Perspectives and Trends in Education and Technology Selected Papers from ICITED 2022
Mesquita, Anabela. editor.
Basım Bilgisi:
1st ed. 2023.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
XVII, 872 p. 215 illus., 143 illus. in color. online resource.
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 320
Education 4.0 Approach for New Careers at Mexico City-IPN -- Business Strategies and University-Pharmaceutical Industry Collaboration -- Ethics and marketing of social integration in cultural, heritage and educational contexts -- Gamification in the process of cognitive stimulation in children with down syndrome -- Development of a web-based system to measure, monitor and promote school engagement strategies -- Digital competencies in teachers of Regular Basic Education in Tacna-Peru -- Study of the visual variables of the elliptic paraboloid and their representations through digital technology -- Mental state equalization for neuroeducation: methodology and protocol for applying electroencephalogram in educational instruments -- The Impact of an Online Course on Upcycling for Sustainable Development and the Circular Economy -- Promoting Social Innovation Projects with an Online Course: Creating Global Solutions for Sustainability -- Universities as spaces of knowledge creation - going through the test of the pandemic -- Developing Computational Thinking in Basic School: Resources from Mathematics Teachers in Portugal -- Lyrics Training: An e-learning approach to improve listening skills -- Entrepreneurship learning - applying a revised Experiential Learning Model (ELM) to Cultural and Creative Industries -- Avaliação da Evolução de Competências Transversais e Técnicas, num Percurso de Formação Profissional: experiência piloto para análise da eficiência dos instrumentos e resultados -- Web page to promote the values of school coexistence in basic education students -- Cognitive Biases in the Investment Decision Process -- Acquiring information for the social organization: the role of social media use and social capital -- Video tutorials as a didactic strategy for the knowledge of Copyright -- Interactive Application with Motion Comics in The School Bullying Awareness Process -- Planning and development of the MOOC-DTS "Digital Tutorial Space": case study in a University Tuna -- The AmTriangle meta-dataset for playing with Machine Learning -- Evaluation on Collaborative and Problem-Based Learning - Some Teaching Experiences in Mathematics -- Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Platforms to Boost Students' Career Readiness -- Narrative of videogames, automation of a proposed analysis model -- Innovation and information technologies in microenterprises in the commerce sector -- Quality and practices for Sustainability in Higher Education - An Impact Ranking approach -- Efficacy of The Flipped Classroom Model on Students at Jorge Basadre Grohmann National University of Tacna in English Learning -- Communication as a democratic strategy in the Republic of Ecuador -- Impact of lecturer training on absenteeism and job performance: Ecuador ́s higher education institution case -- Developing the Pedagogical Capacity of English Language Teachers in Regular Basic Education in Tacna Region.-Internet Access and Educational Backwardness in the times of COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Mexico's Rural Households -- Determinants of the adoption of digital platforms in higher education institutions by students -- MATHematics DIGital Escape Rooms - empowering students -- Training routine for electrical power station operations using virtual reality -- Digital tools and methods to enhance learning: the Digitools Project -- Management of Economic Development and Principles of Environmental Sustainability -- Corporate Governance Performance and Performance Comparison between two groups of banking institutions in Portugal -- Organizational climate and its importance for organizational success: a literature review -- Is there a Gender Relationship between Outdoor Activities and Well-Being? Empirical Study in Northern Portugal -- The Intervention of Local Authorities on the Management of Outdoor Tourism: The Case of Northern Portugal -- Adaptive Control of a Mobile Robot for Cargo Transportation in Industrial Environments -- Assessment of Digital Teaching Skills - Apilot study based on the precepts of DIGCOMPEDU -- A Fuzzy Logic implementation to support second language learning through 3D immersive scenarios -- A BERT-Powered Writing Assistant for Academic Purposes in European Portuguese -- App and Classroom instruction for better pronunciation: some results -- Appreciation of ICT tools in higher education in times of pandemic -- Exploring the role of Emotional Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence on luxury value and customer-based outcomes -- Perspectives of media competence in communication and journalism careers in the Andean area -- Contribution of social networks in learning: A study in higher education -- Technological Accessibility Plan for Students with Disabilities: An Experience in Inclusive Education -- Evaluation of the use of ICT tools in higher education student performance -- The relationship between Rural Tourism, Sustainable Tourism and Outdoor Activities: A Systematic Literature Review -- Portuguese Sports Fans Reaction to Professional Athlete's Activism on Social Media: A Systematic Literature Review -- The Game of Words Human Creative Writing against Computer Assisted Writing -- Introduction to Spatial Data Infrastructures and Web Services. The WMS Display Service and the Geographical Information Metadata -- The Transition of Television Entertainment Considering the Application of Streaming Platforms - Systematic Review -- Graph Databases Assessment: JanusGraph, Neo4j, and TigerGraph -- The use of Mobile Technology in Outdoor Tourism: A Systematic Review -- Using technology in tourism: a twofold supply perspective -- AR-based resources to train Computational Thinking skills -- International Mobility Flows and COVID-19 Effects: Evidence from Instituto Politécnico de Bragança -- Learning graphics in Supervised Teaching Practice in an educational COVID-19 context -- Collaborative training: faculty and library combat plagiarism - the case of the Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto Library.-Cybersecurity concerns under COVID-19: representations on increasing digital literacy in higher education -- Active Methodologies in Higher Education: an interdisciplinary project applied to teachers' education -- Social Education, Professional Knowledge and Deontological Culture - Under construction dynamics -- Initial Training in Social Education A Study about Teaching Profiles -- Learning in the context of digital technologies: what les-sons can we learn from covid-19 in basic education? -- Canvas RGPD Model -- The (re)invention of pedagogy through digital technologies in time COVID-19 -- Technologies and their Impact on the Leadership and Current Management of Schools -- Virtual accessibility to enhance research efficiency: the case of Bolivia -- Research management and virtual accessibility: the case of Paraguayan universities -- nterpretando a Teoria Unificada de Aceitação e Uso de Tecnologia sob a ótica de professores de Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) no Brasil -- Remote Leadership: a (re)qualification of School Leaders in Portugal.
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