Calcined Clays for Sustainable Concrete Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Calcined Clays for Sustainable Concrete
Scrivener, Karen. editor.
Basım Bilgisi:
1st ed. 2015.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
XVI, 597 p. 268 illus., 141 illus. in color. online resource.
RILEM Bookseries, 10
PART I -- Sulphate and ASR resistance of concrete made with calcined clay blended cements -- The influence of metakaolin on limestone reactivity in cementitious materials -- Sustainable secondary resources from Brazilian kaolin deposits for the production of calcined clays -- Carbonation of blended binders containing metakaolin -- Service Life and Environmental Impact due to Repairs by Metakaolin Concrete after Chloride Attack -- Properties of Calcined Lias Delta clay - technological effects, physical characteristics and reactivity in cement -- Alternative binders based on lime and calcined clay -- Optimization of cements with calcined clays as supplementary cementitious materials -- Feasibility of Calcined Marl as an Alternative Pozzolanic Material -- From ancient to modern sustainable concrete -- Pozzolanicity of calcined clay -- Research on properties of MK -CFBCA mineral admixtures -- Optimization of alkali activated Portland cement - calcined clay blends based on phase assemblage in the Na2O - CaO - Al2O3 - SiO2 - H2O system -- Phase assemblages in hydrated Portland cement, calcined clay and limestone blends from solid-state 27Al and 29SI MAS NMR, XRD, and thermodynamic modeling -- Heated Montmorillonite: Structure, Reactivity, and Dissolution -- Reactivity of heated kaolinite from a combination of solid state NMR and chemical methods -- Durability of Portland cement blends including calcined clay and limestone: interactions with sulfate, chloride and carbonate ions -- Thermodynamic Modeling of Portland Cement - Metakaolin - Limestone Blends -- The impact of VMA on the rheology, thixotropy and robustness of self-compacting mortars -- Calcined Coal Gangue and Clay Shale for Cementitious Materials without Clinker -- Red ceramic wastes: A calcined clay pozzolan -- Assessment of sustainability of low carbon cement in Cuba. Cement pilot production and prospective case -- Ternary blended cement with limestone filler and kaolinitic calcined clay -- Blended cements withkaolinitic calcined clays: study of the immobilization of Cr(VI) -- The efficacy of calcined clays on mitigating alkali-silica reaction (ASR) in mortar and its influence on microstructure -- Influence of MK-based Admixtures on the Early Hydration, Pore Structure and Compressive Strength of Steam Curing Mortars -- Design and preparation of metakaolin-based mineral admixture and its effects on the durability of concrete -- Reactivity and microstructure of calcined marl as supplementary Cementitious material -- Assessing the synergistic effect of Limestone and Metakaolin -- Study on influence of limestone powder on the fresh and hardened properties of early age metakaolin based geopolymer -- Evaluation of the permeation properties of concrete added with a petrochemical industry waste -- Calcined illitic clays as Portland cement replacements -- Low carbon cement: durability performance assessment with laboratory and site tests -- Influence of the manufacturing process on the performance of low clinker, calcined clay, limestone, Portland cement -- Assessment of sustainability of low carbon cement in Cuba. Cement pilot production and prospective case -- Development of Room Temperature Curing Geopolymer from Calcined Water-Treatment-Sludge and Rice Husk Ash -- Characterising the reaction of metakaolin in an alkaline environment by XPS, and time- and spatially-resolved FTIR spectroscopy -- From a view of alkali solution: Alkali concentration to determine hydration process of alkali activating metakaolin -- What happens to 5 year old metakaolin geopolymers: the effect of alkali cation -- Development and introduction of a low clinker, low carbon, ternary blend cement in Cuba -- Influence of calcination temperature in the Pozzolanic reactivity of a low grade kaolinitic clay -- Pozzolanic reactivity of low grade kaolinitic clays: influence of mineralogical composition -- Industrial manufacture of a low-clinker blended cement using low-grade calcined clays and limestone as SCM: the Cubanexperience -- Development of Low Cost Geopolymer from Calcined Sedimentary Clay -- Hydrothermal synthesis products of CaO metakaolin H2O system at 90°C -- Reactivity of calcined clay in alite-calcium sulfoaluminate cement hydration -- Primary kaolin waste as pozzolanic material in dry concrete: mechanical properties and resistance to attack by sulphates -- The influence of cavitation treatment on amorphization of kaolinite in the dispersion of the "kaolin ─ Na2OnSiO2mH2O ─ NAOH ─ H2O" composition -- Role of metakaolin on lowering pН of the alkali activated cement concrete in barrier application -- The role of calcined clay cement vis à vis construction practices in India and their effects on sustainability -- Test ing of suitability of supplementary materials mixed in ternary cements -- Compatibility of superplasticizers with limestone- metakaolin blended cementitious system -- Field application of limestone-calcined clay cement in India -- Raw material mapping in selected areas of Rajasthan and west Bengal and their suitability for use in low carbon cement production -- Suitability of raw materials in Gujarat for production of low carbon cement -- Effects of metakaolin on nanomechanical properties of cement paste -- Meta-kaolin for High Performance Concrete -- Clay activation and color modification in reducing calcination process: development in lab and industrial scale -- Experimental study on evolution of pore structure of cementitious pastes using different techniques -- Various durability aspects of calcined Kaolin-blended Portland cement pastes and concretes -- Economic implications of Limestone Clinker Calcined Clay Cement (LC3) in India -- Fresh and mechanical properties of high strength self compacting concrete using metakaolin -- Effective clinker replacement using SCM in low clinker cements -- Durability characteristics of sustainable low clinker cements: a review -- Calcined shale as low cost supplementary cementitious material -- Development of anew Rapid, relevant and reliable (r3) testing method to evaluate the pozzolanic reactivity of calcined clays -- Investigation of ternary mixes made of clinker limestone and Slag or metakaolin: importance of reactive alumina & silica content -- Using of Libyan calcined clay in Concrete -- PART II -- Physical, mineralogical and chemical characterization of Venezuelan Kaolins for use as calcined clays in cement and concrete -- Pozzolanic potential of the calcined clay-lime system -- Effect of metakaolin on the drying shrinkage behaviour of Portland cement pastes -- BIND-AMOR: Reuse of dredged sediments as supplementary cementitious materials -- Influence of mineral impurities on the pozzolanic reactivity of metakaolin -- Fresh properties of Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3) pastes -- Alkali silica reaction mitigating properties of ternary blended cement with calcined clay and limestone -- Autogenous shrinkage of limestone and calcined clay cements -- Sustainable Benefits of a Low Carbon Cement Based Building -- CO2 Abatement During Production of Low Carbon Cement -- Role of Blended Cement in Reducing Energy Consumption -- Investigation of sulphate attack on limestone-calcined clay cement mortars -- Experimental study of the flow behaviour of superplasticized pastes with cement-calcined clay-limestone blends -- Hydration Properties of cement pastes with recycled demolition waste from clay bricks and concrete -- Calcined natural clays: Performance evaluation as cementitious material -- Rheology of limestone calcined clays cement pastes. A comparative approach with pure Portland cement pastes -- Chloride-Induced Corrosion Rates of Steel Embedded in Mortar with Ordinary Portland and Limestone Calcined Clay Cements (OPC and LC3).
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