Biomedical and Computational Biology Second International Symposium, BECB 2022, Virtual Event, August 13-15, 2022, Revised Selected Papers
Wen, Shiping. editor.
Basım Bilgisi:
1st ed. 2023.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
XV, 608 p. 186 illus., 135 illus. in color. online resource.
Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, 13637
The Charge Transfer Network Model for Arbitrary Proteins Complexes -- A Self-Supervised 3D/2D Registration Method for Incomplete DSA Vessels -- The Potential Role of RNA "Writer" TRMT61B in the Immune Regulation of Breast Cancer -- Extraction, Composition Analysis and Blood Lipid Lowering Activity of Rana chensinensis Ovum Oil -- Arabinogalactan Prevented APAP-induced Acute Liver Injury by Regulating the Intestinal Flora in Mice -- Research on Craft Optimization of Wheat Straw Pretreatment -- The effect of early fMRI abnormalities on later cognitive dysfunction in mTBI: A multi-modal analysis of rs-fMRI and DTI -- Three-dimensional Model of Cerebral Artery Based on Medical Image -- Screening and Efficacy Evaluation of High-yielding Manganese Peroxidase Strain -- Breeding and Efficiency Evaluation of a High-Yielding Cellobiohydrolase Strain -- Microanatomy of Left Bundle Branch in Chinese Adult Hearts: Aiming to the Research on Morphological Information -- Screening of Key Genes in Retinoblastoma and Construction of ceRNA Regulatory Network -- Protective Effects of Resveratrol on Brain Edema and Microstructural Changes in Human Brain After Acute Alcohol Intake: Assessment by Diffusion Weighted Kurtosis Imaging -- Effects of Music Style on Mental Fatigue Induced by Continuous Cognitive Tasks -- Construction of Constitutive Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Engineered Strain of β-glucosidase -- High-Yielding Laccase Strain Breeding and Optimization of Fermentation Conditions -- Chinese Medical Text Classification with RoBERTa -- Operation Status and Optimization Strategy of Hierarchical Medical System in Wuhan -- Analysis and Forecast of Meteorological Factors on Henoch-SchÖnlein Purpura in Jining -- Human Machine Interaction Using Zero Force Sensing Switches Incorporating Self-adaptation -- Driving, Personality and Decision-Making: A study for Understanding Human Behavior -- The Brain Activityof The Bilingual Code-Switching Communication -- A Symbolic Regression Approach to Hepatocellular Carcinoma Diagnosis Using Hypermethylated CpG Islands in Circulating Cell-Free DNA -- Multi-agent Neural-like Models for the Integration of Multimodal Medical Examination Data -- The Importance of Prognostic Variables to Monitoring Heart Failure Using Health Management Systems -- Real-Time Contactless Breathing Monitoring System Using Radar with Web Server -- Neuroscience, Neuroaesthetics, Semiotics and Effective Communication of COVID-19 Warning Information -- The effect of CoViD-19 pandemic on the hospitalization of a Department of Oncology of an Italian Hospital -- EDWIN and NEDOCS indices to study patient flow in Emergency Department -- A bicentric study to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on urological patients -- Comparison between two hospitals to study the impact of COVID-19 on Emergency Medicine activities -- Implementation of DMAIC cycle to study the impact of COVID-19 on Emergency Department-LOS -- Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict LOS in Patients Undergoing Heart Bypass Surgery: A Bicentric Study -- Data analysis to study the prolonged ED-LOS: The case of Evangelical Hospital "Betania" -- Patient abandonment rate assessment in the Emergency Department of a nursing home conventioned: The case of Evangelical Hospital "Betania" -- Statistical Analysis and Logistic Regression to assess how COVID-19 has changed Department of General Medicine patients' management: A bicentric study -- Multiple regression model to analyze the length of stay for patients undergoing laparoscopic appendectomy: A bicentric study -- Machine Learning algorithms to predict healthcare asso-ciated infections in a neonatal intensive care unit -- Modeling LOS after percutaneous valvuloplasty: A bicen-tric study -- Effects of Covid-19 Protocols on Treatment of Patients with Head-Neck Diseases -- Predictive models for studying emergency department abandonment rates: A bicentric study -- Analyzing LOS variation for patients under emergency interventions: A bicentric study -- Machine Learning Algorithms to Study Features Affecting the Length of Stay in Patients with Lower Limb Fractures: A Bicentric Study -- The Effect of CoViD-19 Pandemic on The Hospitalization of Two Department of Emergency Surgery in Two Italian Hospitals -- Analysis of the Reorganisation of Skin Transplantation Surgeries During the COVID-19 Pandemic -- Covid-19: The Effect on Hospitalization Patient of Ophthalmology Department in "Antonio Cardarelli" Hospital -- Use of classification algorithms to investigate inpatient stay for retinal diseases -- Use of Statistical Analysis to Evaluate How Covid-19 Has Changed the Management of the Neurosurgery Department of the AORN "A. Cardarelli" in Naples -- Predictive algorithms to study the hospitalization for knee replacement surgery: A bicentric study -- Analysis of hospital admissions of neurological patients in the COVID-19 era: Comparison between hospitals -- Regression models to study Emergency Surgery admis-sions -- Impact of COVID-19 in a Surgery Department: Compar-ison between two Italian hospitals -- How has COVID-19 Changed the Activities of Plastic Surgery? A Bicentric Study -- Multiple Linear Regression to analyze the effect of emergency diagnostic procedures on the hospitalization -- Regression and Machine Learning algorithm to study the LOS of patients undergoing hip surgery -- Regression model to predict LOS in general medicine department: A bicentric study -- Study of Variables Influencing LOS with Machine Learning in Patients with Kidney Disease -- Small Animal PET Imaging: Towards an imaging analysis approach for system average performance conclusion.
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