Emerging Sustainable Aquaculture Innovations in Africa
Gabriel, Ndakalimwe Naftal. editor.
Basım Bilgisi:
1st ed. 2023.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
XIV, 552 p. 1 illus. online resource.
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security,
1. Fish nutrition: an African aquaculture perspective -- 2. Feed restriction as a feed management strategy in tilapia and catfish culture: An African perspective -- 3. Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae meal as a sustainable protein source for fish feed production in Kenya -- 4. Waste to feed: an emerging technology to improve aquaculture in Africa -- 5. Prebiotics as functional ingredients in aquafeed: Trends and prospects in African aquaculture -- 6. The potential benefits of Aloe vera products in aquafeed: current knowledge and prospects -- 7. Use of plant extracts to control reproduction in tilapia production systems: An emerging eco-friendly innovation -- 8. Pawpaw (Carica papaya) extracts as potential growth promoters and sex reversal agents in aquaculture -- 9. Microbial-based systems and single-cell ingredients: exploring their role in sustainable aquaculture production -- 10. Ferulic acid as feed additives in aquaculture: A review on growth, immune response, and antioxidant status of finfish -- 11. The importance and utilisation of oil palm as a fish oil replacement in aquaculture -- 12. A dynamic study of Jatropha curcas on growth and haematological indices in finfish.-13. Applications of aquatic plants in the remediation of aquaculture wastewater: An opportunity for African aquaculture -- 14. African Aquaculture: Enhancement of water quality for sustainable freshwater finfish culture -- 15. Nutrient budget of cage fish culture in a lacustrine environment: Towards model development for the sustainable development of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) culture -- 16. Aquaponics as a sustainable food production system with promising development perspectives in Morocco -- 17. Enhancing Food Production employing Integrated Aquaculture in Namibia. Fish Integration with Poultry -- 18. Fishing for answers: should Afrotropical farmers use cages or ponds for grow-out of Nile tilapia?- 19. Aquaculture development perspectives in Sierra Leone. The challenges of critical inputs and political will -- 20. The Namibian mariculture: productivity, challenges, and opportunities -- 21. Climate SMART Best Practices in Aquaculture and Fisheries with Specific Emphasis on Sierra Leone -- 22. The potential of small-scale freshwater aquaculture for household nutritional security and malnutrition alleviation in Namibia -- 23. The Southern mullet (Chelon richardsonii) as a potential candidate species for aquaculture in the Southern African region -- 24. Some significant parasites in aquaculture and their potential impact on the development of aquaculture in Africa -- 25. Interactions between pre-harvest, post-harvest handling and welfare of fish for sustainability in the Aquaculture Sector -- 26. Alternative fish anaesthetics: Perspective on their application in African aquaculture and fisheries research.
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