Biotechnology in Africa Emergence, Initiatives and Future
Wambugu, Florence. editor.
Basım Bilgisi:
1st ed. 2014.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
XI, 291 p. 49 illus. in color. online resource.
Science Policy Reports, 7
Introduction: The Importance of Political Will in furthering Agricultural Biotechnology for Economic Growth, Food and Nutritional Security in Africa -- Commercialized Genetically Modified Crops: Biotech (Bt) Cotton in Burkina Faso Demonstrates that Political Will is Key for Biotechnology to Benefit Commercial Agriculture in Africa -- Opportunities and Challenges of Commercializing Biotech Products in Egypt: Biotech (Bt) Maize: A Case Study -- Genetically Modified Crops Commercialized in South Africa -- Building the Bio-economy and Commercialization Challenges: Moving Africa Towards a Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy -- Biotechnology Success Stories by the Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research (CGIAR) System -- Towards Optimizing the Impact of Tissue Culture Banana in Kenya -- Technologies in Development: The Use of African Indigenous Genes in the Development of Transgenic Maize Tolerant to Drought and Resistant to Maize Streak Virus.-Biotechnology of Nutritionally Enhanced Food Crops Targeting Malnutrition in Rural Agricultural Populations: The Case Study of Africa Biofortified Sorghum.-Capacity Development: The Role of African Universities on Training and Mentorship of Biotechnology Scientists to Embark on Future Challenges in Africa -- Elements of an Enabling Biosafety and Regulatory Environment -- Harmonization of regional bio safety and regulatory services to remove future trade barriers in the (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) COMESA region -- Communication and Community Engagement: Social Audits and their role in stakeholder-oriented innovation and fostering accountability and trust in agricultural biotechnology development programs -- Why communication and issues management must occupy a central role in GM projects: Case study of the Africa Biofortified Sorghum (ABS) Project -- Political Challenges: Does Africa need Political will to overcome impediments to GM crop biotechnology applications for agricultural economic growth and development as in the case of Brazil, Argentina and India -- Influencing politicians and policy makers to pave the way for a viable biotechnology sector: A case study of the Nigerian Biosafety Bill drafting, passage, experiences and lessons learnt at the Parliament -- The Way Forward.
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