Translation and Literature 1
Gillespie, Stuart, author.
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1 online resource (206 p.)
Translation and Literature : TRLI
Frontmatter -- Contents -- ARTICLES -- The Ascetic Foundations of Western Translatology: Jerome and Augustine -- Chapman's Discovery of Homer -- A Checklist of Restoration English Translations and Adaptations of Classical Greek and Latin Poetry, 1660-1700 -- Beckett's French -- Mayakovsky in English Translation -- TRANSLATORS' FORUM -- Translating the Aeneid -- Translating Golden Age Plays: A Reconsideration -- POETRY IN TRANSLATION -- Four Poems from the French -- NOTES AND DOCUMENTS -- Tennyson, Trench, Tholuck and the 'Oriental' Metre of Locksley Hall -- Adapting the Roman de la Rose: Was the Middle Dutch Adaptor Careless or Ambitious? -- Leopardi on the Right Language of Translation -- REVIEWS -- Matteo Maria Boiardo, Orlando Innamorato, translated by Charles Stanley Ross -- Intellectual Culture in Elizabethan England, by J. W. Binns; Companion to Neo-Latin Studies, second edition, by Josef Isjewijn -- The Sixth Book of Virgil's Aeneid Translated and Commented on by Sir John Harington, edited by Simon Cauchi -- Continental Humanist Poetics, by Arthur F. Kinney; Trials of Authorship, by Jonathan Crewe -- Marcus Tullius Ciceroes Thre Bokes of Duties, turned out of latine into english by Nicholas Grimalde, edited by Gerald O'Gorman -- Remembering and Repeating: Biblical Creation in 'Paradise Lost', by Regina M. Schwarz -- King Arthur through the Ages, edited by Valerie M. Lagorio and Mildred Leake Day -- Visions of Dante in English Poetry: Translations of the 'Commedia 'from Jonathan Richardson to William Blake, by V. Tinkler-Villani; The Passionate Intellect: Dorothy L. Sayers' Encounter with Dante, by Barbara Reynolds -- Selected Poems of Hoilderlin, translated by David Constantine; Rainer Maria Rilke, Duino Elegies, translated by Stephen Cohn -- European Poetry in Gaelic, edited by Derick Thomson; European Poetry in Scotland: An Anthology of Translations, edited by Peter France -- Eugenio Montale, The Coastguard's House, translated by Jeremy Reed; Poems from Mandelstam, translated by R. H. Morrison; Sylva Fischerova, The Tremor of Racehorses: Selected Poems, translated by Jarmila and Ian Milner; Tua Forsstrom, Snow Leopard, translated by David McDuff; Odysseus Elytis, The Sovereign Sun: Selected Poems, translated by Kimon Friar; Luis de Camoens: Epic and Lyric, translated by Keith Bosley -- Slavic Excursions, by Donald Davie -- The Book and the Text: The Bible and Literary Theory, edited by Regina Schwarz -- Translated! Papers on Literary Translation, edited by James S. Holmes; 'Something Understood': Studies in Anglo-Dutch Translation, edited by Bart Westerweel and Theo D'haen -- Books Received -- Notes for Intending Contributors
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