The Language Situation in China.  Volume 1,  2006-2007 için kapak resmi
The Language Situation in China. Volume 1, 2006-2007
Bīnɡbīnɡ, Jiǎnɡ, contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (455 p.)
Language Policies and Practices in China [LPPC] , 1
Frontmatter -- Understanding China's situation through its language life Foreword to The Language Situation in China: English Version Vol. 1 (2006-2007) -- Contents -- Introduction: Building a harmonious language life -- I Language Work -- 1 Language policies and regulations in China: An overview -- 2 The promotion of Putonghua (Mandarin Chinese): An overview -- 3 Evaluation of language management in China's cities -- 4 Language standardization in China -- 5 Language resource monitoring and applied research on language -- 6 The status of the language in the press and publishing -- 7 Use of language in radio and television broadcasting -- 8 Standardization of scientific terms in China -- 9 Ethnic minority bilingual education in China -- 10 The standardization and computerization of minority languages and writing -- 11 Cross-provincial cooperation in enhancing the development of the spoken and written languages of the ethnic minorities in China -- II Special Research -- 12 Status quo of language use in medical documents and on medicinal packages -- 13 The Language status of migrant workers -- 14 Efforts of creating a good language environment for Běijīnɡ Olympic Games: A brief report -- 15 A survey of Shànɡhǎi students' use of Putonghua and Shànɡhǎi dialect -- 16 Status quo of the Jinuo language -- 17 A survey of Chinese characters, words and phrases used in news media (2005-2006) -- 18 Investigation of Tibetan language informationization and software use -- 19 An investigation into lettered words -- III Language Focuses -- 20 Dialect craze -- 21 Controversy in Chinese language education: Classical or vernacular? -- 22 Language endangerment -- 23 The craze for English -- 24 The use of characters for names -- 25 Chinese buzzwords (2002-2006) -- 26 A survey of media neologisms in 2006 -- IV Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan -- 27 Putonghua in Hong Kong -- 28 Language and language policy in Hong Kong -- 29 Language situation and language policy in Macao -- 30 The Linguistic situation and language policy in Taiwan -- 31 Internet language use -- Appendixes -- Appendix 1: Order of the President of the People's Republic of China No. 33 -- Appendix 2: List of Standards for Language and Writing Planning -- Appendix 3: List of Languages in China -- Appendix 4: List of Institutions for Chinese Linguistics and Applied Linguistics -- Appendix 5: Directories of Language Journals and Newspapers -- Appendix 6: Distribution of Chinese Population Worldwide -- A Record of Major Chinese Language Events (2005) -- A Record of Major Chinese Language Events (2006) -- Contents (Chinese version 2005 Volume I) -- Contents (Chinese version 2006 Volume I) -- Postscript -- List of authors of the original Chinese text -- Editorial Teams of the English Edition -- Index


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