History of mankind.
History of mankind.
International Commission for a history of the Scientific and Cultural development of Mankind .
Tüzel Kişi Adı Yazar Girişi:
Yayın Bilgileri:
London : Allen and Unwin New York, Harper and Row, 1963-66.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
6 c.
İçindekiler : c.1 Prehistory and the beginnings of civilization, by Jacquetta Hawkes and Leonard Wodey. c.2 The ancient world ; 1200 BC to AD 500 by Luigi Parati :- c.3 The Great mediv civilizations by Gaston wiet and other c.4 The Foundations of the modern word by Louis Gottschalk, Loren C. Mac Kinney a Earl H. Pritchard. c.5 The Nineteenth cent by Charles Moraze at all. c. 6 The Twentie century, by Caroline F. Wore, K. M. Panikka and I. M. Romein.Osmanlı tarihi, E. Z. Karal.