Measuring L2 Proficiency : Perspectives from SLA
Amengual, Mark, contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (264 p.)
Second Language Acquisition
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Contributors -- Acknowledgments -- Preface -- Introduction -- 1. How to Assess L2 Proficiency? An Overview of Proficiency Assessment Research -- Part 1: General Considerations for L2 Assessment -- 2. Oral Fluency and Spoken Proficiency: Considerations for Research and Testing -- 3. Multiple Assessments of Oral Proficiency: Evidence from a Collaborative Platform -- 4. Using Learner Corpora for Testing and Assessing L2 Proficiency -- Part 2: Language Processing and L2 Proficiency -- 5. Listening Comprehension: Processing Demands and Assessment Issues -- 6. A Psycholinguistic Measurement of Second Language Proficiency: The Coefficient of Variation -- 7. Evaluating the Workings of Bilingual Memory with a Translation Recognition Task -- Part 3: Focused Assessment Instruments -- 8. 'Repeat as Much as You Can': Elicited Imitation as a Measure of Oral Proficiency in L2 French -- 9. Exploring the Acquisition of the French Subjunctive: Local Syntactic Context or Oral Proficiency? -- 10. Testing L2 Listening Proficiency: Reviewing Standardized Tests Within a Competence-Based Framework -- 11. Assessing Language Dominance with the Bilingual Language Profile -- Epilogue -- Index
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