Semiotics around the World: Synthesis in Diversity : Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Berkeley 1994 için kapak resmi
Semiotics around the World: Synthesis in Diversity : Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Berkeley 1994
Abraham, Werner, contributor.
Basım Bilgisi:
Reprint 2020
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (LXIV, 1277 p.)
Approaches to Semiotics [AS] , 126
Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- Volume 1 -- I. Plenary Addresses -- Joining different worlds; symbols and the quest for unity -- From the fantasia through metaphor to knowledge: A Vichian perspective of conceptualization -- Some remarks on perfect languages -- Fundamentals of diachronic linguistics: Semiotic implications -- "Symbols grow" II -- Sémiotique et herméneutique: Vers une complémentarité possible -- Global semiotics -- II. Semiotics Around the World -- Semiotics in Romania: Political implications -- Sémiotique au Chili d'aujourd'hui: histoire, ruptures et champ théorique -- Semiotics in Spain -- The semiosis of cognition -- Sémiotiques belges -- Semiotics in Germany -- Semiotics in Greece -- Semiotics in Switzerland -- Semiotics in the Nordic countries -- Ill. Linguistics -- Linguistics and the language of schizophrenics -- Is nature a language? J. W. Goethe on scientific knowledge -- The semiotics of catastrophe in linguistic change -- Johann Gottfried Herder's conception of the origin of language -- The main statements of theories as determined by a semiotic method -- Emotion families -- The relationship between texts and their location -- Some consonant strategies in spoken discourse -- Les supports lexico-syntaxiques du non-fini en français et en arabe -- Zero-derivation or syntagmatic derivation -- La figuralité: Son actualité en linguistique et en sémiotique -- Perception of proverbs and familiarity with them. Figurativeness as one of the most powerful markers of proverbiality -- Sauron's Newspeak: Black Speech, Quenya, and the nature of mind -- The possible worlds of the imaginary -- Digital and nondigital information in genetic language -- Creating signs, building bridges -- Lexical and phonetic semiotic in lyrics: Agnes Miegel's Herbst -- Expression as expression - as -- Two kinds of semantics: Six intersemiotic theses -- Situational effects on the quantification of frequency words -- Cooperative organization of Japanese conversation -- Some comments on semiotics of graphic communication -- Cognitive metaphor and critical rhetoric -- Cross-cultural pragmatics in Western academic discursive practice -- Textsemantics: A bridge between linguistics and literary theory -- The social crystallization of language. Coercive traits of the social characterization in a Saussurean textus receptus tradition -- IV. Culture -- Material culture in the mirror of archival sources -- Sacrality, myth, objects: Techniques of fabrication and semiotical, anthropological interpretation of carpets and jewels from Pakistan -- American "Comics": A semiolinguistic analysis -- Waco Wackos! The emergence of American social consciousness in the jokes told surrounding the events at Waco, Texas -- For a transcultural theory of iconic creation -- "Heimat" and "mi tierra". Towards a semiotic theory of local identities from an intercultural perspective -- Verbal and visual intersemiosis in aesthetical experiments-the case of contemporary Brazilian culture -- The meaning of life: Extensional semantics in the game go -- On cultural stereotypes: A Peircean view -- African-American aesthetic of dress: Subcultural meaning and significance -- Humour and verisimilitude -- The sign behind the gate -- Noname Culture -- Destin et histoire -- Fashion and body images in youth cultures. The semiotics of Skins, Punks, New Wave and the Preppie -- Arthur Bispo do Rosario: The vertigo art -- The skin of time - a semiotic approach to death -- Fetishes, props, and prostheses-On the ecology of material objects -- Semiotic ethnocriticism: Tawada's Das Fremde aus der Dose -- Verbal means as signs of human needs in the light of an axiosemiotic theory of culture -- "Glory of Glories . . . She Wears a Hat" Dress, the immigrant and social equality in America -- A triple semiosis for the representation of stone tools in archaeology -- V. Literature: Theory, Text, Narrative, Poetics -- The reflected voices: Calvino's "If on a winter's night a traveler" -- Literary text semiotics applied to plays by Garcia Lorca -- Landscape, indirection, and feminine subjectivity in Madame Bovary -- Metaphor as autobiography -- Que dit le littéraire au théorique ? -- The value of the notion of contract to literary interpretation: Greimas, Propp, and West's Miss Lonefyhearts -- Le caractère fictionnel de la poésie lyrique -- The specific regime of verisimilitude in the thriller -- Le dialogisme de Bakhtine et la sémiotique de Peirce -- Iconic memory and intersemiotical procedures in traditional oral literatures -- The body of the postmodernist narrator -- Narrative time and the reader -- Eléments pour une sémiotique du discours poétique -- Maxims of Malice -- Narrative as a sequence of motivated signs -- Vision as meaning: Visual iconicity of Basho's haiku -- Nothing in the world is single: Metaphorical network in Shelley's "Love's Philosophy" -- "Look Ma, the giraffe's on fire!" -- The written and the spoken poem: Generic practices in their social context -- On the epistemology of addiction: The case of Josef K. -- The reality of crisis in Discépolo's Daily Losses -- Intertextuality and meaning construction in literary texts: A semiotic analysis -- Text construction and world construction in literary narratives -- Black and white and read all over: The semiotics of difference and chiaroscuro in Le Guin's Left hand of darkness -- The textual space in the novel -- The uniqueness of ontological hermeneutics among contemporary semiotic theories of interpretation -- The semiotics of Paul Valéry -- Semantic profiles and the typography of concrete poetry -- Le monde adulte et enfantin dans un journal pour enfants -- Money and the mind: Cognitive economic metaphors in Franz Kafka's Der Prozeji -- Nabokov's poetics of dates -- "Hen" Literature: Genders in conflict (Bulgarian and Romanian women writers in the period between two World Wars) -- Poetics of painting and pictures in poetry. On the semiotic space of C.F. Barnas' Vogelsberg landscapes -- Inference switching in interpretation of poetry -- The carnivalized poetics of Augusto dos Anjos -- The discourse of postmortemism: Signs on postmodern philosophical walls -- The indifférance in laughter -- VI. Architecture and Space -- The semiotics of the void -- Semiotics of spatial configurations in architecture -- Poetics of space - architecture between imagination and reality -- A semiotic-aesthetic approach to the analysis of the practice of folk architecture in market towns -- Modernism, postmodernism, and Eisenman's Nunotani building -- La conceptualisation de l'espace en architecture -- Icons, mimesis and simulacrum. Perceptual contexts -- Space as the articulation of the material and the semiotic -- Pour une sémiotique de l'installation artistique. Trois poétiques exemplaires: Recagno, Fazzolari et Médici -- A semiotic modelization of the architectural conception -- Project: Knowledge and invention. Comprehension of the architectural process -- Architectural space and urban culture PRTVE -- L'espace sociétal, sémiotiquement réalisé, comme instance de connaissance de l'espace physiquement constitué. -- The logic of architectural composition -- Experiences with urban spaces: Semiosis and rupture -- The brothel as the space of "erotic" desire? -- Hermeneutics, semiotics and architecture: Timaeus revisited -- Las Vegas strip facades: The interplay between private identity and public presence -- VII.

Theater, Film and Music -- The intersemiotic language of the theater and the movies: Regina and The little foxes -- The Forte Method considered in a semiological perspective -- The language of music in Ravel -- Suspended moments: The fermata in Luigi Nono's string quartet "Fragmente - Stille, An Diotima" -- The new film semiology -- Eisenstein's Ivan the Terrible in Chess Ecstasy -- Sémiotique de l' "effet sonore'VSemiotics of "sound effect" -- Cinema and literature: Theoretical studies -- Violating Shakespeare -- Musical notation: The importance of the relative value of its signs for the interpretation -- A resignìficatìon of the tango -- Music and tense -- Identité sexuelle et la signification au théâtre -- Modeling analysis and signification in music -- Intersemiotic translation: The Peircean basis -- "Beautiful butterflies trapped down by drawing pins" or, Peter Greenaway's The belly of an architect: A bagful of signs and designs -- Binary semantic opposition in Debussy -- The politics of melancholy -- What's black and white and misread all over? Race, identity and community in "Judge Priest" -- The iconic sign: from narrative prose to performance (Machado de Assis' The Psychiatrist) -- Introduction to a semiological model of musical time -- Le récit dans le théâtre contemporain: facteur d'éclatement de la spécificité dramatique? -- Conscious illusions: The problem of the cinematic frame -- Overlapping semiotic systems : Paintings in new films -- Dance in process
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