Arama Sonu&ccedil;lar&#305; Light metals. SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dLight$002bmetals.$0026ic$003dtrue$0026ps$003d300$0026isd$003dtrue? 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Smithells light metals handbook ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:153806 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Smithells, Colin J. (Colin James)&#160;Brandes, Eric A. (Eric Adolph)&#160;Brook, G. B.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Light alloys : metallurgy of the light metals ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:459449 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Polmear, I. J., author.&#160;StJohn, David, author.&#160;Nie, Jian-Feng, author.&#160;Qian, Ma, author.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Light metals 2011 Proceedings of the technical sessions presented by the TMS Aluminum Committee at the TMS 2011 Annual Meeting &amp; Exhibition, San Diego, California, USA February 27-March 3, 2011 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:298902 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Annual Meeting (140th : 2011 : San Diego, Calif.)&#160;Lindsay, Stephen J.&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Light Metals Division.&#160;Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a> Ebook Library <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Energy technology 2014 : proceedings of a symposium, Energy Technologies and Carbon Dioxide Management, sponsored by the Energy Committee of the Extraction &amp; Processing Division and the Light Metals Division of The Minerals, Metals &amp; Materials Society (TMS) with papers contributed by two symposia, High-temperature Material Systems for Energy Conversion and Storage and Solar Cell Silicon, sponsored by the Energy Conversion and Storage Committee of the Electronic, Magnetic &amp; Photonic Materials Division of The Minerals, Metals &amp; Materials Society (TMS) held during the TMS 2014, 143rd Annual Meeting &amp; Exhibition, Februrary 16-20, 2014, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:341960 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Energy Technology and CO&#8322; Management (Symposium) (2014 : San Diego, Calif.)&#160;Wang, Cong (Engineer), editor.&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Energy Committee, sponsoring body.&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Light Metals Division, sponsoring body.&#160;High-temperature Material Systems for Energy Conversion and Storage (Symposium) (2014 : San Diego, Calif.)<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE(341960.1)<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Energy technology 2013 carbon dioxide management and other technologies ; proceedings of symposia sponsored by the Energy Committee of the Extraction and Processing Division and the Light Metals Division of TMS (The Minerals, Metals &amp; Materials Society), held during the TMS 2013 Annual Meeting &amp; Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 3-7, 2013 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:305444 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Pati, Soobhankar.&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Extraction and Processing Division.&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Light Metals Division.&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Annual Meeting (142nd : 2013 : San Antonio, Tex.)<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;ebrary <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view</a> <a href="">Connect to MyiLibrary resource.</a> Ebook Library <a href=""></a> Wiley Online Library <a href=""></a> John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Shape casting : 5th International Symposium 2014 : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Aluminum Committee of the Light Metals Division and the Solidification Committee of the Materials Processing &amp; Manufacturing Division of TMS (The Minerals, Metals &amp; Materials Society) held during TMS 2014, 143rd Annual Meeting &amp; Exhibition, February 16-20, 2014, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:341954 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Shape Casting Symposium (5th : 2014 : San Diego, Calif.)&#160;Tiryakio&#7713;lu, Murat, editor.&#160;Campbell, John, editor.&#160;Byczynski, Glenn Edwin, editor.&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Aluminum Committee, sponsoring body.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE(341954.1)<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;ebrary <a href=""></a> John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Magnesium Technology 2014 : Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Magnesium Committee of the Light Metals Division of the Minerals, Metals &amp; Materials Society (TMS) held during the TMS 2014, 143rd Annual Meeting &amp; Exhibition, February 16-20, 2014, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:341955 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Magnesium Technology (Symposium) (2014 : San Diego, Calif.)&#160;Alderman, Martyn, editor.&#160;Manuel, Michele V., editor.&#160;Hort, Norbert, editor.&#160;Neelameggham, Neal R. (Neal Ramaswami), editor.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE(341955.1)<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;Ebook Library <a href=""></a> John Wiley <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Light metals 2014 : Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the TMS Aluminum Committee at the TMS 2014 Annual Meeting &amp; Exhibition, February 16-20, 2014, San Diego, California, USA ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:341958 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Annual Meeting (143rd : 2014 : San Diego, Calif.)&#160;Grandfield, John F.&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Aluminum Committee.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE(341958.1)<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;Ebook Library <a href=""></a> John Wiley <a href=""></a> MyiLibrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Organic light-emitting diodes the use of rare-earth and transition metals ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:290912 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Pereira, Luiz.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;<a href="">Distributed by publisher. Purchase or institutional license may be required for access.</a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Magnesium technology 2012 proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Magnesium Committee of the Light Metals Division of the Minerals, Metals &amp; Materials Society (TMS), held during TMS 2012 Annual Meeting &amp; Exhibition, Orlando Florida, USA, March11-15, 2012 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:299500 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Annual Meeting (141st : 2012 : Orlando, Fla.)&#160;Mathaudhu, Suveen N., editor.&#160;Sillekens, Wim H. (Wim Hubertina), 1963- editor.&#160;Neelameggham, Neal R. (Neal Ramaswami), editor.&#160;Hort, Norbert.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;Wiley InterScience <a href=""></a> ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Light metals 2012 proceedings of the technical sessions presented by the TMS Aluminum Committee at the TMS 2012 Annual Meeting &amp; Exhibition, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 11-15, 2012 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:299501 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Suarez, Carlos E.&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Annual Meeting (141th : 2012 : Orlando, Fla.)&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society.&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Aluminum Committee.&#160;Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a> <a href="">Connect to MyiLibrary resource.</a> ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Energy technology 2012 carbon dioxide management and other technologies ; proceedings of symposia sponsored by the Energy Committee of the Extraction and Processing Division and the Light Metals Division of TMS (The Minerals, Metals &amp; Materials Society), held during the TMS 2012 Annual Meeting &amp; Exhibition, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 11-15, 2012 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:299519 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Salazar-Villalpando, Maria D.&#160;Wiley InterScience (Online service)<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a> ebrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Light metals and their alloys II technology, microstructure and properties ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:279621 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Dolata, Anna J.&#160;Dyzia, Maciej.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Light metals and their alloys I technology, microstructure and properties ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:280541 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Botor-Probierz, Agnieszka.&#160;Kie&#322;bus, Andrzej.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> 2nd International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Pyrometallurgy Committee of the Extraction and Processing Division and the Energy Committee of the Extraction and Processing Division and the Light Metals Division of TMS (The Minerals, Metals &amp; Materials Society), Held during the TMS 2011 Annual Meeting &amp; Exhibition San Diego California, USA Feburary 27-March 3, 2011 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303814 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing (2nd : 2011 : San Diego, Calif.)&#160;Hwang, Jiann-Yang.&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Annual Meeting (140th : 2011 : San Diego, Calif.)<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Magnesium technology 2011 proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Magnesium Committee of the Light Metals Division of The Minerals, Metals &amp; Materials Society (TMS)), held during the TMS 2011 Annual Meeting &amp; Exhibition, San Diego, California, USA, February 27-March 3, 2011 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:298903 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Magnesium Technology Symposium (12th : 2011 : San Diego, Calif.)&#160;Sillekens, Wim H.&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Annual Meeting (140th : 2011 : San Diego, Calif.)&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society.&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Magnesium Committee.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a> <a href="">Connect to MyiLibrary resource.</a> Ebook Library <a href=""></a> John Wiley <a href=""></a> Books24x7 <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Shape casting 4th International Symposium, 2011, in honor of Prof. John T. Berry : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Aluminum Committee of the Light Metals Division and the Solidification Committee of the Materials Processing &amp; Manufacturing Division of TMS (The minerals, Metals &amp; Materials Society), held during the TMS 2011 Annual Meeting &amp; Exhibition, San Diego, Salifornia, USA, February 27-March 3, 2011 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:298904 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Shape Casting Symposium (4th : 2011 : San Diego, Calif.)&#160;Tiryakio&#7713;lu, Murat.&#160;Campbell, John, 1938-&#160;Crepeau, Paul N.&#160;Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Annual Meeting (140th : 2011 : San Diego, Calif.)<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;Wiley InterScience <a href="">An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information</a> Ebook Library <a href=""></a> John Wiley <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Integral Foam Molding of Light Metals Technology, Foam Physics and Foam Simulation ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:185607 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Koerner, Carolin. author.&#160;SpringerLink (Online service)<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;<a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Essential readings in magnesium technology ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:341911 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Mathaudhu, Suveen N. (Suveen Nigel), 1975- editor.&#160;Luo, Alan A., editor.&#160;Neelameggham, Neal R. (Neal Ramaswami), editor.&#160;Nyberg, Eric A., editor.&#160;Sillekens, Wim H. (Wim Hubertina), 1963- editor.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE(341911.1)<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;Ebook Library <a href=""></a> John Wiley <a href=""></a> MyiLibrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> 5th International Symposium on High Temperature Metallurgical Processing proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Minerals, Metals &amp; Materials Society (TMS) held during TMS 2014, 143rd Annual Meeting &amp; Exhibition, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:341952 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing (5th : 2014 : San Diego, Calif.)&#160;Jiang, Tao.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE(341952.1)<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;Ebook Library <a href=""></a> ebrary <a href=""></a> John Wiley <a href=""></a> MyiLibrary <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Lightweight materials understanding the basics ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:279656 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Campbell, F. C. (Flake C.), editor.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;EBSCOhost <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> A description of active and extinct volcanos, of earthquakes, and of thermal springs ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:506251 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Daubeny, Charles, 1795-1867, author.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;QE522 .D3 2011<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;<a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/> Light alloys from traditional alloys to nanocrystals ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:254857 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z 2025-03-14T16:05:41Z Yazar&#160;Polmear, I. J.<br/>Yer Numaras&#305;&#160;ONLINE<br/>Elektronik Eri&#351;im&#160;ScienceDirect <a href=""></a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektrnik Kaynak<br/>Durum&#160;&Ccedil;evrimi&ccedil;i K&uuml;t&uuml;phane~1<br/>