The Collected Works of Edward Sapir. Volume VI, American Indian Languages 2
Sapir, Edward, author.
Basım Bilgisi:
Reprint 2010
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (559 p.) : 1 frontispiece
The Collected Works of Edward Sapir ; Volume VI
Frontmatter -- Frontispiece: Edward Sapir -- Preface -- Introduction to Volumes V and VI -- SECTION SIX: ATHABASKAN AND NA-DENE LANGUAGES -- Introduction -- Notes on Chasta Costa Phonology and Morphology (1914) -- Corrigenda to Father Morice's "Chasta Costa and the Dene Languages of the North" (1915) -- The Na-dene Languages, a Preliminary Report (1915) -- The Sino-Dene Hypothesis [excerpts from a letter to A. L. Kroeber] (1921) -- Athabaskan Tone (1922) -- A Type of Athabaskan Relative (1923) -- The Phonetics of Haida (1923) -- Pitch Accent in Sarcee, an Athabaskan Language (1925) -- The Similarity of Chinese and Indian Languages (1925) -- Review of Berard Haile, Manual of Navaho Grammar (1926) -- A Summary Report of Field Work among the Hupa, Summer of 1927 (1928) -- The Concept of Phonetic Law as Tested in Primitive Languages by Leonard Bloomfield [excerpt] (1931) -- Two Navaho Puns (1932) -- Problems in Athapaskan Linguistics -- Review of A. G. Morice, The Carrier Language (1935) -- Internal Linguistic Evidence Suggestive of the Northern Origin of the Navaho (1936) -- Cornelius Osgood, The Distribution of the Northern Athapaskan Indians [contribution by Sapir]: Linguistic Classification within the Northern Athapaskan Area (1936) -- SECTION SEVEN: PENUTIAN LANGUAGES -- Introduction -- Preliminary Report on the Language and Mythology of the Upper Chinook (1907) -- Chinook [contributions by Sapir] (1911): Diminutive and Augmentative Consonantism in Wishram. Post-positions in Wishram. Wishram Text and Analysis. Modal Elements -- A Characteristic Penutian Form of Stem (1921) -- A Chinookan Phonetic Law (1926) -- The Relationship of Mixe to the Penutian Family [with notes by Sapir] (1930) -- (with Morris Swadesh) Coos-Takelma-Penutian Comparisons (1953) -- Comparative Penutian Glosses -- SECTION EIGHT: WAKASHAN AND SALISHAN LANGUAGES -- Introduction -- The Rival Chiefs, a Kwakiutl Story Recorded by George Hunt (1906) -- Some Aspects of Nootka Language and Culture [excerpt] (1911) -- Abnormal Types of Speech in Nootka (1915) -- Noun Reduplication in Comox (1915) -- The Rival Whalers, a Nitinat Story (1924) -- Nootka Baby Words (1929) -- Morris Swadesh (ed.), Salish-Wakashan Comparison (1949) -- SECTION NINE: OTHER AMERICAN LANGUAGES -- A Tutelo Vocabulary (1913) -- Review of B. Bibolotti, Moseteno Vocabulary and Treatises (1918) -- APPENDIX -- Review of Sapir, Notes on Chasta Costa Phonology and Morphology (1915) -- Chasta Costa and the Déné Languages of the North (1915) -- Misconceptions Concerning Déné Morphology: Remarks on Dr. Sapir's Would-be Corrigenda (1917) -- Corrigenda and Addenda to Takelma Texts (1914) -- Phonetic Key to Publications of Edward Sapir -- References -- Index to Volumes V and VI