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Exact Methods in the Study of Language and Text : Dedicated to Gabriel Altmann on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday için kapak resmi
Exact Methods in the Study of Language and Text : Dedicated to Gabriel Altmann on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday
Andreev, Sergej N., contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (767 p.)
Quantitative Linguistics [QL] , 62
i-vi -- Viribus Quantitatis -- Contents -- A diachronic study of the style of Longfellow -- Zum Gebrauch des deutschen Identitätspronomens 'derselbe' als funktionelles Äquivalent von Demonstrativ- und Personalpronomina aus historischer Sicht -- Diversifikation bei Eigennamen -- Bemerkungen zu den Formen des Namens Schmidt -- Statistical parameters of Ivan Franko's novel Perekhresni stežky (The Cross-Paths) -- Some remarks on the generalized Hermite and generalized Gegenbauer probability distributions and their applications -- New approaches to cluster analysis of typological indices -- Menzerath's law for the smallest grammars -- Romanian online dialect atlas: Data capture and presentation -- Die Ausdrucksmittel des Aspekts der tschechischen Verben -- Quantifying the MULTEXT-East morphosyntactic resources -- A corpus based quantitative study on the change of TTR, word length and sentence length of the English language -- On the universality of Zipf's law for word frequencies -- Die Morrissche und die Bühlersche Triade - Probleme und Lösungsvorschläge -- Die kognitive Semantik der 'Wahrheit' -- Kurzvorstellung der Korrelativen Dialektometrie -- A note on a systems theoretical model of usage -- Itemanalysen und Skalenkonstruktion in der Sprichwortforschung -- Do we have problems with Arens' law? A new look at the sentence-word relation -- A language of thoughts is no longer an utopia -- Language subgrouping -- Contextual word prominence -- Das Menzerath-Gesetz in der Vulgata -- Toward a theory of syntax and persuasive communication -- Grapheme und Laute des Russischen: Zwei Ebenen - ein Häufigkeitsmodell? Re-Analyse einer Untersuchung von A.M. Peškovskij -- Zur Zeitoptimierung der russischen Verbmorphologie -- Ākāsha: between sphere and arrow - on the triple source for everything -- Quantitative analysis of co-reference structures in texts -- Anthroponym - Pseudonym - Kryptonym: Zur Namensgebung in Erpresserschreiben -- Quantitative linguistics within Czech contexts -- Semantic components and metaphorization -- Wortlängenhäufigkeit in J.W. v. Goethes Gedichten -- A general purpose ranking variable with applications to various ranking laws -- Wie schreibe ich einen Beitrag zu Gabriels Festschrift? -- Bemerkungen zum Menzerath-Altmannschen Gesetz -- Die Stärkemessung des Zusammenhangs zwischen den Komponenten der Phraseologismen -- Pairs of corresponding discrete and continuous distributions: Mathematics behind, algorithms and generalizations -- Linguistic numerology -- Towards the measurement of nominal phrase grammaticality: contrasting definite-possessive phrases with definite phrases of 13th to 19th century Spanish -- A network perspective on intertextuality -- Two semi-mathematical asides on Menzerath-Altmann's law -- Stylometric experiments in modern Greek: Investigating authorship in homogeneous newswire texts -- On script complexity and the Oriya script -- Statistical analogs in DNA sequences and Tamil language texts: rank frequency distribution of symbols and their application to evolutionary genetics and historical linguistics -- Zur Diversifikation des Bedeutungsfeldes slowakischer verbaler Präfixe -- Ord's criterion with word length spectra for the discrimination of texts, music and computer programs -- Indexes of lexical richness can be estimated consistently with knowledge of elasticities: some theoretical and empirical results -- Huffman coding trees and the quantitative structure of lexical fields -- Linguistic disorders and pathologies: synergetic aspects -- Text ranking by the weight of highly frequent words -- Frequency analysis of grammemes vs. lexemes in Taiwanese -- Are word senses reflected in the distribution of words in text? -- Humanities' tears -- Wortlänge im Polnischen in diachroner Sicht -- The Menzerath-Altmann law in translated texts as compared to the original texts -- Different translations of one original text in a qualitative and quantitative perspective -- The effects of diversification and unification on the inflectional paradigms of German nouns -- Nicht ganz ohne . . . -- Satz: stoisches axíôma oder peripatetischer lógos? -- Using Altmann-fitter for text analysis: An example from Czech -- Local grammars in word counting -- Fitting the development of periphrastic do in all sentence types -- Language change in a communication network -- Die Suche nach Invarianten und Harmonien im Bereich symbolischer Formen -- Applying an evenness index in quantitative studies of language and culture: a case study of women's shoe styles in contemporary Russia -- The weighted mid-P confidence interval for the difference of independent binomial proportions -- Gabriel Altmann: Complete bibliography of scholarly works (1960-2005) -- Tabula Gratulatoria In Honor of Gabriel Altmann


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