International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development Volume 1 - Advanced Intelligent Systems on Artificial Intelligence, Software, and Data Science için kapak resmi
International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development Volume 1 - Advanced Intelligent Systems on Artificial Intelligence, Software, and Data Science
Kacprzyk, Janusz. editor.
Basım Bilgisi:
1st ed. 2023.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
XXVIII, 970 p. 440 illus., 309 illus. in color. online resource.
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 637
Using Blockchain in University Management Systems- state of art -- Graph Neural Networks to improve Knowledge Graph Embedding: A survey -- Tifinagh Handwritten Character Recognition Using Machine Learning Algorithms -- Maintenance prediction based on Long Short-Term Memory algorithm -- Towards an approach for studying the evolution of learners' learning in E-learning -- Chatbots Technology and its Challenges: An Overview -- Machine Learning, Deep Neural Network and Natural Language Processing based Recommendation System -- Artificial intelligence for fake news -- Traffic congestion and road anomalies detection using CCTVs images processing, challenges & opportunities -- Text-based Sentiment analysis -- Smart tourism destinations as complex adaptive systems: A theoretical framework of resilience and sustainability -- Machine learning algorithms for automotive software defect prediction -- Agile User Stories' Driven Method: A Novel Users Stories Meta-model in the MDA Approach -- AI-based adaptive learning - State of the art -- A new Predictive analytics model to assess the employability of academic careers, based on genetic algorithms -- New approach for anomaly detection and prevention -- FunLexia: an Intelligent Game for Children with Dyslexia to Learn Arabic -- Artificial Neural Networks Cryptanalysis of Merkle-Hellman Knapsack Cryptosystem -- Using machine learning algorithms to increase the supplier selection process efficiency in supply chain 4.0 -- A new approach to intelligent-oriented analysis and design of urban traffic control: Case of a traffic light -- Spatio-temporal crime forecasting: Approaches, datasets, and comparative study -- Data migration from relational to NoSQL database : Review & Comparative study -- Recommendation system: technical study -- The appropriation of the agile approach in public sector: Modeling the achievement of good governance -- The contribution of Deep learning models: application of LSTM to predict the Moroccan GDP growth using drought indexes -- Natural Language Processing and Motivation for Language Learning -- Generating Artworks using One Class SVM with RBF kernel -- Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms for Engineering Design Problems -- Designing Hybrid Storage Architectures with RDBMS and NoSQL Systems: A Survey -- Analysis of the pedagogical effectiveness of teacher qualification cycle in Morocco: A Machine learning model approach -- Smart education - A case study on a simulation for climate change awareness & engagement -- Towards an E-commerce personalized recommendation system with KNN classification method -- Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Network Model for Dynamic Texture Classification: A Case Study -- Towards an accident severity prediction system with Logistic Regression -- FUZZY C-MEANS Based Extended Isolation Forest for Anomaly Detection -- Fashion Image Classification using Convolutional Neural Network-VGG16 and eXtreme Gradient Boosting Classifier -- MentorBot: A Traceability-Based Recommendation Chatbot for Moodle -- Regularization in CNN: A mathematical study for L1, L2 and Dropout regularizers -- Shipment consolidation using K-means and a combined DBSCAN-KNN approach -- A new approach to protect Data in-Use at Document Oriented Databases -- A Dual Carriageway Smart Street Lighting Controller Based On Multi-Variate Traffic Forecast.-Blockchain-based Self Sovereign Identity Systems: high-level processing and a challenges-based comparative analysis -- Impact of Machine Learning on The Improvement of Accounting Information Quality -- NLP Methods' Information Extraction for Textual Data: An Analytical Study -- Handwriting recognition in historical manuscripts using adeep learning approach -- Artificial intelligence for a sustainable finance: A bibliometric analysis -- Geoparsing Recognition and Extraction from Amazigh corpus using The NooJ Complex Annotation Structures -- Agent-based merchandise management and real-time decision support systems -- Selecting the Best Moroccan Tourist Destination Using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process -- Improving model performance of the prediction of online shopping using oversampling and feature selection -- Combining Descriptors for Efficient Retrieval in Databases Images -- TOWARDS AN EDUCATIONAL PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM IN BIG DATA ENVIRONMENT -- CNN-based Face Emotion Detection and Mouse Movement Analysis to Detect Student's Engagement Level -- Data Cleaning in Machine Learning : Improving Real Life Decisions and Challenges -- Blockchain-Based Cloud Computing: Model-Driven Engineering Approach -- Student Attention Estimation Based on Body Gesture -- Cat Swarm Optimization Algorithm for DNA Fragment Assembly Problem -- DSGE AND ABM, TOWARDS A "TRUE" REPRESENTATION OF THE REAL WORLD? -- Predictive Hiring System: Information Technology Consultants Soft Skills -- Automated Quality Inspection Using Computer Vision: a Review -- A Comparative Study of Adaptative Learning Algorithms for Students' Performance Prediction: Application in a Moroccan University Computer Science Course -- Pedestrian Orientation Estimation using Deep Learning -- Artificial intelligence application in drought assessment, monitoring and forecasting using available remote sensed data -- CSR communication through social networks: the case of committed brandbanks in Morocco -- Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Octree Quantization Algorithm -- Release Planning Process Model in Agile Global Software Development -- Developing a New Indicator Model to Trade Gold Market -- A new model indicator to trade Foreign Exchange market -- Improving Arabic to English Machine Translation -- Artificial Neural Network with Learning Analytics for Student Performance Prediction in Online Learning Environment -- Attentive Neural Seq2Seq for Arabic Question Generation -- Microservice-Specific Language, a step to the Low-code platforms -- Case Study of Economic Dispatch Problem in Smart Grid System -- Teaching Soft Skills online, what are the most appropriate pedagogical paradigms? -- Road Object Detection: A Case Study of Deep Learning-Based Algorithms -- A comparative review of Tweets Automatic Sarcasm Detection in Arabic and English -- Mobile payment as a lever for financial inclusion -- New Approach to Interconnect Hybride Blockchains -- A Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) heuristic algorithm based classifier for credit scoring -- Application of Machine Learning Techniques To Enhance Decision Making Lifecycle -- A Smart interactive decision support system for real-time adaptation in the mobility strategy for optimization of the employee's transportation -- A Hesitant fuzzy Holdout method for models' selection in Machine Learning -- Interpretable Credit Scoring Model Via Rule Ensemble -- A New Distributed Architecture Based on Reinforcement Learning for Parameter Estimation in Image Processing -- Smart Sourcing Framework for Public Procurement Announcements Using Machine Learning Models -- An MCDM-Based Methodology for Influential Nodes Detection in a Social Network. Facebook as a Case Study -- A Predictive Approach based on Feature Selection to Improve Email Marketing Campaign Success Rate -- DIAGNOSIS AND ADJUSTMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM.
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