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Linguistic Disorders and Pathologies : An International Handbook için kapak resmi
Linguistic Disorders and Pathologies : An International Handbook
Abbs, James H., contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (962 p.)
Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft / Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science [HSK] , 8
Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- I. Language Use in Normal Speakers and its Disorders -- 1. The Architecture of Normal Spoken Language Use -- 2. Morphosyntactic Characteristics of Spoken Language -- 3. Phonological and Articulatory Characteristics of Spoken Language -- 4. Characteristics of Hesitation Phenomena -- 5. Spontaneous and Evoked Slips of the Tongue -- 6. Slips of the Pen, Tongue, and Typewriter: A Contrastive Analysis -- 7. Errors and their Relevance for Models of Language Production -- 8. Disordered Language in Creative Writing -- II. Acquired Organic Pathologies of Language Behavior: Neurolinguistic Disorders -- 9. Clinical Symptoms and Syndromes of Aphasia -- 10. Cerebral Organization of Language -- 11. Diagnostic Methods in Aphasiology -- 12. Semantic Disorders in Aphasia -- 13. Syntactic Disorders in Aphasia -- 14. Disorders of Word Class Processing in Aphasia -- 15. Disorders of Lexical Morphology in Aphasia -- 16. Disorders of Word-Form Processing in Aphasia -- 17. Segmental Disorders in Aphasia -- 18. Disorders of Prosody in Aphasia -- 19. Nonpropositional Speech in Aphasia -- 20. Repetitive Phenomena in Aphasia -- 21. Aphasia and Models of Language Production and Perception -- 22. Acquired Disorders of Reading -- 23. Acquired Disorders of Writing and Spelling -- 24. Multilingualism and Aphasia -- 25. Communicative Behavior in Aphasia -- 26. Text Processing in Aphasia -- 27. Aphasia and Intelligence -- 28. Aphasia and Apraxia -- 29. Aphasia and Acalculia -- 30. Short-Term Memory in Aphasia -- 31. Aphasia Therapy -- 32. Psychosocial Aspects of Aphasia -- 33. Pathology of Nonaphasic Language Behavior after Focal Left Hemispheric Damage -- 34. Verbal Communication Deficits after Right-Hemisphere Damage -- 35. Pathology of Language Behavior in Dementia -- 36. Language Disorders with Diffuse Brain Disease of Acute Onset -- III. Acquired Organic Pathologies of Language Behavior: Neurophonetic Disorders -- 37. Dynamical Systems and Speech -- 38. Pathophysiology of Disordered Articulation -- 39. Assessment Methods in Neurophonetics: Speech Production -- 40. Speech Apraxia -- 41. Spastic Dysarthria -- 42. Flaccid Dysarthria -- 43. Hypo- and Hyperkinetic Dysarthria -- 44. Cerebellar Dysarthria -- 45. Feedback Impairments in Dysarthria -- 46. Therapy of Dysarthrias and Speech Apraxia -- 47. Effects of Anatomical Alterations on Fully Developed Articulation -- 48. Disorders of Phonation -- 49. Pure Word Deafness (Verbal Auditory Agnosia) -- 50. Speech Tics in Tourette's Syndrome -- IV. Pathologies of Language Use in Psychiatric Disorders -- 51. Language Behavior in Alexithymia -- 52. Pathology of Language Behavior in Affective Psychoses -- 53. Thought Disorders and Language Behavior in Schizophrenia -- 54. Linguistic Aspects of Language Behavior in Schizophrenia -- 55. Glossomania and Glossolalia in Schizophasia and their Linguistic Kinships to the Jargonaphasias -- 56. Communicative Behavior in Schizophrenia -- V. Pathologies and Disorders of Language Development -- 57. Landmarks in Children's Language Development -- 58. Definition and Diagnosis of Language Development Disorders -- 59. Neurological Aspects of Language Development Disorders -- 60. Psychiatric and Psychological Aspects of Language Development Disorders -- 61. Children with Specific Language Impairment (Developmental Dysphasia): Linguistic Aspects -- 62. Children with Specific Language Impairment (Developmental Dysphasia): Perceptual and Cognitive Aspects -- 63. Children with Specific Language Impairment (Developmental Dysphasia): Treatment -- 64. Acquired Aphasia in Children -- 65. Language Acquisition and Development with Sensory Impairment: Hearing-Impaired Children -- 66. Language Acquisition and Development with Sensory Impairment: Blind Children -- 67. Language Acquisition and Development in Persons with Mental Retardation -- 68. Patterns of Interaction and Communication in Language Development Disorders -- 69. Disorders of Written Language Development: Definitions and Overview -- 70. Developmental Dyslexia and Language Disorders -- 71. Developmental Dyslexia and Cognitive Processes -- 72. Single and Multiple Component Developmental Dyslexias -- 73. Treatment of Developmental Reading and Spelling Disorders -- 74. Hyperlexia and Precocious Reading -- 75. Aspects of Metalinguistic Abilities in Specific Language Impairment (Developmental Dysphasia) and Dyslexia -- 76. Communicative Behavior with Neurotic Developmental Disorders: Elective Mutism -- 77. Language and Communicative Behavior in Childhood Psychosis -- 78. Language and Communicative Behavior in Autistic Disorder -- 79. Speech Disordered Children -- 80. Developmental Dysarthria -- 81. Effects of Congenital Malformations on Speech Development -- 82. Stuttering: Physiological Correlates and Theoretical Perspectives -- 83. Linguistic Phenomenology in Stuttering -- 84. Psychological Aspects and Theories of Stuttering -- 85. Therapy of the Stuttering Child -- 86. Therapy of the Stuttering Adult -- 87. Language Changes in Old Age -- VI. Indexes -- 88. Editors and Contributors -- 89. Index of Names -- 90. Subject Index
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