To stretch our ears : a documentary history of America's music
Alexander, J. Heywood.
Yayın Bilgileri:
New York : W.W. Norton, c2002.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
xix, 508 s.
Pt.I The first three centuries : French Protestant Psalm tunes in Florida -- The Indians of Quebec -- Spanish Catholic missionaries -- The Ainsworth Psalter -- The Bay Psalm book -- Agitating for regular singing -- The tunebooks of John Tufts and Thomas Walter -- A significant tunebook -- William Billings, singing master -- The utopian spirit -- The Moravians and their music -- Yankee Doodle rides into town -- Philadelphia's birthday balls for George Washington -- Francis Hopkinson, composer and statesman -- Alexander Reinagle -- The gospel labors of Richard Allen -- American tunebook prefaces around 1800 -- Andrew Law, psalmodist -- Pt.II The ninteenth century : John Hubbard, mathematician and philosopher -- Nathaniel D. Gould and sacred music in New England -- Lowell Mason, music educator -- George F. Root, songwriter and music publisher -- The music of camp meetings -- Shape-note hymnody -- The enduring qualities of Fasola -- Joshua Leavitt and religious revivals -- Two prima donnas : Maria Malibran and Elizabeth Austin -- Jenny Lind, the Swedish nightingale -- New England traditions revisited -- Negro minstrelsy -- Jim Crow and The coal black rose -- Dan Emmett and the Virginia minstrels -- Pedee or Swanee? Stephen Collins Foster -- Patriotic songs -- The brothers chickering -- S. Brainard's sons : the model music house of America -- John Hill Hewitt : writer, publisher, and composer -- The Hutchinson family -- Shouting the jubilee of temperance -- The Dodworth band -- Patrick S. Gilmore and his magnificent vision -- A new vision of concert life : Boston's Handel and Haydn Society -- Henry Erben and his splendid organ -- John Sullivan Dwight and his Journal of music -- Louis Juillen and New York's musical congress -- Theodore Thomas, traveling virtuoso -- Anthony Philip Heinrich, the Beethoven of America -- Notable American opera -- The American perspective : Fry and Bristow again -- The music of slavery -- Let my people go -- Voices of abolition -- Rallying 'round the flag : songs of the Civil War -- Music afloat -- James M. Trotter and the music of Black Americans -- Spirituals after the war : improvising troubles into art forms -- Louis Moreau Gottschalk, our quintessential romantic -- Arthur Foote and the Boston Group -- Amy Beach and the gender issue -- Edward MacDowell -- Antonín Dvořák and the development of national music -- Amy Beach replies to Antonín Dvořák -- Patronage by notable American women -- Frank Mitchell (Olta'í Tsoh), Navaho Blessingway singer -- Singing for power and Wakaņ'taņka -- Songs from the northwest coast and the far north -- Hawaii -- The Shakers -- The Mormons : long live brother Brigham Young -- Ira D. Sankey and the power of the Gospel -- John Philip Sousa -- The business of music -- Cowboy songs -- Pt.III The twentieth century : Arthur Farwell and music for a democracy -- Henry Gilbert : promoting American music -- Charles Ives -- W.C. Handy : Memphis, Mr. Crump, and the blues -- Ragtime : Joplin, Berlin, and J.R. Europe -- Reminiscing with Sissle and Blake -- Louis Armstrong remembers New Orleans -- George Gershwin : stretching the boundaries -- Darius Milhaud : a European composer looks at jazz -- European composers in America -- Virgil Thomson : the lure of France -- Aaron Copeland and the American artist -- Roy Harris and the American composer -- Edgard Varèse and musical modernism -- Evenings on the roof -- Proletarian music -- Cecil Sharp and English folk songs in America -- Alan Lomax : the map sings -- Jelly Roll Morton : the diamond king -- ASCAP : protection of performing rights -- William Grant Still, African-American composer -- Count Basie -- Duke Ellington -- The Broadway melody -- Nationalism, optimism, and Oklahoma! -- Elliott Carter -- Milton Babbitt and the American avant-garde -- John Cage : the perpetual process of artistic discovery -- An underground look at rock -- Rock criticism : Lester Bangs and Greil Marcus -- Bluegrass : Bill Monroe and the Blue Grass Boys -- Mahalia Jackson and Gospel songs of hope -- Innovators in Jazz : Charlie Parker and John Coltrane -- Leonard Bernstein : the measure of the man -- Gunther Schuller and the third stream -- Pauline Oliveros and performance art -- Minimalism and beyond -- The music business -- Wynton Marsalis, spokesperson for jazz -- Supporting new music.
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