Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 15 için kapak resmi
Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 15
Schaal, Benoist. editor.
Basım Bilgisi:
1st ed. 2023.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
XVII, 516 p. 1 illus. online resource.
Part I - Methods from chemistry to memory and honesty -- From Swab to Spectrum: A Comprehensive Guide to Optimizing Simple GC-MS Analysis of Mammalian Odorants -- Development of a one-day test of olfactory learning and memory in mice -- Putting a Price on Honesty: Methods to Evaluate the Costs of Olfactory Signalling -- Part II - Intraspecific communication in non-human vertebrates -- Chemical Communication and Semiochemical Recognition in Frogs - From Eggs to Adults -- Chemical Communication and Semiochemical Recognition in Frogs - From Eggs to Adults -- A gull species discriminates MHC-II using odor cues -- Exploration of olfactory communication in the water vole (Arvicola terrestris) -- Detection of Buck Olfactory Pheromones by Goats: a Calcium Imaging Approach -- The Use of Excretion- and Secretion-based Scent Communication in European Badgers (Meles meles) -- Scent Communication between Males and Estrous females in Domestic Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) -- Olfaction-mediated Pathogen Avoidance in Mammals -- Part III - Human chemocommunication -- Smelling the basis of social connectedness: Chemosensory communication in humans -- Handshaking and handsmelling: On the potential role of handshake greeting in human olfactory communication -- Part IV - Development -- Early olfactory learning in mammals: A case of imprinting? -- Can prenatal or neonatal exposure to chemosensory variety orient the development of personality? Exploratory investigations in mice -- Does the rabbit mammary pheromone attract newborns to maternal faeces? A new potential function of the suckling chemosignal -- Tips from the nose: Odor-driven visual categorization in the developing human brain -- Part V - Interspecific communication -- Specific antipredatory response of Leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) to the smell of shed snakeskin -- Reactions of free-ranging African carnivores to single components of carnivore odours: Evidence that mammalian semiochemicals are not all irreducibly complex -- Chemical Pest Defense by the Innate Response to Silver Vine and Catnip Plants in the domestic Cat -- Part VI - Applications -- Canine detection of cancer in humans - expectations vs. reality -- Chemical Communication and Elephant Conservation: Examining Chili Pepper Deterrent Fences -- Index.
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