Arama Sonuçları Güterbock, Hans Gustav, 1908-SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dG$0025C3$0025BCterbock$00252C$002bHans$002bGustav$00252C$002b$002b1908-$0026ps$003d300?2024-12-02T01:07:56ZRecent developments in Hittite archaeology and history : papers in memory of Hans G. Güterbockent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:817932024-12-02T01:07:56Z2024-12-02T01:07:56ZYazar Güterbock, Hans Gustav, 1908- Yener, K. Aslıhan, ed. Hoffner, Harry A., ed. Dhesi, Simrit, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası DS 66 R34 2002<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Recent developments in Hittite archaeology and history : papers in memory of Hans G. Güterbockent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1008112024-12-02T01:07:56Z2024-12-02T01:07:56ZYazar Güterbock, Hans Gustav, 1908- Yener, K. Aslıhan. Hoffner, Harry A. Dhesi, Simrit.<br/>Yer Numarası DS 66 R34 2002<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>The Hittite dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicagoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:795022024-12-02T01:07:56Z2024-12-02T01:07:56ZYazar University of Chicago. Oriental Institute. Güterbock, Hans Gustav, 1908- ed. Hoffner, Harry A., ed. Hout, Theo P. J. Van Den, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası P945.Z8 U3 2002 V.S<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Perspectives on Hittite civilization : selected writings of Hans Gustav Güterbockent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:980192024-12-02T01:07:56Z2024-12-02T01:07:56ZYazar Hoffner, Harry A., ed. Diamond, Irving L., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası DS 66 G85 1997<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>