Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Big Data Analytics for Cyber-Physical System in Smart City - Volume 2 BDCPS 2022, December 16-17, 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Atiquzzaman, Mohammed. editor.
Basım Bilgisi:
1st ed. 2023.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
XVI, 733 p. 223 illus., 145 illus. in color. online resource.
Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 168
Big Data Direct Search Algorithm Based on Linear Programming -- Intelligent Traffic Signal Control System Based on Machine Learning Algorithm -- Traffic Spatial Data Management System Based on Data Mining -- Design of Intelligent Prefabricated Building Real-Time Safety Management Monitoring Platform Based on Optimization Algorithm -- Design of Automatic Call-test System for Charging Pile IoT Data Based on NB-IoT -- Using Deep Neural Network Learning Technology to Design of Intelligent Network Crawler on Big Data Platform -- Machine Translation Quality Evaluation Model Based On Data Mining Algorithm -- A Framework of Computer Network Security (NS) System and Its Application -- Application of Computer Technology (CT) in 5G Communication Network -- Application of Mobile Virtual Reality to Computer Graphics and Image Processing Technology -- Online Teaching System of French on Demand Based on Streaming Media Technology -- Development of Industry-University-Research Institute Collaborative InnovationInformation Platform Based on Spring MVC Framework -- Design of Public Health Incident Warning System Based on Decision Tree Model ID3 Algorithm -- Vehicle Engineering Smart Device based on Wearable Technolog -- Algorithm Design of Online Education Platform Based on Simulation Experiment -- Bridge Structure Reinforcement and Reconstruction Technology Based on Mobile Navigation BIM -- Construction of Operation and Maintenance System of 5G New Media Platform Big Data System -- Urban Electric Vehicle Public Charging Network Based on 5G and Big Data -- Voice Compression Coding Scheme of Ground Penetrating Wireless Communication in Mines Based on Fuzzy Delta Modulation -- Peak-type Markov Chain and Its Application Research in Electrical Prediction -- Research on Optimization of Power Logistics Tracking System based on Smart Supply Chain -- Intensive Management of Distribution Network Scheduling Operation Based on Artificial Intelligence -- Personalized Teaching Knowledge Recommendation System Based onArtificial Intelligence Algorithm -- Target Detection and Tracking Technology of Aerobics Sports Training Based on Hybrid Algorithm -- Research on Power Material Supply Method Based on Smart Contract System -- Short-time Prediction Analysis Algorithm of Traffic Flow in Transportation Hubs Based on Cell Phone Signaling Data -- Population Prediction Analysis Based on Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm -- Clothing Style Design Based on Image Processing Technology and Psychology -- An Algorithm for New Energy Battery SOH Prediction based on Deep Learning -- Anti-Lock Braking System of New Energy Vehicle Based on online Algorithm Perspective -- Fatigue Life Prediction of Road Beams Based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm and Traffic Simulation -- Prediction and Realization of Brand Loyalty by Brand Community Content Marketing Based on Digital-Intelligent Algorithm System -- Fast-ICA Algorithm in Industrial Control Network Anomaly Detection System -- A Quantitative Evaluation Model of Computer Audit Risk in Network Environment -- Python Data Analysis Techniques in Administrative Information Integration Management System -- Artificial Psychology Modeling System based on Interactive Genetic Algorithm -- Optimization System of Rural Landscape Environment Based on Interactive Genetic Algorithm -- Electric Power Marketing Measurement Management System Based on Computer and Internet Technology -- Model Design of Digital Economy Management System Based on Neural Network Algorithm -- Research on Speech Adversarial Sample Attack based on APA -- 2D/3D Visualization Realization of Power Grid Operation Monitoring System Based on Big Data -- Campus Culture Intelligent Communication System based on Improved Genetic Algorithm -- Three-Pillar Model of HR in the Context of Digital Transformation -- Sports Video Image Analysis System Based on SIFT Algorithm -- Ultra-short-term Wind Speed Prediction for Wind Farms Based on Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm in the Context of Smart Grid -- Key Technologies of Dynamic Network Virtual Simulation -- Research on Probe Preparation and Control Circuit Design of Thermal Anemometer Based on Neural Network -- Development of Intelligent Garbage Classification System Based on WeChat Applets -- Safety Analysis and Design of Artificial Intelligence System Based on Sensor and AI Technology -- Construction of E-Commerce Logistics Management Mode based on VR Technology in the Background of 5G -- Multi-temporal Land Cover Segmentation via Trans-ConvLSTM -- Construction of library database security system supported by SQL Server technology -- Clustering mining method analysis of human resources big data driven by swarm intelligence algorithm -- Application of mathematical modeling in preventing computer virus infection.-Intelligent vulnerability association algorithm based on association rule mining -- Integrated monitoring system of substation operation and maintenance security state based on cloud computing -- Communication Boundary Stealth Technology of PowerInternet of Things Terminal Network -- Secure Access of IoT Terminals in Special Scenarios -- Research on Security Encryption Algorithm of Marketing service data in rural areas of State Grid Corporation -- Data transmission technology of Internet of Things based on ISSA algorithm -- Design and application of 3D Geographic Information visualization System based on Skyline -- Internet information processing technology based on big data analysis -- Distribution route optimization method of chain convenience store based on improved genetic Algorithm -- Intellectual property protection method based on block chain technology -- Computer Network Security Evaluation based on Neural network algorithm -- Research and application of Performance Management System in Higher Vocational Colleges based on data Mining -- Tourist flow forecast based on data mining technology -- Security classification algorithm analysis of State Grid power data based on Internet of things -- Optimization strategy of Machine translation algorithm for English long Sentences based on Semantic relations -- Application of Computer Aided design in mechanical design and manufacture -- Internet of things Services based on genetic K-Means clustering algorithm -- Two-dimensional dynamic graphics and its application in computer graphic design -- Research on library distributed big data storage technology -- Application of Internet of things technology in intelligent building -- Application of ant colony algorithm in power grid data management -- E-commerce credit evaluation method based on Bayesian algorithm -- Analysis of English machine translation methods based on intelligent fuzzy decision tree algorithm -- Trusted Identity Access Authentication based on spa Single Packet Authentication Technology -- Investigation on data cleaning and analysis technology for power industry Big data -- Application of cloud computing in data processing of audit system -- Design and application of personalized recommendation module for English writing marking system under theme model -- Baseline model of high-sensitivity data transfer in power grid business -- Short - term power load forecasting algorithm based on combination forecasting method -- Research on data security and encryption technology in network transmission -- A novel hierarchical storage system for different types of data -- Deep Learning-based Malicious Illegal Traffic Identification -- Data transmission security strategy of management system based on dual chain architecture.
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