Speech Dynamics : Synchronic Variation and Diachronic Change için kapak resmi
Speech Dynamics : Synchronic Variation and Diachronic Change
Ballard, E., contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (VI, 484 p.)
Phonology and Phonetics [PP] , 36
Frontmatter -- Contents -- On the nature of speech dynamics: approaches to studying synchronic variation and diachronic change -- Part 1: Empirical perspectives on diachronic change -- Fifty years of monophthong and diphthong shifts in Mainstream Australian English -- Coarticulation guides sound change: an acoustic-phonetic study of real-time change in word-initial /l/ over four decades of Glaswegian -- The impact of automated phonetic alignment and formant tracking workflows on sound change measurement -- One place, two speech communities: differing responses to sound change in Mainstream and Aboriginal Australian English in a small rural town -- Prosodic change in 100 years: the fall of the rise-fall in an Albanian variety -- Part 2: Factors conditioning synchronic variation -- Control of larynx height in vowel production revisited: a real-time MRI study -- Sheila's roses (are in the paddick): reduced vowels in Australian English -- The future of the queen: how to pronounce "König✶innen" 'gender-neutrally' in German -- Synchronic variation and diachronic change: mora-counting and syllable-counting dialects in Japanese -- Reconstructing the timeline of a consonantal change in a German dialect: evidence from agent-based modeling -- Part 3: Theoretical approaches at the interface between synchronic variation and diachronic change -- On (mis)aligned innovative perception and production norms -- Phonological patterns and dependency relations may arise from aerodynamic factors -- Actuation without production bias -- Understanding the role of broadcast media in sound change -- Connecting prosody and duality of patterning in diachrony, typology, phylogeny, and ontogeny -- Index


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