Space in Language and Linguistics : Geographical, Interactional, and Cognitive Perspectives
Auer, Peter , editor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (697 p.)
linguae & litterae : Publications of the School of Language and Literature Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies , 24
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Integrating the perspectives on language and space -- Section 1: Geography and variation across languages -- Disentangling geography from genealogy -- The vertical archipelago: Adding the third dimension to linguistic geography -- Language contact between geographic and mental space -- Commentary: The notion of space in linguistic typology -- Section 2: Geography and variation within languages -- Ideology and discourse in the enregisterment of regional variation -- Identity, ethnicity and place: The construction of youth language in London -- How powerful is geography as an explanatory factor in morphosyntactic variation? Areal features in the Anglophone world -- Area formation in morphosyntax -- How much does geography influence language variation? -- Commentary: Lost in space? -- Section 3: Interactional spaces -- Interactional space and the study of embodied talk-in-interaction -- On the interactive achievement of space - and its possible meanings -- Plaza: Space or place? -- Xi to vi: "Over that way, look!": (Meta)spatial representation in an emerging (Mayan?) sign language -- Commentary: What difference does space make for interaction and interaction for space? -- Section 4: Mobile spaces -- Action and space: Navigation as a social and spatial task -- Rearranging (in) space -- Commentary: Being mobile, talking on the move -- Section 5: Mediated spaces -- Language, media, and digital landscapes -- Space in computer-mediated communication -- Vernacular and multilingual writing in mediated spaces -- Pointing within the abdomen: Local deixis under restricted conditions -- Commentary: Making space -- Section 6: Typology and spatial reasoning -- Exploiting space in German Sign Language -- Space in semantic typology: Object-centered geometries -- Gesture, space, grammar, and cognition -- Commentary: Is there a deictic of frame of reference? -- Index
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