2007 : Austin, Tex.) Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Democratic narrative, history, and memoryent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2433092025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Davis, Laura L. Barbato, Carole A. Project Muse. Kent State University Symposium on Democracy.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Contagion health, fear, sovereigntyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2433442025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Zalloua, Zahi Anbra, 1971- Magnusson, Bruce A. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Decolonizing epistemologies Latina/o theology and philosophyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2453682025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Mendieta, Eduardo. Isasi-Díaz, Ada María. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Modern solar facilities advanced solar science : proceedings of a workshop held at Göttingen, September 27-29, 2006ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2460802025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Wittman, Axel D. Puschmann, Klaus G. Kneer, Franz. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Animal thinking contemporary issues in comparative cognitionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2476522025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Fischer, Julia, 1966- Menzel, Randolf, 1940- Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The international Liszt music festival and symposium : celebrating the bicentennial of his birth = Doğumunun 200 yilinda Liszt : uluslararasi müzïk festivali 18-22 Ekim 2011, Ankaraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2296132025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Yener, Yeşim Alkaya. Eğriboz Bozkurt, İrem. Argat, Diler. Hacettepe Üniversitesi. International Liszt music festival and symposium (2011 : Ankara, Turkey)<br/>Yer Numarası ML410.L57 I58 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Konservatuvar Kütüphanesi~5<br/>State Space and Unobserved Component Models Theory and Applicationsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2383042025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Harvey, Andrew. Koopman, Siem Jan. Shephard, Neil.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Access by subscription</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Chosen capital the Jewish encounter with American capitalisment://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2396112025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Kobrin, Rebecca. Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Four-point bending proceedings of the third Conference on Four-point Bending, Davis, CA, USA, 17-18 September 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2882172025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Conference on Four-point Bending (3rd : 2012 : Davis, Calif.) Pais, Jorge C. Harvey, John T.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in protective structures research proceedings of the IAPS Open Forum on Recent Research Advances on Protective Structures, Tianjin, China, 13-14 September 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2882182025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar IAPS Open Forum on Recent Research Advances on Protective Structures (2012 : Tianjin, China) Hao, Hong, 1972-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Tubular structures XIV proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, London, UK, 12-14 September 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2882192025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Symposium on Tubular Structures (14th : 2012 : London) Gardner, L. (Leroy)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Geotechnical aspects of underground construction in soft ground proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, Roma, Italy, 17-19 May 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2901942025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground (7th : 2011 : Roma, Italy) Viggiani, Giulia.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Digital soil assessments and beyond proceedings of the 5th Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping, Sydney, Australia, 10-13 April 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2909822025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping (5th : 2012 : Sydney, Australia) Minasny, Budiman. Malone, Brendan P. McBratney, A. B.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Enterprise interoperability I-ESA'12 proceedingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3053942025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar I-ESA (Conference) (6th : 2012 : Valencia, Spain) Zelm, Martin.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Connect to MyiLibrary resource.</a>
John Wiley <a href=""></a>
ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>International law in a multipolar worldent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2600162025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Law Association. Conference (2009 : Hull, England) Happold, Matthew. International Law Association. British Branch.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Click here to view</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Children and exercise XXVII the proceedings of the XXVIIth International Symposium of the European Group of Pediatric Work Physiology, September, 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2656542025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Pediatric Work Physiology Meeting (27th : 2007 : University of Exeter) Armstrong, Neil. Williams, Craig.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Click here to view</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advanced courses of mathematical analysis IV proceedings of the fourth International School in memory of Professor Antonio Aizpuru Tomás, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, 8-12 September 2009ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2791012025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Course of Mathematical Analysis in Andalucia (4th : 2009 : Jerez de la Frontera, Spain) Pérez-Fernández, F. Javier (Francisco Javier) Rambla-Barreno, Fernando. Aizpuru-Tomás, A.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Theoria, praxis, and the contemplative life after Plato and Aristotleent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2794502025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Bénatouïl, Thomas. Bonazzi, Mauro, 1973-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Large scale projects in ehealth partnership in modernization ; proceedings of the EFMI Special Topic Conference, 18-20 April 2012, Moscow, Russiaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2794812025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar European Federation for Medical Informatics. Special Topic Conference (2012 : Moscow, Russia) Blobel, Bernd. Engelbrecht, R. (Rolf) Shifrin, Michael A. European Federation for Medical Informatics.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Manufacturing systems engineering selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Symposium on Manufacturing Systems Engineering (ISMSE 2011), September 17-18, 2011, Hong Kongent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2796082025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Symposium on Manufacturing Systems Engineering (2011 : Hong Kong) Yang, Zhenguo, editor.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>HeteroSiC & WASMPE 2011 selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th Workshop on Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Devices for Power Electronics Applications (HeteroSiC & WASMPE 2011), June 27-30, 2011, Tours, Franceent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2796092025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Alquier, Daniel.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in metallurgical and mining engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Chemical, Material and Metallurgical Engineering (ICCMME 2011), December 23-25, 2011, Beihai, Chinaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2796102025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Chemical, Material and Metallurgical Engineering (1st : 2011 : Beihai, China) Zhu, Hongxi, editor. Wang, Linjiang, editor.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Environmental degradation of engineering materials & materials engineering and technologies selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Engineering Materials and 5th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Technologies (EDEMET 2011), May 15-18, 2011, Gdańsk, Polandent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2796112025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Engineering Materials (4th : 2011 : Gdańsk, Poland) Łabanowski, Jerzy, 1957- Zieliński, Andrzej, 1947- International Conference on Materials Engineering and Technologies (5th : 2011 : Gdańsk, Poland)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in manufacturing systems selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference, September 2011, Cadiz, Spainent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2796142025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference (4th : 2011 : Cadiz, Spain) Marcos, M. (Mariano) Salguero, J. (Jorge) Pastor, A. (Andres)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Mechanical, industrial and manufacturing technologies selected peer reviewed papers from the 2012 3rd international conference on mechanical, industrial and manufacturing technologies (MIMT 2012), March 24-25, 2012, Shenzhen, Chinaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2796152025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies (3rd : 2012 : Shenzhen, China) Li, Kai.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Defects-recognition imaging and physics in semiconductors XIV selected peer reviewed papers from the 14th international conference on defects-recognition, imaging and physics in semiconductors, September 25-29, 2011, Miyazaki, Japanent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2796162025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Defects: Recognition, Imaging and Physics in Semiconductors (2011 : Miyazaki, Japan) Yamada-Kaneta, Hiroshi. Sakai, Akira.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Manufacturing engineering and process selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Process (ICMEP 2012) April 21-22, 2012, Kunming, Chinaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2796172025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Process (2012 : Kunming, China) Zhou, Xiaoxiao, editor of compilation.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Smart technologies for communication selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Smart Technologies for Materials and Communication (ICSTMC2012), March 15-16, 2012, Melbourne, Australiaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2796182025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Smart Technologies for Materials and Communication (2012 : Melbourne, Vic.) Chang, Tianharry, editor of compilation.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in product development and reliability III selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Product Development and Reliability (PDR 2012), July 28-30, 2012, Wuhan, Chinaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2796202025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Advances in Product Development and Reliability (3rd : 2012 : Wuhan, China) Gao, L., editor of compilation. Li, W. D., editor of compilation. Zhao, Y. X., editor of compilation. Li, X. Y., editor of compilation.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Mechanical properties and structural materialsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2796222025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Mechanical Properties and Structural Materials Conference (2012 : Liaoning, China) Song, Y. M., editor of compilation.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Multiple Perspectives in Linguistic Research on Baltic Languagesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2798112025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Usoniene, Aurelija. Nau, Nicole. Dabasinskiene, Ineta.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in clinical chemistry and laboratory medicineent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2796782025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar IFCC WorldLab (2011 : Berlin, Germany) Renz, H. (Harald) Tauber, Rudolf. EuroMedLab 2011 (2011 : Berlin, Germany)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Plutarch in the religious and philosophical discourse of late antiquityent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2802752025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Roig Lanzillotta, Lautaro. Munoz Gallarte, Israel. International Plutarch Society.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Formal ontology in information systems Proceedings of the seventh International Conference (FOIS 2012)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2803862025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar FOIS (Conference) (7th : 2012 : Graz, Austria) Donnelly, Maureen. Guizzardi, Giancarlo. IOS Press.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Knowledge-based software engineering proceedings of the tenth Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineeringent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2803872025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (10th : 2012 : Rhodes (Island), Greece) Virvou, Maria. Matsuura, Saeko. IOS Press.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Bridge maintenance, safety, management, resilience and sustainability : proceedings of the sixth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Stresa, Lake Maggiore, Italy, 8-12 July 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2865122025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (6th : 2012 : Stresa), sponsoring body. Biondini, Fabio, editor. Frangopol, Dan M., editor.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a>
<a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Strategic responses to crime thinking locally, acting globallyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2878652025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Police Executive Symposium (13th : 2006 : Ayvalik, Bal?kesir ?li, Turkey) De Guzman, Melchor. Das, Aiedeo Mintie. Das, Dilip K., 1941-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Engineering solutions for sustainability materials and resources ; workshop report and recommendationsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2991332025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley Interscience <a href=""></a>
ebrary <a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>
Books24x7 <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Characterization of minerals, metals, and materials proceedings of symposiument://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2995262025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Hwang, Jiann-Yang. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Extraction and Processing Division. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Annual Meeting (141th : 2012 : Orlando, Fla.) Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a>
ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Electrometallurgy 2012 Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by The Metallurgy and Materials Society of CIM and the Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy Committee of the Extraction and Processing Division of TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society) : held during the TMS 2012 annual meeting & exhibition : Orlando, Florida, USA : March 11-15, 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2995272025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Free, Michael. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>15th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems--Water Reactors proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems-- Water Reactors ; held August 7-11, 2011 at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort, Colorado Springs, Coloradoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3052402025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems--Water Reactors (15th : 2011 : Colorado Springs, Colo.) Busby, Jeremy T., 1972- Ilevbare, Gabriel. Andresen, Peter L. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Fractography of glasses and ceramics VI proceedings of the sixth Conference on the Fractography of Glasses and Ceramics, June 5-8, 2011, Jacksonville, Floridaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3051992025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Conference on the Fractography of Glasses and Ceramics (6th : 2011 : Jacksonville, Fla.) Varner, James R. Wightman, Marlene.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Click here to view book</a>
Wiley InterScience <a href=""></a>
ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Processing, properties, and applications of glass and optical materials proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advances in the Fusion and Processing of Glass (AFPG9) and Symposium 15, Structure, Properties, and Photonic Applications of Glasses held during PACRIM-9, Cairns, Australia, July 10-14, 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3052692025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Symposium on the Advances in Fusion and Processing of Glass (9th : 2011 : Cairns, Australia) Varshneya, Arun K. Wiley InterScience (Online service) Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (9th : 2011 : Cairns, Australia)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Wiley InterScience</a>
ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in sintering science and technology II a collection of papers presented at the International Conference on Sintering 2011, August 28-September 1, 2011, Jeju, Koreaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3052962025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Sintering (2011 : Jeju, Korea) Kang, S.-J. L. (Suk-Joong L.)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley <a href=""></a>
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Volltext <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in inorganic phosphate materials a collection of papers presented at the 7th International Symposium on Inorganic Phosphate Materials : phosphate materials for energy storage, November 8-11, 2011, Argonne, Illinoisent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3053002025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Belharouak, Ilias. Pol, Vilas G., 1974- International Symposium on Inorganic Phosphate Materials : Phosphate Materials for Energy Storage (7th : 2011 : Argonne, Ill.)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley <a href=""></a>
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ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Processing and properties of advanced ceramics and composites IVent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3053022025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Materials Science & Technology Conference (2011 : Columbus, Ohio) Singh, Jitendra Prasad, 1946-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley <a href=""></a>
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Volltext <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys ICAA 13 ; held: June 3-7, 2012 at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PAent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3053092025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Aluminum Alloys (13th : 2012 : Carnegie Mellon University) Weiland, H. (Hasso) Rollett, A. D. (Anthony D.) Cassada, W. A. (William A.)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Sour gas and related technologiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3053212025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Wu, Ying (Petroleum engineer) Carroll, John J., 1958- Zhu, Weiyao. International Acid Gas Injection Symposium (3rd : 2012 : Banff, Alta.)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ebrary <a href=""></a>
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Books24x7 <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>How to present at meetingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3055712025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Hall, George M. (George Martin) Robinson, Neville.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a>
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ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Cold regions engineering 2012 sustainable infrastructure development in a changing cold environment : proceedings of the 15th International Specialty Conference on Cold Regions Engineering : August 19-22, 2012, Quebec City, Canadaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3130052025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Specialty Conference on Cold Regions Engineering (15th : 2012 : Québec, Québec) Doré, Guy. Morse, Brian. Technical Council on Cold Regions Engineering. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE(313005.1)<br/>Elektronik Erişim Knovel <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Technology for education and learningent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3189902025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Tan, Honghua. Wiley InterScience (Online service) International Conference on Technology for Education and Learning (2012 : Macao, China)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE(318990.1)<br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Actualités en droit administratifent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3170622025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Leroy, Michel, auditeur au Conseil d'Etat. Bodart, Serge, 1958-<br/>Yer Numarası KJK2720 A38 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Hukuk Kütüphanesi~1<br/>China, the European Union and global governanceent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3179342025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Wouters, Jan, 1964- editor of compilation.<br/>Yer Numarası D1065.C5 C44 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Environmental forensics proceedings of the 2011 INEF Conferenceent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3430462025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Network of Environmental Forensics. Conference (2011 : Cambridge, England) Morrison, Robert D. O'Sullivan, Gwen.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE(343046.1)<br/>Elektronik Erişim Royal Society of Chemistry <a href=""></a>
RSC <a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Discrete element modelling of particulate mediaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3430392025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Symposium on Discrete Element Modelling of Particulate Media (2012 : Birmingham, U.K.) Wu, C. Y.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE(343039.1)<br/>Elektronik Erişim Royal Society of Chemistry <a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in safety, reliability and risk managementent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3427902025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar European Safety and Reliability Conference (2011 : Troyes, France) Berenguer, Christophe. Grall, Antoine. Soares, C. Guedes.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE(342790.1)<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Nanoformulationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3430602025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Tiddy, G. J. T. (Gordon J. T.) Tan, Reginald B. H.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE(343060.1)<br/>Elektronik Erişim Royal Society of Chemistry <a href=""></a>
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<a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Quand les Jesuites veulent comprendre l'autre le temoignage de quelques livres anciens de la collection de l'UQAMent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2770392025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Tradition and modernity Christian and Muslim perspectives : a record of the Ninth Building Bridges Seminar, convened by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., May 2010ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2776852025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Marshall, David, 1963- Project Muse.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Full text available: </a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Macroprudential regulatory policies the new road to financial stability?ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2797612025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Banking and Finance Conference (13th : 2010 : Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago) Claessens, Stijn.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Child maltreatment research, policy, and practice for the next decade workshop summaryent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2798962025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Child Maltreatment Research, Policy, and Practice for the Next Decade Workshop (2011 : Washington, D.C.) Olson, Steve, 1956- Stroud, Clare. National Research Council (U.S.). Board on Children, Youth, and Families.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Audiovisual translation and media accessibility at the crossroadsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2799402025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Remael, Aline. Orero, Pilar. Carroll, Mary (Audiovisual translator) Media for All (3rd : 2009 : Antwerp)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Geotechnical engineering state of the art and practice keynote lectures from GeoCongress 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2801432025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Geo-Congress (2012 : Oakland, Calif.) Rollins, Kyle M. Zekkos, Dimitrios. American Society of Civil Engineers. Geo-Institute.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>New perspectives on household archaeologyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2803372025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Parker, Bradley J., 1962- Foster, Catherine P.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The Oasis papers 6 proceedings of the sixth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Projectent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2804812025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Dakhleh Oasis Project. Conference (6th : 2009 : Università del Salento) Bagnall, Roger S. Davoli, Paola. Hope, Colin A. Parr, Bruce E.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Development-led archaeology in northwest Europe proceedings of a round table at the University of Leicester, 19th-21st November 2009ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2804822025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Webley, Leo. Bats, Machteld.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>TRAC 2011 proceedings of the twenty-first Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, which took place at the University of Newcastle, 14-17 April 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2804832025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (21st : 2011 : University of Newcastle)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>What do artists know?ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2809392025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Elkins, James, 1955- editor of compilation.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Collections of stained glass and their histories transactions of the 25th International Colloquium of the Corpus Vitrearum in Saint Petersburg, the State Hermitage Museum, 2010 = Glasmalerei-Sammlungen und ihre Geschichte : Akten des 25. Internationalen Kolloquiums des Corpus Vitrearum in Sankt Petersbury, Staatliche Eremitage, 2010 = Les collections de vitraux et leur histoire : actes du 25e Colloque International du Corpus Vitrearum à Saint-Pétersbourg, Musée de l'Ermitage, 2010ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2812142025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Colloquium of the Corpus Vitrearum (25th : 2010 : Saint Petersburg, Russia) Ayers, Tim, 1958-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The Habitats Directive a developer's obstacle course?ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2812602025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Jones, Gregory, MA, LLM, LARTPI.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Culture in translation reception of Chinese literature in comparative perspectiveent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2814952025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Tam, Kwok-kan, 1952- Chan, Kelly Kar-yue. Culture in Translation: Reception of Chinese Literature in the World (2011 : Hong Kong, China)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Understanding the geological and medical interface of arsenic As 2012 : 4th International Congress : Arsenic in the Environment, Sebel Cairns International Hotel, Cairns, Australia, 22-27 July 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2845302025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment (4th : 2012 : Cairns, Australia) Ng, J. (Jack)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Territorial heritage and development proceedings of the International Workshop on Territorial Heritage and Sustainable Development, Seville, Spain, 17-18 November 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2845312025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Workshop on Territorial Heritage and Sustainable Development (2011 : Seville, Spain) Feria Toribio, Jos ̌Mara̕.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Concrete solutions proceedings of Concrete Solutions, 4th International Conference on Concrete Repair, Desden, Germany, 26-28 September 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2845332025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Concrete Repair (4th : 2011 : Dresden, Germany) Grantham, Mike. Mechtcherine, Viktor. Schneck, Ulrich.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Stessa 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2873082025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas (7th : 2012 : Santiago, Chile) Mazzolani, Federico M. Herrera, Ricardo.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Concrete solutions proceedings of Concrete Solutions, 4th International Conference on Concrete Repair, Dresden, Germany, 26-28 September 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2873102025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Concrete Repair (4th : 2011 : Dresden, Germany) Grantham, Mike. Mechtcherine, Viktor. Schneck, Ulrich.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>CO[subscript 2] storage in carboniferous formations and abandoned coal minesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2916902025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Workshop on CO[subscript 2] Storage in Carboniferous Formations and Abandoned Coal Mines (2011 : Beijing, China) He, Manchao.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Rock mechanics achievements and ambitionsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2916912025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar ISRM Symposium (2nd : 2011 : Beijing China) Cai, Meifeng. Wang, Jin?an, 1958-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Urban and regional data management UDMS annual 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2916922025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Urban Data Management Symposium (2011 : Delft, The Netherlands) Zlatanova, Siyka.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Sustainable membrane technology for energy, water, and environmentent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2991272025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Membrane Science and Technology (7th : 2009 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) Ismail, Ahmad Fauzi. Matsuura, Takeshi, 1936-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Ebook Library <a href=""></a>
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<a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>72nd Conference on Glass Problems a collection of papers presented at the 72nd Conference on Glass Problems, the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, October 18-19, 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2991442025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Conference on Glass Problems (72nd : 2011 : Columbus, Ohio) Drummond, Charles H. (Charles Henry) American Ceramic Society. Ohio State University.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim ebrary <a href=""></a>
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Volltext <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The challenges of the housing economy an international perspectiveent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2993082025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Jones, Colin. White, Michael. Dunse, Neil. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Kinetics and thermodynamics of multistep nucleation and self-assembly in nanoscale materialsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2993542025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Nicolis, G., 1939- Maes, Dominique. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a>
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ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Faith, rationality, and the passionsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2994072025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Coakley, Sarah, 1951-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href=""></a>
ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>TMS 2012 141st Annual Meeting and Exhibition supplemental proceedings. Volume 2, Materials, properties, characterization, and modeling.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2994892025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Magnesium technology 2012 proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Magnesium Committee of the Light Metals Division of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), held during TMS 2012 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Orlando Florida, USA, March11-15, 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2995002025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Annual Meeting (141st : 2012 : Orlando, Fla.) Mathaudhu, Suveen N., editor. Sillekens, Wim H. (Wim Hubertina), 1963- editor. Neelameggham, Neal R. (Neal Ramaswami), editor. Hort, Norbert.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href=""></a>
ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Light metals 2012 proceedings of the technical sessions presented by the TMS Aluminum Committee at the TMS 2012 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 11-15, 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2995012025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Suarez, Carlos E. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Annual Meeting (141th : 2012 : Orlando, Fla.) Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Aluminum Committee. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a>
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ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>EPD Congress 2012 held during the TMS 2012 annual meeting & exhibition, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 11-15, 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2995022025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar EPD Congress (23rd : 2012 : Orlando, Fla.) Zhang, Lifeng. Pomykala, Joseph A. Ciftja, Arjan. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Extraction and Processing Division.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a>
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ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>CFD modeling and simulation in materials processingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2995122025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Nastac, Laurentiu. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Annual Meeting. Association for Iron & Steel Technology. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Extraction and Processing Division. Process Technology and Modeling Committee. TMS Solidification Committee.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a>
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ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>International smelting technology symposium (Incorporating the 6th Advances in Sulfide Smelting Symposium) ; Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by The Metallurgy and Materials Society of CIM and the Pyrometallurgy Committee of the Extraction and Processing Division of TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), held during the TMS 2012 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 11-15, 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2995162025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Smelting Technology Symposium (2012 : Orlando, Fla.) Downey, Jerome P. Battle, Thomas P. White, Jesse F. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>T.T. Chen Honorary Symposium on Hydrometallurgy, Electrometallurgy and Materials Characterizationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2995172025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Chen, Tzong T. Wang, Shijie. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Annual Meeting (141st : 2012 : Orlando, Fla.) Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy Committee. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Materials Characterization Committee.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a>
Ebook Library <a href="">Click here to view book</a>
<a href="">Connect to MyiLibrary resource.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>3rd International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2995182025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing (3rd : 2012 : Orlando, Fla.) Jiang, Tao (Metallurgist) Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Energy technology 2012 carbon dioxide management and other technologies ; proceedings of symposia sponsored by the Energy Committee of the Extraction and Processing Division and the Light Metals Division of TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), held during the TMS 2012 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 11-15, 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2995192025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Salazar-Villalpando, Maria D. Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a>
ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Materials for nanophotonics--plasmonics, metamaterials and light localization : symposium held April 14-17, 2009, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3574202025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Materials for Nanophotonics--Plasmonics, Metamaterials and Light Localization (2009 : San Francisco, Calif.) Dal Negro, Luca. Materials Research Society. Spring Meeting (2009 : San Francisco, Calif.). Symposium EE.<br/>Yer Numarası TA1530 M38 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnamesi'nin yazılı kaynaklarıent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3728302025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Karateke, Hakan. Aynur, Hatice.<br/>Yer Numarası G460.E93 E97 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>European transformations : the long twelfth centuryent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3385982025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Noble, Thomas F. X. Van Engen, John H.<br/>Yer Numarası D201.8 E87 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>The artist's process : technology and interpretation : proceedings of the fourth symposium of the Art Technological Source Research Working Groupent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3580322025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Art Technological Source Research (Study group). Symposium (4th : 2010 : Vienna, Austria) Eyb-Green, Sigrid.<br/>Yer Numarası N7430 A7435 2010<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Advances in applied analysisent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3640612025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Rogosin, Sergei V. Koroleva, Anna A.<br/>Yer Numarası QA300 A339 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>"L'ivresse de la liberté" : la révolution de 1908 dans l'Empire ottomanent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3742792025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Georgeon, François, editor of compilation.<br/>Yer Numarası DR476 I97 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Advances and applications in electroceramics. IIent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3053242025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Nair, K. M. (K. Manikantan), 1933- Priya, Shashank. Materials Science & Technology Conference (2011 : Columbus, Ohio)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Ebook Library <a href=""></a>
John Wiley <a href=""></a>
ebrary <a href=""></a>
ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in synthesis, processing, and applications of nanostructuresent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3053252025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Lu, Kathy.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href=""></a>
Wiley <a href=""></a>
ebrary <a href=""></a>
John Wiley <a href=""></a>
ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in materials science for environmental and energy technologiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3053262025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Materials Science & Technology Conference (9th : 2011 : Columbus, Ohio) Ohji, T. (Tatsuki)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim John Wiley <a href=""></a>
Wiley <a href=""></a>
MyiLibrary, Table of contents <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Biomaterials science. II processing, properties and applicationsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3053272025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Narayan, Roger. Bose, Susmita. Bandyopadhyay, Amit. Materials Science & Technology Conference (9th : 2011 : Columbus, Ohio)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Connect to MyiLibrary resource.</a>
John Wiley <a href=""></a>
ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Superalloys 2012 proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Superalloys ; held September 9-13, 2012, at Seven Springs Mountain Resort, Seven Springs, PAent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3053312025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Symposium on Superalloys (12th : 2012 : Seven Springs, Pa.) Reed, Roger C. (Roger Charles) Hardy, Mark C. Mills, Michael J. (Michael John), 1958- Montero, Rick E.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim Ebook Library <a href=""></a>
John Wiley <a href=""></a>
Wiley <a href=""></a>
MyiLibrary, Table of contents <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Technology for education and learningent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3054962025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Tan, Honghua. Wiley InterScience (Online service) International Conference on Technology for Education and Learning (2012 : Macao, China)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>I. Uluslararası Katılımlı Yaşlı bakım Modelleri ve Rehabilitasyon Turizmi Kongresi ve III. Geritarik Fizyoterapi Kongresi bildirileri 21-23 Kasım 2012.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3074712025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Uluslararası Katılımlı Yaşlı bakım Modelleri ve Rehabilitasyon Turizmi Kongresi (2012 : İzmir).<br/>Yer Numarası WT 100 U48 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Sağlık Bilimleri Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Robotics science and systems VIIent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2201042025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (7th : 2011 : Los Angeles, Calif.) Durrant-Whyte, Hugh F., 1961- Roy, Nicholas. Abbeel, Pieter.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim IEEE Xplore <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Uluslararası Anayasa Kongresi : 11-14 Mayıs 2011 : metinler kitabı = International Congress on Constitutional Law : book of papersent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3862462025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Uluslararası Anayasa Kongresi (2011 : Istanbul, Turkey) Yanık, Murat. Özcan, Hüseyin. Akcan, Ahmet. Alan, Esra.<br/>Yer Numarası K3165.A6 U48 2012 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Hukuk Kütüphanesi~8<br/>2nd International 100% Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition (IRENEC 2012) proceedings : 28-30 June 2012, Maltepe - Istanbulent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3886912025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International 100% Renewable Energy Conference (2nd : 2012 : Istanbul) Uyar, T.S. Sağlam, M. Sulukan, E.<br/>Yer Numarası TJ807.2 I58 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Selected Poems : From Modernism to Nowent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3912182025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Aji, Helene. Kilgore-Caradec, Jennifer.<br/>Yer Numarası PR1175 A35 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>The Crimean Khanate between East and West (15th-18th century)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3773242025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Klein, Denise.<br/>Yer Numarası DK508.9.K78 C753 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Komünizm fikri : Berlin konferansı,2010ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3908852025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Badiou, Alain. Zizek, Slavoj. Doğan, Okan. Kılıç, Savaş. Barışcan, Haluk.<br/>Yer Numarası HX73 K66 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Produktesicherheit und Produktehaftung : die Schonzeit für Hersteller, Importeur und Händler ist vorbei! ; Tagung vom 23. März 2012 in Luzernent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3911252025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Brunner, Alexander.<br/>Yer Numarası KKW846.5 P76 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Hukuk Kütüphanesi~1<br/>İslamofobi : kolektif bir korkunun anatomisi : sempozyum tebliğleri : 18-19 Kasım 2011, Sivas, TSO konferans salonuent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5084722025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar İslamofobi, Kolektif bir Korkunun Anatomisi Sempozyumu (2011 : Sivas, Turkey) Alacahan, Osman. Duman, Betül.<br/>Yer Numarası BP52 I85 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Hukuk Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Hukuk biliminin güncel sorunları III. uluslararası kongre (bildiri özetleri kitapçığı) = Contemporary problems of law the 3rd international conference (abstracts booklet)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5166292025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Abdulhakimoğulları, Erdal, editör Şahinkaya, Yalçın, editör Baykan, Metin, editör yardımcıları.?UNAUTHORIZED Kale, Fatmagül, editör yardımcıları. Nur, Pınar, editör yardımcıları.<br/>Yer Numarası K555 H858 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Hukuk Kütüphanesi~1<br/>IV. Sağlık Hukuku Kurultayı : 23-24 Eylül 2011, Ankaraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5166362025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Sağlık Hukuku Kurultayı (4. 2011, Ankara. Doğan, Cahid.<br/>Yer Numarası KKX3098 S24 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Hukuk Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Hukuk biliminin güncel sorunları III. uluslararası kongre bildiri kitabı = Contemporary problems of law the 3rd international conference reviewed papersent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5166382025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Hukuk Biliminin Güncel Sorunları. Kongre (3. : 2012 : Samsun, Türkiye) Abdulhakimoğulları, Erdal, editör Yolçiyev, Mübariz, editör Şahinkaya, Yalçın, editör<br/>Yer Numarası K555 H859 2012 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Hukuk Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Faulkner and formalism : returns of the textent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3764932025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Annual Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Conference (35th : 2008 : University of Mississippi) Trefzer, Annette, 1960- Abadie, Ann J.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Ulus inşasıent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3942752025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Fukuyama, Francis. Kya, Hasan.<br/>Yer Numarası JZ6300 N381 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Avrupa' da Müslüman öznenin üretimi : fikirler, bilinçler, örneklerent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4898412025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Bruinessen, Martin van. Allievi, Stefano. Tuygan, Attila.<br/>Yer Numarası BP43.E85 P7619 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>3. Ulusal çocuk ve gençlik edebiyatı sempozyumu : 05-07 Ekim 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4902042025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Ulusal Çocuk ve Gençlik Edebiyatı Sempozyumu (3. : 2011 : Ankara, Türkiye) Sever, Sedat. Ankara Üniversitesi Çocuk ve Gençlik Edebiyatı Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (ÇOGEM) düzenleyen.<br/>Yer Numarası PL230 U48 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Machiavelli, Makyavelizm ve moderniteent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5084122025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Akal, Cemal Bali.<br/>Yer Numarası JC143.M4 M33 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Hukuk Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Psychology of science implicit and explicit processesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5124062025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Purdue Symposium on Psychological Sciences (2nd : 2010 : Purdue University) Proctor, Robert W. Capaldi, E. John.<br/>Yer Numarası Q175.32 .R45 P87 2012<br/>Elektronik Erişim Oxford scholarship online <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Bilgi eksenli kuram ve uygulamalar sorgulayıcı ve çözümleyici yaklaşımlar sempozyumu : 31 Mayıs-02 Haziran 2012, Ürgüp, Nevşehir bildirilerent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5163522025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Bilgi Eksenli Kuram ve Uygulamalar Sorgulayıcı ve Çözümleyici Yaklaşımlar Sempozyumu (2012 : Ürgüp, Nevşehir) Subaşıoğlu, Fatoş. Fenerci, Tülay. Tamdoğan, Oya Gürdal.<br/>Yer Numarası Z665.2.T8 B554 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Yüzüncü Yılında İkinci Meşrutiyet Milletlerarası Kongre tebliğleri : İstanbul, 7-10 Mayıs 2008 = Proceedings of the International Congress on the Second Constitutional Period of the Ottoman State on its Centenary : Istanbul, 7-10 May 2008ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4812572025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Yüzüncü Yılında İkinci Meşrutiyet Milletlerarası Kongre (2008 : Istanbul, Turkey) Eren, Halit, editor. Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture.<br/>Yer Numarası DR584 Y897 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Proceedings of the International Congress on Al-Quds During the Ottoman Era : Damascus 22-25 june 2009ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4806242025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Eren, Halit.<br/>Yer Numarası DS109.92 P76 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Molecules at work : selfassembly, nanomaterials, molecular machineryent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2701582025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Pignataro, Bruno.<br/>Yer Numarası QD875 M65 2012<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>The early childhood care and education workforce : challenges and opportunities : a workshop reportent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2792722025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Early Childhood Care and Education Workforce: A Workshop (2011 : Georgetown University) National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Early Childhood Care and Education Workforce: A Workshop. National Research Council (U.S.). Board on Children, Youth, and Families.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Resolving the European debt crisisent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2793532025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Cline, William R. Wolff, Guntram.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Significance of faecal indicators in water a global perspectiveent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2795542025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Kay, David, 1953- Fricker, Colin.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Nanopores for bioanalytical applications proceedings of the international conferenceent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2795622025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Nanopores for Bioanalytical Applications (1st : 2012 : Lanzarote, Canary Islands) Edel, Joshua B. (Joshua Benno) Albrecht, Tim.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Energy material, chemical engineering and mining engineering selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Energy Material, Chemical Engineering and Mining Engineering (EMCEM2012), September 15-16, 2012, Wuhan, Chinaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2795772025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Energy Material, Chemical Engineering and Mining Engineering (2012 : Wuhan, China) Xu, B., editor of compilation. Li, H. Y., editor of compilation.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>HealthGrid applications and technologies meet science gateways for life sciencesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2794822025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar HealthGrid 2012 (2012 : Amsterdam, Netherlands) Gesing, Sandra. IOS Press. IWSG-Life 2012 (2012 : Amsterdam, Netherlands)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>New perspectives on consumer culture theory and researchent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2805592025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Zahradka, Pavel. Sedlakova, Renata.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Neighbors and neighborhoods living together in the German-speaking worldent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2806122025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Annual Interdisciplinary German Studies Conference (19th : 2011 : University of California, Berkeley) Almog, Yael. Born, Erik.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>New Trends in Early Foreign Language Learning the Age Factor, CLIL and Languages in Contact. Bridging Research and Good Practices.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2806302025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Davies, Maria Gonzalez. Taronna, Annarita.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Applied linguistics today research and perspectives = Angewandte Linguistik heute : Forschung und Perspektiven : proceedings from the CALS conference 2011 = Beiträge von der KGAL-Konferenz 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2807232025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku. Znanstveni skup (25th : 2011 : Osijek) Pon, Leonard. Karabalić, Vladimir, 1962- Cimer, Sanja.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Linguistic landscapes, multilingualism and social changeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2807312025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Hélot, Christine. International Linguistic Landscape Workshop (3rd : 2010 : Strasbourg)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Translating Virginia Woolfent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2807462025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Palusci, Oriana.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Current issues in hospitality and tourism research and innovations proceedings of the International Hospitality and Tourism Conference, IHTC 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3-5 September 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2854462025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Hospitality and Tourism Conference (2012 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) Zainal, Artinah.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Computational modelling of objects represented in images fundamentals, methods and applications III : proceedings of the International Symposium Compimage 2012, Rome, Italy, 5-7 September 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2854472025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar CompIMAGE 2012 (2012 : Rome, Italy) Di Giamberardino, Paolo.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in transportation geotechnics II proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (2nd ICTG), Hokkaido, Japan, 10-12 September 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2854482025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (2nd : 2012 : Hokkaido, Japan) Miura, Seiichi.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>eWork and eBusiness in architecture, engineering and construction proceedings of the European Conference on Product and Process Modelling 2012, Reykjavik, Iceland, 25-27 July, 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2854492025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar European Conference on Product and Process Modelling (2012 : Reykjavik, Iceland) Gudnason, Gudni. Scherer, R. J. (Raimar J.)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Harmonising rock engineering and the environment proceedings of the 12th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics, Beijing, China, 18-21 October 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2854582025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Congress on Rock Mechanics (12th : 2011 : Beijing, China) Qian, Qihu. Zhou, Yingxin.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Sustainable maritime transportation and exploitation of sea resourcesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2862382025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean. International Congress. Rizzuto, Enrico. Soares, Carlos Guedes.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Global perspectives on the biology and life history of the white sharkent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2880332025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Domeier, Michael L., 1964- International White Shark Symposium (2010 : Honolulu, Hawaii)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Constitutive models for rubber VII proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR, Dublin, Ireland, 20-23 September 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2881242025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (7th : 2011 : Dublin, Ireland) Jerrams, Stephen. Murphy, Niall M.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in pavement design through full-scale accelerated pavement testing proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing, Davis, CA, USA, 19-21 September 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2882022025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing (4th : 2012 : Davis, Calif.) Jones, David.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Bridge maintenance, safety, management, resilience and sustainability proceedings of the sixth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Stresa, Lake Maggiore, Italy, 8-12 July 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2891332025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (6th : 2012 : Stresa, Lake Maggiore, Italy) Biondini, Fabio. Frangopol, Dan M.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Ergonomics in Asia development, opportunities and challenges : selected papers of the 2nd East Asian Ergonomics Federation Symposium (EAEFS 2011), National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 4-8 October 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2891402025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar East Asian Ergonomics Federation Symposium (2nd : 2011 : Hsinchu, Taiwan) Shih, Yuh-Chuan. Liang, Sheau-Farn Max. Huang, Yu-Hsing. Lin, Yu-Cheng.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Risk analysis, dam safety, dam security and critical infrastructure management proceedings of the 3rd International Forum on Risk Analysis, Dam Safety, Dam Security and Critical Infrastructure Management (3IWRDD-Forum), Valencia, Spain, 17-18 October 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2891412025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Forum on Risk Analysis, Dam Safety, Dam Security, and Critical Infrastructure Management (3rd : 2011 : Valencia, Spain) Escuder-Bueno, Ignacio.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Emerging technologies in non-destructive testing V proceedings of the fifth Conference on Emerging Technologies in NDT, Ioannina, Greece, 19-21 September 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2900672025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Non Destructive Testing (5th : 2011 : Ioannina, Greece) Paipetis, Alkis.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Advances in discontinuous numerical methods and applications in geomechanics and geoengineering proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advances in discontinuous numerical methods and applications in geomechanics and geoengineering, ICADD, Honolulu, Hawaii, 6-8 December 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2900682025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Advances in Discontinuous Numerical Methods and Applications in Geomechanics and Geoengineering (10th : 2011 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Zhao, Jian, 1960-<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Mechanical behavior of salt VII proceedings of the 7th Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Salt, Paris, France, 16-19 April 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2900812025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Salt (7th : 2012 : Paris, France) Berest, P. (Pierre)<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Concrete repair, rehabilitation and retrofitting III proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (ICCRRR), Cape Town, South Africa, 3-5 September 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2909872025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (3rd : 2012 : Cape Town, South Africa) Alexander, Mark G.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Maritime engineering and technology proceedings of Martech 2011, 1st International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 10-12 May 2011ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2909912025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering (1st : 2011 : Lisbon, Portugal) Soares, C. Guedes.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Shaking the foundations of geo-engineering educationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2910032025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference Shaking the Foundations of Geo-engineering Education (2012 : Galway, Ireland) McCabe, Bryan A., editor. Pantazidou, Marina, editor. Phillips, Declan, editor.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>The astronomy revolution 400 years of exploring the cosmosent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2915952025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar New Vision 400 (2008 : Beijing, China) York, Donald G., 1944- Gingerich, Owen. Zhang, Shuang-Nan.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>River flow 2012 proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, San Jos,̌ Costa Rica, 5-7 September 2012ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2917212025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (2012 : San Jos,̌ Costa Rica) Murillo Muǫz, Rafael.<br/>Yer Numarası ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Erişim <a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format: Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum Çevrimiçi Kütüphane~1<br/>Ankara Barosu Uluslararası Hukuk Kurultayı : 10-14 Ocak 2012,Ankaraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5228442025-01-13T12:36:20Z2025-01-13T12:36:20ZYazar Uluslararası Hukuk Kurultayı (2012 : Ankara, Turkey) Kocaoğlu, Sinan. Ankara Barosu.<br/>Yer Numarası KZ1240 U58 2012 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Hukuk Kütüphanesi~2<br/>