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Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems Proceedings of ICAEES 2014, Volume 2 için kapak resmi
Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems Proceedings of ICAEES 2014, Volume 2
Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems Proceedings of ICAEES 2014, Volume 2
Suresh, L Padma. editor.
Basım Bilgisi:
1st ed. 2015.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
XVII, 873 p. 484 illus. online resource.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 325
1. Web Information Extraction on Multiple Ontologies Based on Concept Relationships upon Training the User Profiles -- 2. A Study on Competent Crawling Algorithm (CCA) for Web Search to Enhance Efficiency of Information Retrieval -- 3. High Payload Reversible Watermarking for Securing Medical Images in a Cloud Environment -- 4. Enhanced Security Framework for Data Integrity Using Third-Party Auditing in the Cloud System -- 5. An Intelligent Cloud Security System for Critical Applications -- 6. An Efficient Framework for Health System Based on Hybrid Cloud with ABE Outsourced Decryption -- 7. A Knowledgeable Feature Selection Based on Set Theory for Web Intrusion Detection System -- 8. FLC Based Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System for Enhancing the Travelling Comfort -- 9. State Variable Filter Design Using Improvised Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm -- 10. A Novel Algorithm on IP Traceback to Find the Real Source of Spoofed IP Packets -- 11. A Queueing Model for E-Learning System -- 12. Development of Common Parallel Programming Platform for MPI and PVM -- 13. Association Rule Mining and Refinement Using Shared Memory Multiprocessor Environment -- 14. Design of Low Power Multiplier Using UCSLA Technique -- 15. Hyperspectral Image Compression Algorithms - A Review -- 16. Reliable Virtual Cluster Based Opportunistic Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks -- 17. Weighted Euclidean Distance Based Sign Language Recognition Using Shape Features -- 18. Event Monitoring for Adaptive Multi-priority Streaming Time Sensitive Based EDF Scheduling -- 19. How does Consciousness Overcome Combinatorial Complexity? -- 20. Website Re-Organization for Effective Latency Reduction through Splay Trees and Concept Based Clustering -- 21. Algorithms for Zumkeller Labeling of Full Binary Trees and Square Grids -- 22. Memetic Framework Application - Analysis of Corporate Customer Attitude in Telecom Sector -- 23. Contourlet Based Multiband Image Fusion for Improving Classification Accuracy inIRS LISS III Images -- 24. Computer Aided Diagnosis of Breast Elastography and B-mode Ultrasound -- 25. A Convivial Energy Based Clustering (CEBC) Solution for Lifetime Enhancement of Wireless Sensor Networks -- 26. Wind Power in India - An Overview -- 27. Series Resonant Converter Based Unified Power Quality Conditioner Using Fuzzy controller -- 28. MRI Brain Image Classification Using Haar Wavelet and Artificial Neural Network -- 29. Adaptive Modified Hysteresis Current Control for Switching Loss reduction in Photovoltaic Fed Dual Function Grid Connected Inverters -- 30. Low Complexity Power Spectral Density Estimation -- 31. Intensified Scheduling Algorithm for Virtual Machine Tasks in Cloud Computing -- 32. Design of Neural Network Model for Emotional Speech Recognition -- 33. Intelligent Decision Making with Improved Energy Detection for Precise Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radios -- 34. Human Action Recognition by Employing DWT and Texture -- 35. Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Switched Reluctance Motor Drives in MATLAB/Simulink Atmosphere with Estimation of SRM parameters Using Finite Element Analysis -- 36. Classification of Right Bundle Branch Block and Left Bundle Branch Block Cardiac Arrhythmias Based on ECG Analysis -- 37. Content Based Algorithm for Colour Image Enhancement Using Fuzzy Technique -- 38. Frequent Item set Mining with Elimination of Null Transactions over Data Streams -- 39. Protograph Based Design of Non-Binary LDPC Codes -- 40. Extraction of Binary Sequences in a Frequency Shift Keying Modulated Signal by Empirical Mode Decomposition Algorithm against Ambient Noises in Underwater Acoustic Channel -- 41. A Model for the Effective Steganalysis of VoIP -- 42. Automatic Genre Classification from Videos -- 43. Computer Aided Diagnosis of Breast Cancer by Hybrid Fusion of Ultrasound and Mammogram Features -- 44. A Machine Learning Approach to Cluster the Users of Stack Overflow Forum -- 45. Data Storage Optimization in Cloud Environment -- 46. Study on Fingerprint Images Using Delaunay Patterns to Identify Hereditary Relations among Family Members of Three Generations -- 47. Evaluation of Worst Case Execution Time of Tasks on Multi-core Processor -- 48. Back EMF Based Sensorless Field Oriented Control of PMSM Using Neural Network Based Controller with a Startup Strategy -- 49. FPGA Based Intelligent Control of AC Motors -- 50. Secretly Shared QR Code and Its Applications -- 51. Phish Indicator: An Indication for Phishing Sites -- 52. Using Signature for Hidden Communication Prevention in IP Telephony -- 53. Classification Using Fractal Features of Well Defined Mammographic Masses Using Power Spectral Analysis and Differential Box Counting Approaches -- 54. Efficient Silhouette Based Input Methods for Reliable Human Action Recognition from Videos -- 55. Vertical Handoff Scheme in Integrated WIMAX and WLAN Networks -- 56. An Analysis of Various Edge Detection Techniques on Illuminant Variant Images -- 57. CBAODV: An Enhanced Reactive Routing Algorithm to Reduce Connection Breakage in VANET -- 58. An Enhanced Associative Ant Colony Optimization Technique Based Intrusion Detection System -- 59. Fuzzy Based Sign Language Interpreter -- 60. Optimized Distributed Text Document Clustering Algorithm -- 61. A Study on Medical Data Hiding Using Wireless Capsule Endoscopy -- 62. Video Data Mining Information Retrieval Using Birch Clustering Technique -- 63. Handwritten Tamil Character Recognition Using Zernike Moments and Legendre Polynomial -- 64. Encrusted CRF in Intrusion Detection System -- 65. Effective Pattern Discovery and Dimensionality Reduction for Text Under Text Mining -- 66. A Cross Layer Analysis for Providing Mobility in Wireless Body Area Networks -- 67. Multiview Clustering in Heterogeneous Environment -- 68. Implementation of Isolated Two Inductor Boost Converter for Induction Motor Drive Applications -- 69. A Generic Bio Inspired Framework for Detecting Humans Based on Saliency Detection -- 70. Efficient Approach to Detect and Localize Text in Natural Scene Images -- 71. Enhanced Certificate-Based Authentication for Distributed Environment -- 72. Diagnosis and Segmentation of Brain Tumor from MRI Image -- 73. Improving the Accuracy of Latent Fingerprint Matching Using Texture Descriptors -- 74. Control Strategy for PQ Improvement in an Autonomous Microgrid Using Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm -- 75. Maximum Intensity Block Code for Action Recognition in Video Using Tree Based Classifiers -- 76. An Efficient Coding Method for Indexing Hand Based Biometric Databases -- 77. Optic Disc and OpticCup Segmentation for Glaucoma Screening -- 78. Deadline Based Priority Management in Cloud -- 79. Countering Flood Attacks and Routing Misbehavior in DTN -- 80. Static ATC Estimation Using Fully Complex Valued Radial Basis Function Neural Network -- 81. Big Data and Cloud: A Survey -- 82. An Email Application on Named Data Networking -- 83. Hierarchical Character Grouping and Recognition of Character Using Character Intensity Code -- 84. Multi View Face Expression Recognition - A Hybrid Method -- 85. A Scheme to Create Secured Random Password Using Markov Chain -- 86. Analysis of Shortest Route for Heterogeneous Node in Wireless Sensor Network -- 87. Design of a Triple Band Slit loaded Patch Antenna with DGS for Bandwidth Enhancement -- 88. Segmentation of Nuclei from Breast Histopathology Images Using PSO Based Otsu's Multilevel Thresholding -- 89. Wavelet Transform Based Land Cover Classification of Satellite Images -- 90. Tamil Speech Recognizer Using Hidden Markov Model for Question Answering System of Railways -- 91. Constrained Optimal Bidding Strategy in Deregulated Electricity Market.
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