On Under-reported Monolingual Child Phonology
Babatsouli, Elena, contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (408 p.)
Communication Disorders Across Languages
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Contributors -- Preface -- 1. Prolegomenon -- 2. History of the International Child Phonology Conference -- 3. Ingram's Contributions to the Study of First Language Acquisition, According to Ingram ( In the Spotlight) -- Part 1: Typical Development -- 4. A Commentary on Hellenic: Greek Speech and its Acquisition -- 5. Phonological Development in Hebrew: A Normative Cross-Sectional Study -- 6. Prosodic Cues to Contrastive Focus in the Acquisition of Spanish as a First Language -- 7. Voicing in 'Voiced' 'Stops' in Valley Zapotec: Adults and Very Young Children -- 8. The Acquisition of Polish Phonotactics at Word Edges: A Markedness Account -- Part 2: Atypical Development -- 9. French (A)typical L1 Acquisition: Compensatory Strategies in #sC Sequences -- 10. Word Structure in Typically Developing and Primarily Language- Impaired Children: A Usage-Based Corpus Analysis of Russian Preschoolers -- 11. Early Diagnostic Signs of Autism: Preliminary Findings for Infant Vocalizations -- 12. Coda Acquisition in Childhood Apraxia of Speech in Hebrew -- 13. The Acquisition of Phonological Awareness in Children with Mild General Learning Difficulties: Delayed or Disordered Speech Development? -- 14. Static Versus Dynamic Screening of Phonological Awareness Skills Among Hungarian- Speaking 5- to 6-Year- Old Kindergarteners with Typical and Atypical Language Development -- 15. Speech Production Measures in Brazilian Portuguese Children With and Without Speech Sound Disorder -- Part 3: Assessment and Intervention -- 16. Elements in Phonological Intervention: A Comparison of Three Approaches Using the Phonological Intervention Taxonomy -- 17. Assessment of Early Phonological Development in Brazilian Portuguese -- 18. Speech Sound Development of Dutch Toddlers with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): Does Group Intervention Make a Difference? -- Index
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