Bliss bibliographic classification
Mills, J.
Basım Bilgisi:
2nd ed.
Yayın Bilgileri:
London : Bowker Saur, t.y.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
19 c.
Genel Not:
Kütüphanede c.1-4 (Class AM/AX) bulunmaktadır.
c.1 Introduction and auxiliary schedules -- c.10 Class H: Anthropology, human biology, health sciences -- c.11 Class I: Psychology and psychiatry -- c.12 Class J: Education -- c.15 Class P: Religion, the occult, morals and ethics -- c.16 Class Q: Social welfare -- c.17 Class R:Politics and public administration -- c.18 Class S: Law -- c.19 Class T:Economics. Management of economic enterprises
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