Arama Sonuçları NÜKLEER FİZİK -- KONGRELER.SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dN$0025C3$00259CKLEER$002bF$0025C4$0025B0Z$0025C4$0025B0K$002b--$002bKONGRELER.$0026te$003dILS$0026ps$003d300?2025-03-15T00:26:47ZTechniques and concepts of high-energy physics Xent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:745412025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Ferbel, Thomas, ed. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO Advanced Study Institute on Techniques and Concepts of High-Energy Physics (2000 : St. Croix, Virgin Islands)<br/>Yer Numarası QC 793 T226 1998<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Correlations and clustering phenomena in subatomic physicsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:236552025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Harakeh, M. N., ed. Koch, J. H., ed. Scholten, O., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 794.6.A5 C67 1997<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>High energy physics : proceedings of the held in Münich, Fed. Rep. of Germany, August 4-10 1988ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425252025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar International Conference on High Energy Physics (24th : 1988 : Münich). Kotthaus, R., ed. by Kühn, J. H., ed. by<br/>Yer Numarası QC 793 I57 1988<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>A unified view of the macro-and the micro-cosmos : 1 st International School on... Erice (Sicily, Italy), January 1987ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425262025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar International School on Astroparticle Physics (1st : 1987 : Erice). Rujula, A. de., ed. Nanopoulos, D. V., ed. Shaver, P. A., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 793 I8 1987<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Unification of fundamental interactions : proceedings of...held in Marstrand, Sweden, June 2-7, 1986ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425892025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Nobel Symposium (67th : 1986 : Maestrand, Sweden). Brink, L., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 794.6.S85 N664 1986<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Nuclear Physics : proceedings of the.../Org. on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of the Indian National Science Academy, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay, India, December 27-31, 1984ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:424522025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar International Conference on Nuclear Physics, (1984:Bhabha Atomic Research Centre) Jain, B. K., ed. Sinha, B. C., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 770 I515 1984 N<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Proceedings of the winter college on fundamental nuclear physics : International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 7 Feb.-30 Mar. 1984ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:424582025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Winter College on Fundamental Nuclear Physics (1984 : Trieste, Italy) Dietrich, K., ed. Toro, Di M., ed. Mang, H. J., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 770 W56 1984 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Proceedings of the Sante Fe Meeting : held in Sante Fe, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1984ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425242025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar American Physical Society. Division of Particles and Fields Meeting (Ist : 1984 : Sante Fe, New Mexico). Goldman, T., ed. Nieto, M. M., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 793 A47 1984<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Proceedings of the VIII Warsaw Symposium on Elementary Particle Physics : Kazimiers, Poland, May 26 - June 1, 1985ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:692732025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Warsaw Symposium on Elementary Particle Physics (VIII. : 1985 : Kazimierz, Poland) Ajduk, Z., ed. Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 793 W26 1985<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Particles and gravity : proceedings of the John Hopkins Workshop on Current Problems in Particle Theory 8 : Baltimore, 1984 (June 20-22)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:413172025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar John Hopkins Workshop on Current Problems in Particle Theory (8th : 1984 : Baltimore, Md.) Domokos, G., ed. Kovesi-Domokos S., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 793 J56 1984<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Workshop on Radiative Corrections in SU(2)L x U(1) : Miramare, Trieste, Italy, 6-8 June 1983ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:447092025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Workshop on Radiative Corrections in SU(2)L x U(1) (1983 : Trieste, Italy). Lynn, B. W., ed. Wheater, J. F., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 174.17.S9 W67 1983<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Nuclear collective dynamics : lectures of the 1982...Held in poiana Brasov, Romania, 26 Aug., 7 Sep. 1982ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:424552025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar International Summer School of Nuclear Physics. Poiana Brasov, Romania, 1982. Bucurescu, D., ed. Ceausescu, V., ed. Zamfir, N. V., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 770 I649 1982<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>High angular momentum properties of nuclei : proceedings of the conf...ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425332025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Conference on High Angular Momentum Properties of Nuclei, Oak Ridge, Tenn., 1982. Johnson, N. R., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 793.3.S8 C65 1982<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Data acquisition in high-energy physics = Acquisizione di dati nella fisica delle alte energie : held in Varenna on Lake Como Villa Monastero, 28th July-7th August 1981ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425382025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar International School Physics "Enrico Fermi" (1981 : Varenna, Italy). Bologna, G., ed. Vincelli, M. L., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 793.47.E4 I57 1981<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Nuclear Physics : proceedings of the Nuclear Physics Workshop, I.C.T.P., Trieste, Miramare, Italy, 5-30 October, 1981ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:424572025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Nuclear Physics Workshop (1981 : Trieste, Italy) Dasso, C. H., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 770 N785 1981<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Physics of electronic and atomic collisions : invited papers of the xith International Conf...held in Gatlinburg, Tenn., 15-21 July, 1981ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425872025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions ( xiith : 1981 : Gatlinburg, Tenn.). Datz, S., ed. by<br/>Yer Numarası QC 794.6.C6 I57 1981<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Lasers in nuclear physics.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:438972025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Conference on Lasers Nuclear Physics (1982 : Oak Ridge, Tenn.).<br/>Yer Numarası QC 454.L3 C66 1982<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Preparation of nuclear targets for particle accelerators : proceedings of the..., held October 1-3 1979, in Boston.ed by J. Jaklovsky.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:557532025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar World Conference of the International Nuclear Target Development Society.( 1879,Boston) Jaklovsky, J., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası TK 9340 W67 1981<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Particle physics 1980 : proceedings of the 3rd...held in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, September 3-13, 1980ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425232025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Adriatic Summer Meeting on Particle Physics (3rd : 1980 : Dubrovnik). Andric, I., ed. Dadic, I., ed. Zovko, N., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 793 A35 1980<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Nuclear physics methods in materials research : proceedings of the seventh divisional conference, Darmstadt, September 23-26, 1980ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:471322025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Bethge, K. , ed.<br/>Yer Numarası TA 401.3 N8 1980<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Electronic and atomic collisions : proceedings of the xith International Conference on the physics of...held in Kyoto, 29 August-4Sept. 1979 :invited papers and progress reportsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425852025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar International Conference on the physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (11 th : 1979 : Kyoto). Oda, N., ed. Takayanagi, K., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 794.6.C6 I57 1979<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Future directions in studies of nuclei far from stability : proceedings of the...held in Nashville, Tenn., September 10-13, 1979 /ed. by J. H. Hamilton (and others).ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425352025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar International Symposium on Future Directions in Studies of Nuclei far from Stability (1979 : Nashville, Tenn.). Hamilton J. H., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 793.3.S8 I58 1979<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Electronic and atomic collisions : xith International conf...held in Kyoto, Japan 29 Aug.-4Sept. 1979 :abstracts of contributed papersent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425862025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar International Conference on the physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions ( 11 th : 1979 : Kyoto). Takayanagi, K., ed. Oda, N., ed. l<br/>Yer Numarası QC 794.6.C6 I57 1979 A<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Weak interactionsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:672302025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Varenna, Italy. Scuola internazionale di Fisica. Coolin, M. B., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 794.8.W4 V37 1979<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>New frontiers in high-energy physicsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425282025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Orbis Scientiae, University of Miami, 1978. Perlmutter, A., ed. Scott, L. F., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 793 O7 1978<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>New pathways in high-energy physics : proceedings of Orbis Scientiae 1976, held by the Center for Theoretical Studies, Univ. of Miami. Coral gables, Florida, Jan. 19-22, 1976ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425272025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Orbis Scientiae, University of Miami, 1976. Perlmutter, A., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 793 O7 1976 V.2<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>An International Symposium on Reactor Noise : Proceedings of the European-American comitte on Reactor Noise, from critical assembilies to power reactors, Rome, 21-25 oct.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:695812025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Dunworth, J. V., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası TK 9202 I8 1975<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Fundamental theories in physicsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425592025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Orbis Scientiae, University of Miami, 1974. Mintz, S. L., A., ed. Mittag, L., ed. Widmayer, S. M., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 793.9 O72 1974<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>High energy astrophysics and its relation to elementary particle physicsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:235802025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar NATO Advanced Study Institute (1972 : Erice, Italy) Brecher, Kenneth, ed. by Setti, Giancarlo, ed. by<br/>Yer Numarası QB 463 N37 1972<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Fundemental interactions in physics : proceedingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425562025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYazar Coral Gables Conference on Fundamental Interactions, (10th : Univ. of Miami : 1973). Kurşunoğlu, B., ed. Perlmutter, A., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 793.9 C67 1973<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Coral Gables Conference on Symmetry principles at High Energy : proceedings.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:583142025-03-15T00:26:47Z2025-03-15T00:26:47ZYer Numarası QC 721 C755 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~4<br/>