Languages and Cultures : Studies in Honor of Edgar C. Polomé için kapak resmi
Languages and Cultures : Studies in Honor of Edgar C. Polomé
Abboud, Peter F., contributor.
Basım Bilgisi:
Reprint 2010
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (791 p.)
Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] , 36
I-XVIII -- Edgar C. Polomé: A biographical sketch -- Bibliography of E. C. Polomé -- Speech and religious affiliation in Egypt -- On the origins of the Indo-European dative-locative singular endings -- On the mythological interpretation of the oldest runic inscriptions -- Der indogermanische Aorist und das germanische Prateritum -- Low German as a literary language in Schleswig-Holstein in the seventeenth century: A poem by Anna Ovena Hoyers -- The origin of the Indo-European pronominal inflection -- Meaning and pre-history of OIr. lúan láith -- Gothic saihw and sai, with some notes on imperative interjections in Germanic -- Pāṇini and the Northwestern dialect: Some suggestions on Sūtra 3.3.10 -- Post-script, errata, varia -- On the Sigurd representations in Great Britain and Scandinavia -- L'oubykh d'Evliya Çelebi: compléments -- Ex Oriente Lux On the problem of an Asiatic homeland of the Proto-Indo-Europeans -- A bouquet of Armenian birds for Edgar Polomé -- The Indo-European terms for 'marriage' -- The development of Romani linguistics -- The cosmic religion of the Indo-Europeans -- Language and ethnicity -- On the use of the nominal strategy for coding complex complements in some African languages -- The world and worldliness in Hartmann von Aue's Der arme Heinrich -- Zur Etymologie und Wortgeschichte von deutsch Amtsschimmel und Akt (in der Kunst) -- Deconstruction and analysis of meaning in literature -- An eastern etymon for sarape? -- Orthographica onomastica -- Old Irish boí 'was' -- Topic-prominence and zero NP-anaphora in Marathi and Hindi -- Yima et la mort -- Competing generalizations and linguistic change -- Ostgermanische Relikte im bairisch-österreichischen Sprachraum -- Vestjysk stød, Icelandic preaspiration, and Proto-Indo-European glottalic stops -- Adhikāra - right and responsibility -- Some problems in the translation of Beowulf -- "The Divine Twins" or "The Twins ... Divine?" -- The druids and human sacrifice -- Some remarks on 'laryngeals' and Celtic -- L'extraposition du prédicat verbal dans les créoles à base lexicale anglaise et française -- Les champs sémantiques de la racine *H2ei-g- en grec -- Le système des modes en latin classique: présentation fonctionnaliste -- The Sacred Marriage - a study in Norse mythology -- Zum Verhaltnis der grammatischen Kategorien Person und Modus im Indogermanischen -- Alternative historical sources for Swahili vocabulary -- The Horn of Gallehus and the subgrouping of the Germanic languages -- Sacerdos 'qui sacrum dat', sacrum dare and sacra facere in ancient Italy -- On the source of Hittite halzai- -- Sul nome dei 'Veneti' -- The impact of language (morphology) on Luther: Sapir-Whorf redux -- Damned in-laws and other problems -- Tense vs. aspect in Sango and Swahili of Lubumbashi -- The role of the Tamil film in language change and political change -- Comments on some of the Indo-European medio-passive endings -- n Armenian phonology and Indo-European reconstruction -- Talk about tu and vous -- Heroic ethical philosophy and philosophical consolation in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde -- Hoffmann von Fallersleben: Anreger einer niederlandisch-sprachigen Neuphilologie -- Ancient economic plants of South Asia: linguistic archaeology and early agriculture -- Bilingualism and mother tongue education -- Na sthātavyam ('Not Being Stayed') in The Eight-Thousand-Line Perfection-of-Wisdom Sutra -- The languages of the peoples of the USSR -- The role of continental contacts for Scandinavian glottogenesis with special reference to the enclitic passive -- Umlaut-disrupting factors in Germanic -- Religion and language varieties: the case of Hindu-Urdu -- Die innergermanische Lautverschiebung und die Entstehung der germanischen und deutschen Dialekte -- Translation: Minimizing errors in the thought process -- Cardinal points and other directions in Tocharian A and B


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