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The Fergusonian Impact : In Honor of Charles A. Ferguson on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Volume 1: From Phonology to Society. Volume 2: Sociolinguistics and the Sociology of Language için kapak resmi
The Fergusonian Impact : In Honor of Charles A. Ferguson on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Volume 1: From Phonology to Society. Volume 2: Sociolinguistics and the Sociology of Language
Abboud, Peter, contributor.
Basım Bilgisi:
Reprint 2018
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (XV, 1143 p.) : Zahlr. Abb.
Contributions to the Sociology of Language [CSL] , 42
Frontmatter -- Honoring Charles A. Ferguson -- Contents -- I. Linguistics, Child Language, Language and the Child -- Borrowed Sounds -- The Voice Warp: A Phonological Universal -- Agreement, Rule Interaction and the Phonology-Syntax Interface -- Velars and Final Consonants in Early Words -- On the Acquisition of Final Voiced Stops -- And They had to Speak Any Way... : Acquisition and Creolization of French. -- Sociolinguistics, Linguistic Description, Language Change and Language Acquisition -- The Interaction of Societal Factors in Language Acquisition -- Babytalk as a Stereotype and Register: Adult Reports of Children's Speech Patterns -- A Note on Ferguson's Proposed Baby-talk Universals -- Children's Dispute and Negotiation Strategies: A Naturalistic Approach -- Development of Negation in Tamil-Telugu Bilingual Children -- Italian and Vernacular Writing in Southern Regions of Italy: A Semantic Approach to Children's Language Behaviour -- Some Social Traits of the Bilingual Child's Personality -- II. Arabic and Languages of Africa -- The Ḥāl Construction And The Main Verb in the Sentence -- The Possessive Predicate in North African Vernacular Arabic -- The Verb 'See' in Arabic Dialects -- The Comparative Study of Medieval Arabic Grammatical Theory -- Arabie After Diglossia -- Language Mentions in Jordanian Newspapers (The English-Language Press) -- Were there Egyptian Koines? -- Lexical Retention in Ethio-Semitic: Checking up on a Myth -- The High Central Vowel in Amharic: New Approaches to an Old Problem -- A Southwest Ethiopian Language Area and Its Cultural Background -- Language, Literacy and Society The Case of Ethiopia -- The Metaphorical Base of Grammatical Categories in Ewe (West Africa) -- Simplicity on Command: On Pidginization of Swahili in Shaba (Zaire) -- Aspects of Language Contact in Africa -- III. Applied Linguistics -- Descriptive and Functional Adequacies of Explicit Grammars -- Authentic What, Who(m), and When -- Activity Types and the Structure of Talk in Second Language Learning -- Contrastive Sentence Perspective: English and German -- Some Sociolinguistic Aspects of Error Analysis (EA) in Foreign Language (FL) Teaching (With Special Reference to Error Evaluation in the Federal Republic of Germany) -- Sociolinguistics and Translating -- Dialogue in One Language, Sub-Titles in Another: Some Alternatives for Learning Languages -- Applied Linguistics and Language Planning: A Case Study -- The Center for Applied Linguistics, 1972-1977 -- Front Matter 2 -- Honoring Charles A. Ferguson -- Contents 2 -- IV. Microsociolinguistics: Acts, Actors and Events -- Good Data in a Bad Situation: Eliciting Vernacular Structures -- Deferential Speech Acts and the Pragmatics of Politeness in Tamil: from Case to Aspect -- The Concept of Politeness and its Formulas in the Romanian Language -- Language and Society: The Case of Japanese Politeness -- Questions and Non-Answers -- Riddling and Lying: Participation and Performance -- Stereotype Foreigner Talk in German Literature -- Role of Hypercorrection in French Linguistic Change -- Naming in the Kashmiri Paṇḍit Community: Sociolinguistics and Anthroponymy -- V. Sociolinguistic Situation and Bilingual Variation -- Optimal Strategies in Linguistic Games -- Secondary Responses, or Tertiary, to Language by Linguists -- Variation in Australian Kriol -- Sociolinguistic Varieties of Malay -- Oral Languages and Modernity -- Forms and Functions of Bilingual Speech in Pluricultural Migrant Communities in Switzerland -- The Polyglossic Spectrum -- The Dynamics of Plurilingual Situations -- Multilingualism in Algeria -- The Value and Problems of Census Data on Languages: An Evaluation of the Language Tables from the 1983 Population Census of Mauritius -- On Being and Becoming Bilingual in India -- Trade Function and Lingua Francas -- V. Language Planning : Corpus and Status -- Neologisms in Bislama (Vanuatu) -- How does the Way Women are Referred to and Described Affect Their Participation in Development and Democracy? -- Nathan Birnbaum's Third Phase: The Activization of Jewish Sanctity -- From Lingua Franca to National Language: a Re-examination of the Origins of Standard Swahili -- Pilipino and the Filipino's Renewed Search for a Linguistic Symbol of Unity and Identity -- Implications of Canadian Research for Promoting a Language Competent American Society -- The World Balance of Languages -- VII. Diglossia: Particular Cases and General Re-examination -- Bilingualism and a Sense of 'Peopleness' -- Bilingualism and Diglossia in their Mutual Relationship -- Diglossia and Code Switching -- Diglossia Applied: Vernacular Mixing and Functional Switching with Bangui Yakomas -- Diglossia in Bangladesh and Language Planning Problems -- Diglossia in Bangla: a Study of Shifts in the Verbal Repertoire of the Educated Classes in Dhaka, Bangladesh -- VIII. Language Contact, Spread, Maintenance and Death -- Language Contact Versus Language Conflict -- Towards a Systematization of Language Contact Dynamics -- Social Factors in Language Maintenance and Language Shift -- Language Contact and the Life or Death of Kugu Muminh -- Remarks on a Case of Language Decay and Revival -- Language Revival and Language Death -- Gathering Language Data in Terminal Speech Communities -- Charles A. Ferguson Bibliography 1945-1985 -- Tabula Gratulatoria


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