Applicative Morphology : Neglected Syntactic and Non-syntactic Functions
Evans, Bethwyn, contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (VI, 477 p.)
Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] , 373
Frontmatter -- Contents -- 1 Introduction -- Part I: Americas -- 2 Typical and atypical applicative constructions in Yaqui -- 3 The functions of applicative morphology in Shiwiar -- 4 Applicatives and beyond: Barbareño Chumash -- 5 Applicative periphrastic constructions in the Colombian Spanish from The Andes -- 6 Spatial prefixes as applicatives in Harakmbut -- Part II: Africa -- 7 Valency and saliency in Bantu applicatives: A diachronic reanalysis -- 8 Neglected functions of the Bantu applicative in relation to Locations: new insights from Fwe (K402) -- 9 The applicative(-like) function of Nilotic directionals: Introducing themes -- Part III: Asia (including the Middle East) -- 10 An applicative analysis of Soranî "absolute prepositions" -- 11 Applicatives in Macro-Tani languages (Trans-Himalayan, Eastern Himalaya): Forms, functions and historical origins -- 12 Canonical and Non-canonical applicatives in Waray -- 13 The sociative/benefactive applicative construction and the introduction of attitude holders in Tibetan -- 14 Neglected functions of western Indonesian applicatives -- 15 The evolution of non-syntactic functions of applicatives: -i suffixation in Javanese and neighboring languages -- Subject index -- Language index
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