Arama Sonuçları Mass society. - Daraltılmış: Beytepe Genel KoleksiyonSirsiDynix Enterprise$003dMass$002bsociety.$0026qf$003dLOCATION$002509Shelf$002bLocation$0025091$00253ABEYTEPEGEN$002509Beytepe$002bGenel$002bKoleksiyon$002509$0026ps$003d300?dt=list2025-03-25T17:30:16ZThe politics of mass societyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1067372025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Kornhauser, William.<br/>Yer Numarası JC 481 .K6 1972<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>The politics of mass societyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:146352025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Kornhauser, William.<br/>Yer Numarası JC 481 K6 1959<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Twentieth-century mass society in Britain and the Netherlandsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3779932025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Moore, Bob, 1954- Nierop, Henk F. K. van.<br/>Yer Numarası HM866 T93 2006<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>The Examination of video as mass media in Turkish society :summary of the final reportent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:879042025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Barkan, Murat. Leek, W. R. McIsaac, M. S.<br/>Yer Numarası P 90 E52 1985<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Nuclear and electron resonance spectroscopies applied to materials science : proceedings of the Materials Research Society Meeting. Nov. 1980, Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston, Mass.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:584172025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Kaufmann, E. N., ed. Shenoy, G. K., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 762 N85 1981<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Molecular sieve zeolites : the second international conference co-sponsored by the Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, and Division of Petroleum Chemistry, and the Division of Physical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society and Worcester Pollytechnic Institute at Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester, Mass., Sept. 8-11, 1970. Edith M. Flanigen and Leonard B. 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Sept. 1-4, 1965ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:409392025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Davis, Bernard David, 1916- ed. Warreen, Leonard, ort. yaz.<br/>Yer Numarası QH 601 D25 1967<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Indentity and anxety : survival of the person in mass societyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:351962025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Setein, Maurice Robert, 1926- Vidich, J. Arthur, ed. White, David Manning, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası HM 271 S84 1960<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Polymerization kinetics and technology, ed. by Norbert A. J. Platzer. A symposium co-sponsored by the division of industrial and engineering chemistry and the division of polymer chemistry at the 163rd meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston, Mass., April 10-14, 1972.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:426822025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Platzer, A. J., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QD 1 A355 V.128<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Extractive and azeotropic distillation : based on papers presented at two symposia sponsored by the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry of the American Chemical Society at the 160th meeting ,Chicago, ill., sept.17, 1970 and the 163rd meeting, Boston, Mass, april 14, 1972. Dimitrios P. 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Meeting (2001 : Boston, Mass.)<br/>Yer Numarası QE 462.O6 O58 2003<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Continuing professional education for the information society : the fifthe World conference on Continuing Professional Education for the Library and Information Science Professionsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:856812025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar World Conference on Continuing Professional Education for the Library and Information Science Professions (5th : 2001 : Chester, Mass.) Ward, Patricia Layzell, ed. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Continuing Professional Education Round Table.<br/>Yer Numarası Z 668 W667 2001<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Construction management : a state-of-the-art update : proceedings of 2 sessions sponsored by the Construction Division of the American Society of civil Engineers in conjunction with the ASCE National Convention in Boston Massachusetts, Oct. 27, 1986ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:595072025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar ASCE National Convention (1986 :Boston, Mass.) Haltenhoff, C. Edwin, ed. American Society of Civil Engineers. Construction Division.<br/>Yer Numarası TH 438 A825 1986<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Mass spectrometry in inorganic chemistry : a symposium. John L. Margrave, symposium chairman.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:426842025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar American Chemical Society. Division of Inorganic Chemistry.<br/>Yer Numarası QD 1 A355<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Kültür endüstrisi kültür yönetimient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5122302025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Adorno, Theodor W. Ülner, Nihat. Tüzel, Mustafa. Gen, Elçin.<br/>Yer Numarası CB427 A36 2016<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Kültür endüstrisi kültür yönetimient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3077182025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Adorno, Theodor W. Ülner, Nihat. Tüzel, Mustafa. Gen, Elçin.<br/>Yer Numarası CB427 A36 2014<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Sessiz yığınların gölgesinde : toplumsalın sonuent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3942282025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Baudrillard, Jean. Adanır, Oğuz, çev.<br/>Yer Numarası JA76 B3819 2013<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Kitlelerin ruhu : siyasal ve sosyal kuramda kalabalık tahayyüllerient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3942442025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Aytaç, Ahmet Murat.<br/>Yer Numarası HM871 A98 2011<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Sessiz yığınların gölgesinde : toplumsalın sonuent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3851792025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Baudrillard, Jean. Adanır, Oğuz, çev.<br/>Yer Numarası JA76 B3819 2006<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Sessiz yığınların gölgesinde : toplumsalın sonuent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:744622025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Baudrillard, Jean. Adanır, Oğuz, çev.<br/>Yer Numarası JA76 B3819 2003<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Hukuk Kütüphanesi~1 Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>The culture industry : selected essays on mass cultureent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3779782025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Adorno, Theodor W., 1903-1969.<br/>Yer Numarası CB427 A37 2001<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>İletişim kuramları açısından kitlelerin çözülüşüent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:128412025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Özkök, Ertuğrul, 1947-<br/>Yer Numarası HM 101 O5 1985<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>The role of chromosomes in developmentent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:409892025-03-25T17:30:16Z2025-03-25T17:30:16ZYazar Locke, Michael, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QH 605 L794 1964 R<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>