Arama Sonuçları NATO. - Daraltılmış: 2001SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dNATO.$0026qf$003dPUBDATE$002509Yay$0025C4$0025B1n$002bY$0025C4$0025B1l$0025C4$0025B1$0025092001$0025092001$0026pe$003dd$00253A$0026ps$003d300?dt=list2025-01-01T10:51:42ZThe NATO handbook.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:750082025-01-01T10:51:42Z2025-01-01T10:51:42ZYazar North Atlantic Treaty Organization.<br/>Yer Numarası UA 646.3 N67 1999<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Enlargement of NATO and European security and defense identityent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:739282025-01-01T10:51:42Z2025-01-01T10:51:42ZYazar Çetin, Çiğdem.<br/>Yer Numarası TEZ/4991 C338 2001<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Mitigation and financing of seismic risks : Turkish and international perspectivesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:772712025-01-01T10:51:42Z2025-01-01T10:51:42ZYazar Kleindorfer, Paul R., ed. Sertel, Murat R., ed. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Scientific Affairs Division. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Mitigation and Financing of Earthquake Risks in Turkey, (2000 : Istanbul, Turkey)<br/>Yer Numarası QE 539.2.S34 M57 2001<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Progress in string theory and M-theoryent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:763652025-01-01T10:51:42Z2025-01-01T10:51:42ZYazar Baulieu, Laurent, ed. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Scientific Affairs Division NATO Advanced Study Institute on Progress in String Theory and M-Theory (1999 : Cargese, France)<br/>Yer Numarası QC 794.6.S85 P77 2001<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Super-intense laser-atom physicsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:780512025-01-01T10:51:42Z2025-01-01T10:51:42ZYazar Piraux, Bernard, ed. Rzazewski, Kazimierz, ed. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Super-Intense Laser-Atom Physics (7th : 2000 : Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium)<br/>Yer Numarası QC 685 S86 2001<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Far-infrared properties of solids : proceedingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:732672025-01-01T10:51:42Z2025-01-01T10:51:42ZYazar NATO Advenced Study Institute (1968 : Delft) Mitra, Shaskanka Shekhar, 1933- ed. Nudelman, Sol, d1922- ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 176.8.O6 N3 1970<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Assessment and management of environmental risks : cost-efficient methods and applicationsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4240522025-01-01T10:51:42Z2025-01-01T10:51:42ZYazar Linkov, Igor. Palma-Oliveira, Jose.<br/>Yer Numarası GE145 A87 2001<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Sensorimotor controlent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:955052025-01-01T10:51:42Z2025-01-01T10:51:42ZYazar Dengler, Reinhard. ed. Kossev, Andon R. ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QP 454 N385 2001<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>New Trends in Coal Science Proceedings of the... Held in Datça, Turkey, August 23-Sept.4, 1987ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:636642025-01-01T10:51:42Z2025-01-01T10:51:42ZYazar NATO Advanced Study Institute on New Trends in Coal Science (1987 Datça, Turkey). Yürüm, Y., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası TP 325 N34 1987<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Plasma waves in space and in the laboratoryent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:582952025-01-01T10:51:42Z2025-01-01T10:51:42ZYazar NATO Advanced Study Institude on Plasma Waves in Space and in the Laboratory (1968 : Roros, Norway). Thomas, J. A., ed. Landmark, B. J., ed.<br/>Yer Numarası QC 718 N56<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Implications of continental drift to the earth sciencesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:466422025-01-01T10:51:42Z2025-01-01T10:51:42ZYazar NATO Advances study ınstitute, New castle upon tyne, Eng. 1972. Tarling, D. H., ort. yaz. Runcorn, S. K., ort. yaz.<br/>Yer Numarası QE 511.5 N39 1973 C.1,2 V.1<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~2<br/>Underwater ground failures on tsunami generation, modeling, risk and mitigation : book of abstracts, May 23-26, 2001, Istanbulent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:721982025-01-01T10:51:42Z2025-01-01T10:51:42ZYazar Nato Advanced Research Workshop Underwater Ground Failures on Tsunami Generation, Modeling, risk and mitigation (2001 : Istanbul) Yalçıner, Ahmet A. Pelinovsky, Efim. Synolakis, Costas. Okal, Emile.<br/>Yer Numarası GC 219 N38 2001<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>Economic developments and reforms in cooperation partner countries : The interrelationship between regional economic cooperation, security and stability colloquium, 2-4 May 2001, Bucharest, Romaniaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1079202025-01-01T10:51:42Z2025-01-01T10:51:42ZYazar Hardouin, Patrick, ed. Weichhardt, Reiner, 1942-, ed. Sutcliffe, Peter, ed.<br/>Yer Numarası HC336.25 N3 2001<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>International Conference on "European Security and Cooperation in the 21st Century", June 28-29, 2001, The Marmara Hotel, Istanbulent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:855532025-01-01T10:51:42Z2025-01-01T10:51:42ZYazar International Conference on "European Security and Cooperation in the 21st Century" (2001 : Istanbul) Ari Movement.<br/>Yer Numarası UA 646 I58 2001<br/>Format: Kitap<br/>Durum Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1<br/>